Dental treatment is not an easy procedure that requires a lot of attention and patience not only from the doctor, but also from the patient himself. Naturally, there are a large number of materials that are used to facilitate certain actions of the dentist. The rubber dam is one of them.
What is the product?

So, you should consider what kind of material it is, as well as what properties it has. A rubber dam is a special elastic sheet made from latex, which is used to isolate the oral cavity from the teeth that the dentist is going to work with.
In order to fix the plate, it is necessary to put on a metal clamp on the crown being processed. It is selected strictly individually. Today, this material is included in the standard for equipping a dental office by international standards.
However, it cannot be said that all doctors have a rubber dam. Unfortunately, it can only be found in private offices. Although international standards require its mandatory application. For example, root canal cleansing procedures are generally prohibited withoutuse of such overlays.
Useful qualities of the product
So, a rubber dam is a special material that has the following characteristics:
- The canvas has a relatively small thickness and density, which allows you to easily make holes in any required place.
- You can put the material on one or more crowns that require processing.
- The product is easy to use and greatly facilitates the work of a specialist. At the same time, the treatment time is significantly reduced.
Device Benefits

Cofferdam in dentistry is very popular, as it has the following advantages:
- Provides excellent isolation of the oral cavity from those teeth that require treatment. That is, the doctor can achieve almost complete sterility, necessary for high-quality cleaning of the channels, as well as to prevent infection of tissues.
- Due to the fact that such a latex plate completely isolates the tooth from moisture, the dentist is able to provide better adhesion of the filling or other material, which increases its service life.
- After the veil is fixed, the patient does not have to spit saliva. He can easily swallow it without any discomfort.
- The tongue is in a normal position throughout the procedure.
- The airways are reliably protected from the smallest particles of dental tissue, fragmentscrowns.
- For the doctor, the main benefit is reduced procedure time by eliminating the need to insert and remove cotton rolls.
- The patient's gag reflex is suppressed as the palate becomes less sensitive.
- Full soft tissue protection in the mouth.
- The patient can tell the doctor at any time how he feels, if there is any discomfort.
- The mucous membrane of the oral cavity practically does not dry out.
- Reduces the load on the joints and muscles of the jaw, the patient does not feel tired or other discomfort.
What are the disadvantages of the material?

Despite the fact that the standard of dental office equipment requires the presence and use of this latex lining, as well as all its advantages, this product has some disadvantages:
- Rare allergic reaction.
- Very high requirements for X-ray examination.
- Possible injury to the interdental papilla.
However, with the correct use of the material, such shortcomings are easily eliminated. In addition, there are many varieties of overlays, which is allowed in case of an allergic reaction to use a different type of material.
Where is the product used?

Cofferdam is a very high-quality protection that is necessary in such cases:
- During endodontic therapy. An important point in this case is the obstaclepenetration of microbes into the treated areas. In addition, antiseptics used to disinfect the work area can also irritate the mucous membranes.
- For artistic restoration of crowns using light-curing agents.
- When installing seals.
That is, you can use the pad in almost any type of treatment. Naturally, each procedure requires its own type of rubber dam.
Features and varieties of material

It should be noted that there is not only latex, but also liquid rubber dam, the main advantage of which is that this mass hardens in 20 seconds. It is able to penetrate even into the interdental spaces. However, in this case, the mucous membranes and tongue remain unprotected. That is, liquid rubber dam should be used only for the treatment of microabrasion, teeth whitening, better sealing of gaps after applying a latex plate.
In addition, the product can be classified according to different indicators:
- In shape and size: latex stretched over a special frame, as well as finished plates or rolls. In the first case, the size of the products is 15 × 15 cm, and in the second, the width of the canvas is 15 cm, and its length is different.
- By film thickness: thick (0.34-0.39 mm) and thin (0.13-0.18 mm) latex. It all depends on the work that the doctor must perform. For example, a thick layer is used for the treatment of anterior teeth, and a thin layer is used for the restoration of molars and premolars. Medium materi althickness can be used to treat any crowns.
- By color. There are several solutions: gray, brown, beige, green, blue and pink. Light beige latex is used in root canal cleaning because it is not very thick and is transparent enough for the dentist to assess the extent of damage to the tooth. Blue and green material is used during the restoration of crowns, in which good adhesion of fillings to the treated surface is important. Dark beige and gray material also provides a good contrast.
As you can see, the presented product is diverse, so the dentist has a great opportunity to choose the necessary lining, depending on the procedure performed.
How to use the product correctly?

The application of a rubber dam is considered a simple procedure. However, the dentist cannot produce it himself. For this he needs an assistant. At the same time, the installation of the curtain takes only a few minutes.
In addition, there are some subtleties in the use of the product:
- The powdered side of the film should face the doctor. But the smooth surface is in contact with the membranes of the oral cavity. Only in this case, the risk of an allergic reaction in the patient is reduced. In addition, this laying contributes to a good grip between the fingers of the doctor and the surface of the rubber dam.
- The dentist independently chooses how the material will be applied. For example, if it is necessary to restore molars, it is betteruse the "wings" technique.
Before using such a product in everyday work, the doctor must learn how to properly fix it in the oral cavity. That is, some skill is needed.
How to prevent side effects?

Latex is a synthetic material that is not always well tolerated by the body. In some cases, it can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is not the rubber itself that causes negative consequences, but the talcum powder with which it is sprinkled for storage.
Recently, manufacturers have taken into account the wishes of specialists and began to produce material without this powder. That is, latex is repeatedly treated with liquid. In addition, modern silicone-based dental materials are now available.
Their only drawback is that they have a little less elasticity than latex. However, the rest of the silicone is in no way inferior.
When can it not be used?
Cofferdam in dentistry is a very useful thing, but it is not always used. There are times when its use is meaningless:
- During the restoration of crowns on which bridges are fixed, as well as after the installation of braces.
- If the patient has a special anatomical structure of the jaw that does not allow the use of a latex pad.
- With a small amount of restoration work.
- Treatment of subgingival caries.
Basically,The rubber dam is a very convenient device that only facilitates the work of the dentist and the life of the patient. Therefore, he should ask if the doctor has such material. Stay he althy!