What to do if a dead tooth hurts when pressed? This is a common question. Let's figure it out.
A tooth is considered dead after depulpation has been performed, that is, the removal of the nerve. After this procedure, circulatory arrest, mineralization, and innervation occur. In some cases, patients complain of pain when pressing on a dead tooth. Often this is due to the effect on the soft tissues under the pulpless tooth.
Quite often, a dead tooth hurts when pressed or bitten as a result of filling with low-quality materials, as well as after partial removal of the soft tissues of the gums.

Causes of depulpation
There are quite a few indications that can cause the removal of the dental nerve. Depulpation can be carried out with extensive carious lesions, against the background of infection, as well as inflammation in the dental canal and with other dental problems.problems. For example, against the background of prosthetics, even a he althy pulp is subject to removal, which is necessary to exclude a secondary inflammatory process after the installation of an orthopedic structure.
Thus, the main reasons for pulp removal may be the following factors:
1. Prosthetics.
2. Deep tooth decay when a nerve is affected.
3. Damage to the pulp itself.
4. Periodontitis.
The pulp removal procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:
1. Taking an x-ray of the tooth to assess the size of the canals.
2. Administration of local anesthesia.
3. Removal of pulp in the crown.
4. Pulp removal at the root.
5. Treatment of cleaned canals with an antiseptic solution.
6. Filling.
In the future, a temporary filling is first applied to the tooth, which then must be replaced with a permanent one.

Causes of pressure pain
When a dead tooth hurts when pressed, this may indicate a poor-quality filling of the treated unit. If the root is not completely sealed, after the end of the treatment procedures, sensations appear both in the gums and in the tooth itself. If there was too much cement material, and it went beyond the edge of the root, the risk of developing periodontitis increases, and in some cases the formation of a cyst in the canal.
It often happens that a dead tooth hurts when pressed after a year.
Unprofessional actions of the dentistmay result in part of the instrument remaining in the root canal. Sometimes perforation of the canal itself occurs for the same reason. An x-ray can help determine the cause of pain when pressing on a pulpless tooth.
Other reasons
There are also a number of other reasons why a dead tooth hurts when pressed after nerve removal:
1. The presence of an inflammatory process.
2. Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the periodontium during the treatment of pulpitis.
3. Partial removal of a nerve in a tooth.
4. The pain is radiating in nature, as the adjacent tooth is damaged.
5. Sometimes this is an adequate response of the human body to the treatment.
6. Incorrectly performed surgical procedures.
7. Allergy to filling material.
There may be other reasons.
A dead tooth hurts when pressed differently.

The severity of the pain and its duration are important. If the syndrome is mild and continues for several days after the removal of the nerve, aching pain when pressed is considered the norm. In this case, doctors recommend taking an analgesic or being patient until the sensation resolves on its own.
Why does a dead tooth hurt when pressed?
If the nerve was removed poorly before prosthetics, even when he althy, the tooth can cause suffering. The nature of the pain is throbbing and manifests itself not only during exercise, but also in the staterest.
If a dead tooth hurts when pressed, what should I do?
After the cause of the pain syndrome in the pulpless tooth has been determined, the dentist prescribes the necessary treatment. If an inflammatory process in the periodontium has been identified, professional cleaning of the oral cavity and teeth is prescribed, as well as taking anti-inflammatory anesthetic drugs. In addition, it is considered effective to carry out antiseptic procedures using various topical solutions.
If a dead tooth hurts when pressed and a pocket in the jaw, and this is caused by caries localized under the prosthesis, a decision is made to remove the structure and treat or remove the unit, depending on the extent of tissue damage. After the therapy, the crown is placed in the same place, and in case of tooth extraction, implantation is prescribed.

Sometimes the pain takes you by surprise, and it is not possible to go to the dentist in the near future. In this case, popular remedies come to the rescue, such as Ibuprofen, analgin or Tempalgin. Also effective are mouth rinses with various antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions, for example, based on soda, s alt or medicinal decoctions. The most effective are chamomile, calendula, nettle, sage.
Rinses should be done as often as possible, every few hours. This will help to disinfect the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora to the maximum and eliminate the symptom before going to the doctor. However, it will not be possible to avoid visiting the dentist, since the pain in a dead tooth indicates a possible pathology, especially if it appears after a long time after the depulpation. In some cases, the pathological process occurred a year after treatment. Timely treatment will prevent serious complications and avoid the removal of he althy teeth.
Treatment during pregnancy
What to do when a dead tooth hurts when pressed during pregnancy?
Toothache is considered the most intense and hard to bear by a person. If the syndrome occurs against the background of bearing a child, the situation is doubly difficult, because a pregnant woman cannot take most of even the simplest drugs. To endure pain in this position is harmful for both the woman and her unborn child. The use of folk remedies, various medicinal decoctions and rinses with soda and s alt is considered optimal during pregnancy. However, these methods do not always have the desired effect, which forces a woman to turn to medical treatment.
When a dead tooth hurts under a crown when pressed, anesthetics can help.

Medications allowed during pregnancy
Among modern drugs that are allowed to be taken during pregnancy, the following stand out:
1. "No-Shpa" based on drotaverine is an effective and maximally safe drug. The drug has a pronounced antispasmodic effect andrelieves pain in the head, gastrointestinal tract or teeth.
2. In the first trimester, when important systems and organs of the fetus are being formed, a drug such as Grippostad is suitable. However, even in this case, it should be taken only with the permission of a doctor and with caution.
3. Paracetamol is relatively safe for a pregnant woman, but it should also be taken under medical supervision and without exceeding the prescribed dosages in order to avoid excessive stress on the liver. You can relieve pain with this drug if it is of low intensity; paracetamol is not suitable for severe syndrome.
4. "Tempalgin" and "Pentalgin" during pregnancy are prescribed half a tablet.
5. Doctors may recommend that a pregnant patient use gels that are designed to treat gums during teething in children. These medicines have a freezing effect.
6. If the pain is severe, one tablet of Ketanov is prescribed.
If the suffering becomes unbearable and the pills do not help, you should consult a dentist or call for emergency help. Medics can give an injection of an antispasmodic or suggest hospitalization.

Complications and consequences
If you do not promptly consult a doctor with severe pain in a pulpless tooth, you may encounter the following complications:
1. Purulent inflammation (granuloma).
2. Cyst formation in the tooth.
3. Removalaffected tooth.
Norm or pathology
Thus, the appearance of soreness in a pulpless tooth may be the norm if it has undergone surgery, or indicate the development of a pathological process that requires action. The occurrence of pain when pressing or chewing food in this case indicates a poor-quality filling. In addition, it may be the result of incomplete removal of the nerve, perforation of the root of the unit, or an inflammatory process in the canal or gum.

If the tooth continues to disturb a few days after the dental procedures, you should not postpone visiting the doctor. Only a specialist is able to assess the condition of the unit and identify the cause of the pain. The dentist will treat the affected tooth again or remove it if necessary. The treatment of complications in the form of an abscess or the appearance of a cystic formation that has arisen against the background of improper treatment is much more difficult and lengthy, in addition, it can lead to consequences for adjacent he althy teeth. The general rule for all should be a visit to the dental office every six months as a preventive measure.