Orthognathic bite: signs, characteristics

Orthognathic bite: signs, characteristics
Orthognathic bite: signs, characteristics

Proper alignment of teeth is not only the key to he alth, but also a beautiful smile. The straighter your teeth, the more aesthetic it looks. But at present, it is really extremely rare to find the correct bite. Increasingly, parents bring their children with a problem of loose teeth and other dental defects. How to determine the correct bite and what deviations are, we learn from this article.

Bite - what is it?

According to medical terminology, an overbite is an arrangement of teeth that meet tightly together. There is also such a thing as occlusion. Dentists usually use it as a designation for the type of closure of teeth. It happens that the dentition can be different. There are three main groups of bites:

  • permanent;
  • physiological;
  • pathological.
orthognathic bite
orthognathic bite

Any of the species can only be determined when the teeth are already fullyformed. This usually occurs between the ages of twelve and fifteen.

The concept of "orthodontics"

Many people are surprised when they come across such an interesting concept as orthodontics in dentistry. What it is? This is the name of the medical direction, which is designed to correct congenital malocclusion. If the teeth are far from each other from birth, if they grow crooked, if the child has an incorrect bite, all these aesthetic problems are solved by the orthodontist. It is very important not to confuse orthodontics with orthopedics. In the first case, the specialist removes the shortcomings received at birth, and in the second, a person acquires pathology during his life.

For a couple of millennia of its existence, orthodontics has become the most popular in dentistry. To correct the “smile”, special braces are used, they are made of durable materials. The locks are attached to the teeth using specialized glue, and the whole system "encourages" the organs to stand up correctly against each other. Depending on the complexity of the initial condition, therapy can take from four months to 1.5 years. We hope you understand what problem orthodontics solves in dentistry, what it is and what results can be expected. Let's move on.

what is orthodontics in dentistry
what is orthodontics in dentistry

What malocclusion anomalies exist

Bite pathologies are usually not congenital defects, because the position of the teeth takes a very long time to form. There are several main stages during whichbite type is modified:

  • newborn;
  • temporary;
  • formed temporary;
  • mixed;
  • permanent.

Violation of bone growth in all these periods can lead to malocclusion. In different cases, this manifests itself in different ways. The most basic pathologies are as follows:

  • progenic bite;
  • medial;
  • cross;
  • dystopia.

If the misalignment of the teeth is due to an overdeveloped upper jaw, we are talking about a progenic bite. Medial occurs when the lower jaw comes forward very much. The correct variant of the position of the teeth is an orthognathic bite.


Types of correct bite

As it is impossible to meet the same people, so you will not meet the same casts of teeth. Even their correct location still has some varieties that differ in nature, as well as in the appearance of the closure. Orthognathic bite is considered the standard of beauty. Next, we will discuss what it is.

If an orthodontist says that a person has an orthognathic bite, his characteristics will be as follows: the upper row slightly covers the lower one, and the front teeth of the upper jaw cover the crown lower incisors by a third.

There is also such a thing as the direct position of the dentition. As well as orthognathic, this bite is correct. In this case, the teeth do not close each other, but simply close tightly.

Progenic bite is a fine line betweenabnormal and normal location. In its owners, the upper jaw, as a rule, is pushed forward, however, the tight closing of the teeth makes it possible to attribute it to the physiological type.

signs of orthognathic bite
signs of orthognathic bite

Signs of proper bite in adults

Probably, every person thought about the question of what should be the correct bite. Firstly, it is beautiful, and secondly, the he alth of the dentition (and not only) depends on it. Therefore, now we will study the signs of orthognathic bite.

Diagnose it according to the following data:

  • When the jaws are closed, the anterior tubercle at the top enters the lower one.
  • The distance between the top and bottom incisors should be 2-3 mm.
  • Teeth should not be turned axially, when properly positioned they are at a slight angle in the anteroposterior direction.
orthognathic bite of teeth
orthognathic bite of teeth

Signs of proper bite in children

Orthognathic bite of teeth in children is defined somewhat differently:

  • If the jaw is at rest, there should be a small space between the rows (2 to 3 mm).
  • 1/3 - this is exactly how the bottom row overlaps with the top row.
  • The upper arc looks like a half-ellipse, and the lower one should form a parabola.
  • The top and bottom teeth should be completely symmetrical.
  • The average vertical line drawn between the incisors of the upper and lower jaws must match.
  • Each tooth must havetwo antagonists each, this applies to both the top and bottom rows.

All these signs of orthognathic bite in a child can be detected before the age of 12, but if you notice any deviations from the standard, you should immediately contact an orthodontist for help.

orthognathic bite characteristic
orthognathic bite characteristic

How dangerous are these pathologies?

Almost all bite anomalies always entail many he alth problems. First of all, the digestive tract suffers, because food cannot be chewed well. It is especially dangerous in this case to have an open type of pathology, since the chewing function is almost absent. Among other things, such violations can lead to diseases of the teeth themselves, since the load on them is uneven, as a result, periodontal disease can begin at the age of 30-40.

In addition to all of the above, due to the pathology of the location of the teeth, a disease of the joints of the temple develops. After that, the person will most likely suffer from headaches, in addition, there will be a certain clicking sound during the opening of the mouth. With some types of anomalies, the soft tissues of the mouth can be injured.

Also, one should not forget about aesthetics, because with any malocclusion, the profile of the face first of all suffers, the curvature of the dentition is revealed. With the frontal type, speech is generally difficult. And, for example, with the progenic type, breathing becomes more difficult, and here surgical intervention is already necessary.

signs of orthognathic bite
signs of orthognathic bite

What you need to knowmoms-to-be

Since pathological disorders sometimes occur even during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, expectant mothers need to pay special attention to such an issue as the level of calcium in the body. Most of the minerals the child needs, starting from the 20th week: at this time, his teeth begin to form. After birth, it is very important to properly breastfeed and feed the baby. When a baby is just born, his lower jaw, as a rule, is slightly smaller than the upper one, but after a while everything levels out. In this case, the development of facial muscles plays an important role. If you have identified a pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. Modern possibilities of orthodontic therapy will help you quickly solve the above problems without harm to he alth. Do not postpone this question for later, as it will later be more difficult to get rid of the disease. If you notice crooked teeth in a child, immediately go to the orthodontist and put braces: at an early age, this disease is easier to treat.
