Why do teeth hurt at night but not during the day? This question is quite common. Often people complain that unpleasant pain sensations become stronger at night, they do not allow them to rest and sleep normally. Experts identify a group of diseases that can lead to such an ailment. Toothache occurs because there are a large number of nerve endings in the oral cavity, which, under the influence of certain factors, can become inflamed.
Common causes of pain
Why does my tooth hurt more at night? Experts identify a group of diseases that can provoke toothache:
- Caries. In the presence of caries, the patient's enamel and dentin are severely damaged, and pathogenic bacteria accumulate and actively spread in the carious cavity. If caries has reached a complicated stage, then harmful microorganisms reach almost the pulp, which contains nerve endings. The pain syndrome appears when exposed to irritating factors and disappears after the source of the lesion is removed.
- The presence of pulpitis. Why does a tooth hurt at night with pulpitis? At deepdamage to the cavity of the tooth occurs damage to the pulp itself, in which an active inflammatory process begins, spreading to all nerve endings. Pain most often appears without characteristic external signs of the disease.
- Flux is a complication that occurs when pulpitis is not treated in time and is particularly dangerous. If it is present in the patient's oral cavity, an inflammatory process begins, it affects the jaw area and periosteum.
- Non-carious lesions of enamel and hard layers of teeth. As a result of external impact, impact, dislocations, bruxism, the tooth is also severely damaged, while its enamel is destroyed. The main cause of pain in this case are the same processes that occur in diseases.
- Periodontitis. Inflammatory process in tissues close to the top of the tooth.
Filling and tooth extraction
Why do teeth hurt at night but not during the day?
After the filling. When an incorrect filling is performed, when the dentist performs the procedure incorrectly or does not follow the established procedure, the person also experiences unpleasant pain, which becomes stronger mainly at night.
After a tooth extraction. An unpleasant pain syndrome, which only intensifies at night, can also appear as a result of the removal of a tooth or some part of it, which is located under the gum (a fragment of the root).

Causes of increased pain at night
Why does a tooth hurt exactlyat night? Some believe that increased pain at night is not true. But such a process exists in reality and occurs under the influence of certain factors, which can be both physical and psychological.
All factors leading to the appearance of pain equally increase the pain syndrome, they are carefully studied by doctors, dentists, and psychologists.
Physiological processes
The most common factors that provoke pain at night are physiological. Usually, this process leads to a horizontal position that a person takes during sleep. In this position, the blood rushes intensely to the brain, head and jaws, which provokes increased pressure on the already inflamed tissues and nerve endings of the teeth.

It must be remembered that this process is not typical for all diseases of the oral cavity. In most cases, pulpitis leads to acute and severe pain at night. At this time, excessive pressure occurs in the inflamed pulp due to increased blood flow. This leads to the fact that the nerve bundles begin to give increased signals to the central nervous system.
In addition to the acute and chronic form of pulpitis (in the acute stage), for which severe pain mainly at night is a normal condition, chronic diseases of periodontitis and periodontitis can be included in the same group of lesions.
Physiological factors
Why does my tooth hurt at night? To a separate groupThe reasons why a patient has a toothache at night can be attributed to physiological factors:
- Time interval from 12 noon to 5 am. This period of time is considered the most difficult and stressful for the entire human body. It was at this time that unpleasant pain increased significantly, the sensitivity of the body to any diseases and lesions, including dental problems, increased.
- Physiologists say that vagus reigns at night. Vagus is the name of the vagus nerve, which has a large number of branches in the structure, some of the branches go to the head area. Vagus directly affects the mood of a person, his general condition. At night, the tone of the vagus nerve changes, which provokes an exacerbation of sensitivity and the appearance of unpleasant pain.
- Also, if we take into account the peculiarities of the human biorhythm, then at night the blood pressure rises significantly even in a completely he althy person. Increased pressure leads to increased toothache. At the same time, an unpleasant syndrome occurs even when a person has not yet had time to go to bed and take a horizontal position.
Other defeats
Why do wisdom teeth hurt at night? In some cases, pain, mistaking for a toothache, may appear when exposed to various diseases. These include:
- Inflammatory processes in the tertiary nerve. They can cause severe jaw pain at night. Under the influence of various factors, the nerve can be strongly irritated or infringed, which leads to such sensations thatcan be very easily confused with toothache.
- If acute pain spreads not only in the area of one tooth, but passes to the entire jaw, then this condition may indicate the presence of inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth and even some ENT diseases. The most common are sinusitis, sinusitis and otitis media. It is important to remember that it is in a horizontal position that the outflow of fluid from the sinuses is difficult, which only intensifies the discomfort and spreads it to the entire jaw.

