Teething and growth in children: table. All about baby teething

Teething and growth in children: table. All about baby teething
Teething and growth in children: table. All about baby teething

Surprisingly, even before the birth of man, nature begins to take care of his further development. So, even in the womb in the body of the future baby, milk and permanent teeth are laid. Because of this, doctors pay special attention to the nutrition of a pregnant woman, or rather, the calcium content that comes with food.

The appearance of teeth in the womb

As for the timing of teething in children, they depend on heredity and some other factors. When there is not enough calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes special drugs that should not be ignored. Therefore, the pattern of tooth growth in children is individual.

An amazing factor is the fact that even permanent teeth are born even before a person is born. An X-ray examination of the head of a newborn shows milk teeth that are ready to erupt. In addition, the makings of permanent ones located in the upper and lower jaws are visible.

When does the first tooth appear?

Teeth growth in children table
Teeth growth in children table

In general, there is no single schedule for the growth of children's teeth. The optimal time for the appearance of the first incisors is four to seven months. However, even such situations are known when a child was already born with one or two teeth, which look like small growths on the gums and are covered with thin skin on top. This usually happens in post-term babies. These teeth usually fall out prematurely.

Parents have always been concerned about how children's teeth grow. The order of growth, as you know, is different for everyone. The first teeth can grow even after one year. And this is also considered normal. If we talk about the order of teeth growth in children, then basically the lower central incisors erupt first, then the upper ones, and then the lateral ones come after them. Then the first molars and canines grow, and subsequently the second molars come out. Thus, when a child reaches the age of three, he should have two dozen teeth.

Teeth don't grow

Scheme of tooth growth in children
Scheme of tooth growth in children

Many parents sometimes seriously worry that their child's teeth do not grow for a long time. On this occasion, pediatricians often joke that no one has seen standard children yet. Indeed, each baby is individual and develops differently. And this does not mean at all that one child has any deviations, while the other does not. Many factors and causes influence the level of growth and development.

And yet, how do children's teeth grow? The scheme and sequence may differ significantly. The important points here are genetic predisposition,the intrauterine life of the baby and various natural factors that relate to sun exposure and nutrition. If we talk about dental he alth, then genetics is not so important. Here it is necessary to observe proper care and optimal nutrition. Then the teeth will be beautiful.

At the same time, the growth of teeth in a child can be delayed even up to a year and a half. Usually, if there is a growth retardation of the first incisors, the increased consumption of fermented milk products by the baby and his nursing mother gives an excellent effect. Depending on these factors, the pattern of tooth growth in children can vary significantly.


teething table
teething table

The principle by which the first teeth appear is approximately the same for all children. However, in some babies, the sequence of tooth growth is disturbed for no reason. There were even cases when at six months the first fangs erupted in a child. This situation was very surprising for children's doctors, since this is really far from the norm.

As a rule, the growth schedule of a child's teeth is different. To date, specialists in the field of pediatric dentistry have compiled their own scheme for the growth of teeth in children. According to her, the deviations present in the first six months are absolutely normal, and there should be no cause for concern for parents.

Eruption chart

Scheme of teeth growth in children has the following sequence. The central incisors appear first, with the upper incisors between six and ten months and the lower between eight and twelve. Lateral incisors grow on average in a period of tenmonths to a year and a half. Fangs appear behind them (approximately from seventeen to twenty-two months). And the molars are the last to erupt, and the first - in the period from a year to a year and a half, and the second - from the age of two to thirty-three months. According to this scheme, a child should have anywhere from four to twelve teeth at one year old.

Growth of teeth in children (table)

6 months 8 months 10 months 17 months 1 year 2 years
upper central incisors lower central incisors lateral incisors fangs first molars second molars

This is the teething table. Shown here are the earliest eruption dates. This is only an approximation - all children grow differently.

Eye teeth

Usually the most difficult memories for many parents are associated with the eruption of the so-called eye teeth. But there are those who notice replenishment after they accidentally hit them with a spoon. Signs of the growth of these teeth (canines) in children are approximately the same as when the rest appeared. At the same time, there is a certain probability that the baby will endure the eruption of fangs a little harder.

baby teeth growth chart
baby teeth growth chart

The main reason is that the upper teeth are located in the same place where there is a nerve that connects the central nervous system with part of the face. When it passes tothe gum is too close, the process of eruption of fangs is characterized by tearing, the presence of thrush and sores in the mouth. What can we say, the growth of teeth in children (the table clearly shows this) really happens in different ways.

