Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our body? The beauty of teeth determines a lot. For example, in the US, people form their first impression of a person based on their smile. Regular dental care ensures good he alth and he althy appearance.
What do you need for he althy teeth?
It is not enough to brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and mouthwash. Every six months you need to visit the dentist. All types of dental services are provided by Dentistry 48 (Belyayevo).

How to choose a good dentist?
A good dentist is worth its weight in gold. Each dental clinic has professional doctors who are ready to solve any problem of the client. But among these specialists, each client wants to choose one who can be trusted with he alth.
A potential consumer is most often guided by the price list, but this position is fundamentally wrong. You need to talk to your doctor in person. Go beyond a phone call and a conversation with an administrator. Many clinics offer a free consultationdoctors. By making an appointment, you can create an image of a doctor and decide whether to use his services in the future.
To make a final decision in favor of a particular dentist, you can go to the site. A good dental clinic has a reviews section on its website where each client can leave a comment.
In the dental clinic, which is located at the metro station "Belyayevo" (Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st., 100), only professionals in their field work. Here you can find an attending physician who will accompany you throughout your treatment.
Dentistry accepts daily, so you can make an appointment at any time if you do it in advance. Work passes under the program of obligatory medical insurance. As part of the policy, you can use a large list of services. To make an appointment, call the indicated phone numbers: (495) 336-92-77, (495) 335-99-75.
What are the features of dentistry in Belyaevo?
Among the large number of dentists, you need to find one that will satisfy your requirements in all respects. Dentistry located in Belyaevo has all the qualities of a good medical institution. What should be considered when choosing a clinic?

- Location doesn't matter. It does not matter where dentistry is located, the main thing is that it fits in all respects. The location of the clinic in the city center is not an indicator of prestige. Most often, the cost of services in such dentistry is higher due to rent.premises, which in the central parts always cost more. Dentistry ("Belyayevo") is located in a convenient location. Access by any mode of transport is unhindered.
- General impression of the clinic. When you enter dentistry, you should get pleasant emotions. The cleanliness, well-groomedness and friendliness of the staff should not be in doubt. All these qualities are possessed by a medical institution at st. Belyaevo metro station (dentistry).
- Documentation. In a good clinic, you will definitely be provided with the entire package of documents. Many write out contracts for the provision of services, warranty cards. All this speaks of the clinic's concern for each visitor. Dentistry located in Belyaevo will provide the entire package of necessary documents.
- The state of the cabinet. Before starting the treatment process, it is important to inspect the dental office. Dentistry should have the most necessary and modern equipment.
- And doctors of pediatric dentistry work in a clinic at the Belyaevo metro station. Huge experience makes it possible to treat children's teeth without hindrance.
- The condition of dental equipment. The clinic has modern equipment for the effective treatment of dental problems.
- Personnel. Not a single dentistry will hire a doctor without a diploma, and this clinic is no exception. If in doubt, you can ask to verify the doctor's qualifications.
- Reviews about the clinic on the Web. Numerous positive reviews about dentistry say that she can be trusted.
Most patients leave positive feedback, being satisfied with the quality of services: no queue, the ability to get through the first time, high-quality equipment, effective and painless treatment.

Dental clinic website
A self-respecting clinic, including dentistry located in Belyaevo, has a website with which you can find the necessary information. The presence of the price list provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the current prices for services. A good site should contain the following sections: official information about the clinic, contacts, staff, list of services provided, prices for services, customer reviews, complaints and suggestions, online consultations. This is the minimum set of sections that a good site should have.
Please note that the clinic website should not have too many promotions. Of course, discounts and other offers are welcome, but the clinic should not work on the lure of promotions. This is not the best move to attract customers.

Family dentistry in Belyaevo
These establishments are visited not just by families, but by whole generations. The presence of pediatric dentists in the clinic allows several generations to treat teeth without problems.

Each client should have their own individual approach. A satisfied client with a beautiful smile is the best gratitude for a dentist.
Dentistry (Belyayevo) has the opportunityto provide quality services, putting the requirements of the client in the first place. Turning to this clinic, be sure: you will no longer have to hide your smile.