The most difficult thing is to identify the source of pain in a child, as he may complain of pain in his teeth, while in reality he will have an earache. It is important to remember that in some cases, almost the same toothache at night can appear for reasons that are not at all related to dentistry.
This may include severe exhaustion of the nervous system, lack of sleep, regular smoking or drinking a lot of coffee.
Psychological factors
Why does a tooth hurt at night, and goes away during the day? During the day, each person gets tired, loading himself with daily chores and worries - he works, travels to various places, takes care of his home, family and loved ones. This prevents him from being left alone with the toothache and discomfort that bothers him so much at night.
The body reacts to this in its own way - it stops the pain, does not allow it to attract much attention to itself. This gives a person the opportunity to go about their business and worries, without being distracted by anything.
In addition, during the daytimea person is very tense, he has no time to think about unpleasant pain. In the evening, a person begins to relax, wants to fully relax.
It is at this time that an acute pain syndrome appears, which a relaxed body simply cannot ignore.
Dentist Visit
When visiting dentistry, the attending physician will carefully examine the oral cavity, if necessary, appoint the patient to undergo an additional examination. Radiography will help determine the degree of tissue damage, the presence of inflammation in the pulp cavity and periodontitis.

Treatment of a deep form of caries and pulpitis is carried out according to the same methods. When treating doctor:
- performs anesthesia with anesthetic;
- eliminates diseased tissue;
- devitalizing pulp, in the treatment of a multi-rooted tooth;
- expands, processes and cleans channels;
- cavity sealing with gutta-percha and filling paste;
- oral check-up;
- restoration of a damaged crown with a composite, which is carried out a few days after canal filling.
At the end of the treatment of pulpitis and deep caries, the patient may feel unpleasant pain in the jaw for the next 5-10 days. Over time, the pain syndrome begins to become less pronounced, and then disappears completely.
With periodontitis and periostitis, the main goal of the dentist is to eliminate the infection itself. To do this, you need to clean the root canalsand handle them well. Treatment of flux and periodontitis most often differs in its duration. To eliminate inflammation, a person should carry out regular rinsing of the mouth. After the elimination of the main focus of infection, the canals are sealed, and the crown is restored.
In special cases, surgical treatment is used to treat the flux. If a person ignores the problem for a long time and does not go to the dentist, then the chance to save the tooth begins to decrease significantly.
If an acute toothache appears due to the eruption of the figure eight, then it is very important to seek help from a dentist in a timely manner. After examining the appearance of the oral cavity and taking an x-ray, the doctor will tell you exactly which method of treatment will be most effective.
Treatment measures the dentist begins only after the introduction of local anesthesia. Modern painkillers are highly effective, are not absorbed into the blood and are normally tolerated by the patient's body.
What should I do if my tooth hurts at night?
First aid
What should I do if my tooth hurts at night? To normalize the condition and reduce pain, you should try to act on your own. It is important to remember that all procedures will have a symptomatic, not a therapeutic effect. They will help eliminate discomfort and discomfort, but will not be able to completely eliminate the disease.

Most common treatments:
- Painkillers. Such tools are distinguished by their reliability and efficiency. "Analgin", "Tempalgin", "Ketanov" are medicines that help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of damage and alleviate the general condition of a person. It is important to remember that the drugs are used according to the instructions and dosage. If after taking the drug, the condition does not improve, then the patient should not independently fight the disease or increase the dosage of the drug used. An overdose of the drug can lead to problems with the liver, kidneys, brain, which is dangerous with complications. If a toothache occurs in a pregnant woman or in a child, then you can use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
- Using tinctures of medicinal herbs and flowers for rinsing the mouth. Experts recommend using the following herbs: calamus root, calendula, oak bark, plantain, chamomile and sage. They have medicinal properties, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Infusions and decoctions are prepared in a water bath, as well as a thermos. Do not rinse your mouth if the patient is not sure that there is no allergic reaction to the herbs used.
- Rinse with s alt and water. This method of eliminating unpleasant pain is reliable and effective. Rinsing with water and s alt does not provoke unpleasant complications and allergies. To prepare the product, you need to take 200 ml of warm hot water, add 1 teaspoon of s alt, soda, mix thoroughly. Rinse is carried out 5-6 times a day. Therapeutic solution helps to eliminate unpleasantsensations and alleviate overall well-being.

If the patient's temperature suddenly rises sharply, swelling occurs, this indicates the spread of the inflammatory process. In this case, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible.
Oral care
After the treatment and elimination of pain, you should begin to follow the mandatory rules of care - to carry out regular hygienic cleaning of the mouth with a paste and brush. Rinsers, irrigators are an important addition to hygiene procedures.

It is also very important to eat right. You should reduce the amount of confectionery, sweets, carbonated drinks consumed. It is important to introduce as many fresh vegetables, fruits and greens into the diet as possible.
You should also stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Nicotine is bad for the human body as a whole. Smokers have pigmented plaque on their teeth, which provokes gingivitis and periodontitis. Alcohol reduces human immunity, provokes the development of dystrophy of the mucous membranes. It is also important to start leading an active lifestyle - often go in for sports and hardening.