Teeth are one of the most important human organs involved in the digestive system. Neglecting to care for them is fraught with serious he alth problems. Therefore, it is very important to know as much as possible about these bone formations. The topic of our review will be the name of the teeth.
The importance of teeth in the human body
The purpose of teeth in the human body is to capture food, grind it and hold it during the eating process. In addition, they play an important role in sound-forming processes, that is, they participate in the formation of speech. We should not forget about the aesthetic function.

In a person with bad teeth, the process of primary food processing is incomplete, which under certain conditions can cause various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, nerve damage is often accompanied by very strong pain sensations that do not contribute to a full and fruitful life. The oral cavity with diseased teeth serves as a carrier of infections throughout the body. fallpathogens and into the respiratory tract. After all, many people simply find it unpleasant to be in the company of people with bad teeth and bad breath.
Therefore, oral care should become a daily activity for every person. To do this, at least twice a day, you need to brush your teeth with paste, as well as perform other mandatory hygiene procedures.
In this regard, the level of public awareness about the role of these bone formations, their structure and how to care for them plays an important role. Now we will learn the name of a person's teeth.
Types of teeth
Without exception, all natural teeth in humans are divided into two types: milk and molars.
The first ones are temporary. Dairy is the name of a child's teeth. They appear gradually after birth. In exceptional cases, the baby is already born with milk teeth. They are temporary and fall out after a certain period of development. Their name is due to the fact that they begin to appear at a time when the child feeds on his mother's milk.
Indigenous is the name of a person's teeth that replace milk teeth. They are permanent and do not grow back after being damaged or shed. Therefore, you need to remember the important role of the process of caring for this particular type of teeth, which does not renew itself.
Complete replacement of milk teeth with molars occurs even before the age of majority. In addition, during this period, those who were not among the dairy grow.
Types of teeth
Besides species, human teethdivided into types. This division is associated with their structure and the functions they perform. In accordance with a specific type, the name of the teeth is formed - canines, molars, premolars, incisors.
The function of the incisors is to grasp food, the canines to tear it, the premolars to crush, and the molars to grind.
Dental formula
Thus, we determined, according to the types and types, the name of the teeth. The scheme of their location is called the dental formula. It is written as a alphanumeric expression, but can also be displayed graphically.
The dental formula of a mature person and a child with baby teeth are different. This is quite natural. There are also significant differences between the dental formulas of representatives of various animal species.

The number of teeth is determined for each half of the jaw. In the vast majority of cases, each part of the jaw has the same set of teeth, unless, of course, they have been subject to mechanical damage or disease.
The dental formula of a mature he althy person is as follows:
In this formula, letters denote specific types of teeth (I - incisors, C - canines, P - premolars, M - molars). The denominator is the number of upper teeth, and the numerator is the number of lower teeth.
For comparison, here is the dental formula of an elephant. It will look like this:
As you can see, this animal has one upper pair of incisors, and the lower pair is absent altogether. He has absolutely no fangs. But instead of themAn elephant has one pair of premolars more in each jaw than a human. But the number of molars they have is equal. The schemes of these organs of other animals have no less differences from the human dental formula.
Name of milk teeth in children
We will start this excursion with the name of milk teeth. A child has two incisors, two lateral incisors, four molars, two canines in succession on each jaw. In this regard, the name of children's teeth is no different from adults. The main difference between the formulas is the number of bone formations. A child has ten milk teeth in each jaw, twenty in total. An adult has 32 of them. Only they are permanent. Here, perhaps, is the difference. Everything else is similar (shape, function, name of the teeth). The layout of children's teeth is below.

The timing of the appearance of milk teeth
Now let's find out when specific types of milk teeth appear.
The lower central incisors appear in a child at the age of six to seven months, the upper central incisors - from eight to nine months, the upper lateral - from nine to eleven months, the lower lateral - from eleven to thirteen months. Upper and lower first molars - from twelve to fifteen months; fangs - from eighteen to twenty months. The second molars are cut last. Their appearance should be expected in the period from 2 to 3 years.
However, if some tooth erupted earlier or later than the mentioned dates, this is not yet considered a deviationfrom the norm.
The timing of the appearance of permanent teeth
Replacing milk teeth also often begins with the incisors. But sometimes even before that, the first molars grow, which are not available among dairy ones. This event occurs in six or seven years. Then there is a gradual replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. Each child has his own time frame for this process, and there are no clear rules. At the very end, the second and third molars (or molars) erupt. If the second appear at the age of eleven - thirteen, then the third molars erupt after sixteen. They are called wisdom teeth and can appear at almost any stage of human development after reaching a given age.
Permanent teeth layout
After we have studied the name of the teeth in a child, let's move on to the consideration of the mentioned organs of an adult. Permanent teeth include four central incisors, four second incisors, four canines, eight premolars and eight molars. A total of twenty-eight teeth.

