What to do if the tooth reacts to hot and cold?

What to do if the tooth reacts to hot and cold?
What to do if the tooth reacts to hot and cold?

"The tooth reacts to hot and cold" - such complaints are very common in the dentist's office. Today, a fairly large number of people suffer from hypersensitivity, which doctors call hyperesthesia. In the presence of this disease, the symptoms of each are quite individual. There can be a lot of irritating factors - ranging from acidic foods to spicy foods. In some cases, for example, the tooth reacts to sweets. It should be noted that the pain is short-lived and disappears almost immediately. This is the main difference between sensitivity and pulpitis, in which prolonged discomfort occurs due to inflammation of the nerve.

tooth reacts to hot and cold
tooth reacts to hot and cold

Bad feelings: cause or effect?

A simple example of hyperesthesia is pain when brushing your teeth. Unpleasant sensations can be provoked by chocolate,ice cream or even ordinary cold water. This problem is typical for almost every third inhabitant of the planet Earth, regardless of age. Often occurs in adolescents during hormonal changes that occur during puberty. If the tooth reacts to hot and cold, this may indicate the presence of some other disease and be a symptom of an infectious disease, periodontal disease or endocrine disorders in the body.

Main causes of hypersensitivity

There is an extensive list of all the factors that can lead to hyperesthesia. They are usually divided into two broad groups: non-systemic and systemic.

tooth reacts to sweets
tooth reacts to sweets

Non-systemic causes:

1. The effect of various acids on enamel. They are found in greater quantities in citrus fruits and soda (Fanta, Coca-Cola, etc.)

2. The use of a toothpaste that is designed for whitening, paired with a very hard brush. Sometimes it will be useful to trace the trend of pain, namely, the moment when it first manifested itself. The tooth reacts to sweets, but before buying a new toothpaste, everything was different? The reason could easily be in her.

3. Pathological disorders of the enamel, in which it is rapidly erased.

4. The initial stage of caries, erosion or wedge-shaped defects.

5. Sensitivity can manifest itself after turning the teeth for the installation of crowns.

6. Visit to the dental office, during which the procedure of cleaning and whitening of the teeth was carried out(stone removal, etc.).

7. Tooth reacts to cold after filling.8. Various microtraumas. They may result in bad habits, including biting nails, seeds, or wire.

tooth reacts to cold after filling
tooth reacts to cold after filling

Systemic causes:

1. Lack of useful minerals necessary for he althy tooth life (calcium, phosphorus and magnesium).

2. Infectious and viral diseases that may not even be associated with the oral cavity.

3. Gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine disorders.

4. There are cases when doctors attributed the occurrence of this problem to psychological trauma and stress.

5. Taking hormonal birth control.

6. The tooth reacts to hot and cold in pregnant women during toxicosis.7. Work in chemical plants or contact with harmful substances.

The core of the problem

Due to the above reasons, there is a gradual thinning of the enamel, which is the protective screen of the tooth. Under it is dentin, which is in close contact with the nerve endings. When the enamel becomes very thin, the path is open for any irritants that, bypassing the dentin, affect the pulp (nerve). At the first stage, the tooth reacts to hot and cold; in the second stage, it is replenished with sweet, spicy and s alty. The final stage of the disease is the third, during which pain appears when the tooth comes into contact with absolutely any irritant.

tooth reacts to hot what to do
tooth reacts to hot what to do

The tooth reacts tohot - what to do?

As with any disease, you first need to see a specialist. Only he will help to identify the main causes and prescribe treatment. The first thing the doctor will advise is to follow a diet if possible. For example, eat less sweets or citrus fruits. Be sure to adhere to the following rule: do not mix cold food with very hot. Such a contrast is harmful even for relatively he althy people. Hot tea + ice cream - a direct path to the destruction of enamel and microtrauma. Forget crackers, seeds and hard nuts. But fish, milk and cottage cheese are a rich reservoir of calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for he althy bones and teeth.

Other methods to get rid of the problem

When teeth react to cold and hot, treatment can range from a simple diet to special desensitizing toothpastes. This is very convenient for any patient, because along with ordinary oral hygiene, prevention also takes place. Dentists usually prescribe Oral-B Sensetive or Sensodyne-F. Unnecessarily, these pastes should not be used, because in some cases they can have the opposite effect. Brushing your teeth in this case is identified with the course of real treatment, which must be followed as strictly as possible.

teeth react to cold and hot treatments
teeth react to cold and hot treatments

Pastes are not the only way to fight

Pharmacists have developed a huge variety of gels and foams that are struggling with the problem of increasedsensitivity. In especially neglected cases or at the request of the client, electrophoresis (the effect of electric current on the human body) can be applied.

There are also folk remedies. Tea tree oil works especially well - three drops in a glass of water. Rinse should be done at least 1-2 times a day (can be combined with brushing your teeth).