In order for the child to endure such a difficult period as calmly as possible, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician about painkillers and antipyretics. Here, as a rule, suppositories with paracetamol are effective, and you may also need a remedy for the treatment of a cold and antihistamines prescribed for allergies to relieve swelling of the nasopharynx.

When and how do teeth fall out?

The process of changing teeth usually proceeds in the same order as their direct growth. The central incisors fall out first, followed by the lateral ones. As for the timing, the first teeth fall out from six to seven years, the second - from eight to nine, fangs disappear from nine to twelve years. The last to fall out are the molars, from age nine to thirteen.

After that, the process of the appearance of molars begins. The teething table compiled by experts reports that the first molars appear from nine to eleven years old, the second - from ten to thirteen, and the third (wisdom teeth) - from seventeen to twenty-two.

Based on these data, we can say which teeth fall out in children. These are incisors, canines, first molars and second molars. So, the total number of teeth that change in a small child is twenty.

Removal of milk tooth

How children's teeth grow order of growth
How children's teeth grow order of growth

In the event that children have some milk teeth loose or have practically fallen out, they need help. In addition, the baby may well pull out a tooth on its own. Adults can do it too.

Modern parents are concerned about many issues. What is the timing of teething in children? When and how many teeth will appear? It should be noted that the removal of milk organs should be carried out in a timely manner, as this eliminates the possibility that the child can simply swallow them at night or while eating.

As for the molars in children, they do not change. Because of this, they are called permanent. At the same time, their he alth must be monitored very carefully. It is necessary to carry out regular preventive examinations and various special procedures. They help to save children's teeth for many years. In some cases, the third molars (wisdom teeth) do not erupt or are absent altogether. This is normal.

This is how children's teeth grow. Description table is above.

Silvering as a way to prevent caries

Silver plating is the treatment of a small person's teeth with a 30% solution of silver nitrate. This agent penetrates deep into the carious cavity and prevents any further development of the infection. The phenomenon of teeth silvering in children has many advantages and disadvantages.

How teeth grow in children scheme and sequence
How teeth grow in children scheme and sequence

The advantages are that in such a procedure there is absolutely no need to drill with a drill. In addition, there is the possibilityprevention even in very young patients, while caries is blocked at an early stage and the appearance of new wounds is eliminated.

The downside is that silvering is not always effective. After it, dark spots may remain in places affected by microbes. In addition, such a composition has a very unpleasant taste, and if it penetrates deep into the carious hole, it can completely damage the pulp. In addition, the growth schedule of a child's teeth is quite different, and a silvering session should be carried out several times every four months.

Why seal?

The sealing process in children is effective for posterior caries. It is the latest service in the field of pediatric dentistry, which does not cure, but prevents various dental diseases. As a rule, chewing teeth are especially prone to caries in children. This is because their enamel is not yet fully formed.

Present white plaque is difficult to remove with a brush. In order to smooth out special tooth gaps (fissures), a certain composition is applied to the molars with a brush. It is very securely fixed on the teeth and makes these gaps less deep, while the surface of the tooth becomes more even.

Timing of teething in children when and how much
Timing of teething in children when and how much

The growth of milk teeth in children is a rather specific and individual process, accompanied by a number of activities and preventive procedures. After sealing, a conventional toothbrush easily cleans the entire surface of the molars, keeping them fromcaries. Such a specific procedure does not affect the bite at all, however, it preserves not too mature baby enamel from various harmful microbes.

In closing

So, we found out that the growth of milk teeth in babies does not have any specific clear timeframes. You can only roughly indicate the age and number of teeth that should be. At the same time, you should not panic if, say, a year old, one baby has only four teeth, and the other has ten. Both one and the second option are the norm. The growth of teeth in children (the table above shows detailed information) is an individual process, because it is greatly influenced by heredity, nutrition, and the lifestyle of the child and his parents.