In addition, already in adulthood, one more molar can be formed - the previously mentioned wisdom teeth. This name is due to the fact that they appear in most cases in a person after 18 years of age. That is, already when he acquired a certain worldly experience. Often, due to the fact that the growth of wisdom teeth causes purulent inflammation, they have to be removed. But still, dentists do not always resort to such a rather radical technique. In some cases, for a person, practicallythe growth of this “extreme” tooth goes unnoticed. Under other circumstances, treatment is prescribed.
Tooth anatomy
The tooth is divided into two main parts - the crown and the root.
A crown is the visible part covered with enamel that protects the bone formation from mechanical and other damage. Next comes the dentin layer. It is the main part of the tooth responsible for its strength. Dentin is followed by a layer of cement that covers the root of the tooth.
The function of the crown is to directly capture food, tear it, chew it and grind it, depending on the specific type of tooth.

The root is the part of the tooth that we cannot see with the naked eye. It is located below the level of the gums. The name of the roots of the teeth corresponds to the name of the tooth itself. So there is no need to memorize them. The root contains such constituent parts as pulp, nerve fibers, arterial vessels, venous vessels, root cement, root canal, apical foramen. Its main functions are to feed the tooth through the circulatory system of the body, as well as attaching it to the jaw.
Root canals are the name of the canals of the teeth. It is through them that nutrients rise to the organ we are considering. Currently, eight types of root canals of teeth have been identified, which are named according to their numbering.
The tooth itself, however, is a component of a broader concept. Together with the wall of the alveolus, gums and periodontium, it makes up the dental organ.
Having studiednames of teeth in dentistry and their structure, let's focus on specific types. Let's start with cutters. It is with this type of teeth that the first contact of food occurs. A person grabs food with them and tears it. Their peculiar structure is associated with these functions of the incisors. They are chisel-shaped. Moreover, the width of the upper incisors is twice that of the lower ones. They play a more active role in the process of primary chewing of food.
Man has two incisors in each jaw.
After the incisors, the food is transferred to the fangs. Their task is to break the food so that it can be further crushed with other types of teeth.
The structure of fangs corresponds to their functions. They are the sharpest of all human teeth. The main working part of the fangs are the cutting edges. The peculiarity is that the upper fangs are larger than their lower "colleagues".
This type of teeth is located one pair on each jaw of a person.
Premolars are called differently small molars. Their function is to crush and squeeze food. Unlike incisors and canines, premolars have not one, but two roots. In each half of one jaw there are two small molars. The first of them bears some resemblance to a canine, and the second to a molar. Moreover, it is the first small molar that is slightly larger than the second. Like all other human teeth, the premolars are larger than the lower ones.
Molars are otherwise called large molars. They are located further from the premolars to the edge of the jaw. ATThe task of this type of teeth is the final grinding of food. This is the last stage of its mechanical processing on the way to the esophagus and stomach. In addition to a purely physical impact, the softening of food contributes to the impact of saliva. Thus, before entering the esophagus, the food takes on the appearance of gruel.

Molars are larger than premolars. They have an extremely pronounced cube shape. In addition, they have three roots. The upper molars, as usual, are larger than the lower ones.
A feature of molars is that their number is not clearly distributed. It can vary from four to six on each jaw. This is due to the fact that at different stages of a person's life, one molar at the end of a row of teeth can grow. As mentioned above, these formations are called wisdom teeth, and in some cases they must be removed.
It is on the molars that the human dentition ends.
Maintaining oral hygiene
Of course, compliance with the rules of oral hygiene is a very important factor for the normal functioning of the whole organism and its aesthetic appearance.

The procedure for daily brushing of teeth with paste or gel should be mandatory, because not only their he alth, but also the well-being of the whole organism depends on it. First of all, caries is dangerous, destroying the enamel and the tooth itself. Periodontal disease, gingivitis, tartar and other diseases also pose a significant threat to the he alth of the dental organs.
Besides, inFor preventive purposes, you need to visit the dentist every six months.
Of course, it is not necessary to know the name of the teeth to carry out the procedure for the prevention and care of them, but for general educational purposes this information will not interfere, but, on the contrary, will contribute to further medical education of the population.
Grand totals
In this review, we learned not only the name of the teeth, but also got acquainted with their structure and functions. This should greatly expand the understanding of the digestive process as a whole. In addition, emphasis was placed on the importance of oral hygiene for human he alth.
The complex of this information helps to expand the general outlook of people, and in particular - understanding the importance of dental he alth in the life of each person, as well as the need for careful care of them.