Contraceptive ring "NovaRing": side effects, instructions, analogues, reviews

Contraceptive ring "NovaRing": side effects, instructions, analogues, reviews
Contraceptive ring "NovaRing": side effects, instructions, analogues, reviews

Does Nuvaring have side effects? This question interests any modern woman who is considering options for hormonal contraception in general and this ring in particular. Indeed, the promises of the manufacturer look tempting, but on the Internet you can find a lot of frightening reviews - supposedly some people completely stopped menstruation while using this effective contraceptive, others suffer from mood swings, emotional instability, and someone can not get pregnant. Is it true? To understand what to fear, you should study the instructions for use.

Probabilities are different

In the instructions, the manufacturer indicates that Novaring can provoke side effects, after which he gives an exhaustive list of such phenomena. Mostly these are rather frivolous threats liketemporary disorder of the stool or increased gas formation. All of them soon disappear on their own when the body adapts to the hormonal drug. But in the vastness of the World Wide Web, some mention more serious consequences - up to unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant against the background of prolonged use of a contraceptive. For some, these stories are an important incentive to completely abandon the remedy that corrects the female hormonal background. Let's deal first with what the manufacturer pays attention to in the first place, and for this we will consider what we are talking about in general.

use of nuvaring
use of nuvaring

As you can see from the instructions, the Nuvaring ring is a colorless product made of a smooth material. This is a transparent object that does not have any damage visible to the human eye on the outer sides. The junction is either completely transparent or close to it. This unique development of Dutch doctors has a reliable contraceptive effect, helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, and provides the highest level of reliability. The ring is easy to use, you do not need to remember every day, as in the case of tablets, what time and how to take the drug. Its only weakness is a somewhat likely negative response from the body.

What is possible?

It is known that the side effects of "Novaring" can disturb those who use the remedy uncontrollably, without the consent of the attending doctor, without following the instructions. In addition, there is a risk of individual intolerance, allergicreactions. Faced with a negative response of the body may be persons to whom "Novaring" according to the instructions is prohibited or allowed only with great care. In order to minimize the dangers to yourself, reduce the chance of unpleasant impressions, before using the product, you should consult a professional gynecologist, and possibly take tests to determine the characteristics of the hormonal background. In this case, it is guaranteed that you will be able to find the best option.

Due to side effects, Novaring, as indicated in the accompanying documentation, can cause a decrease in sexual desire, as well as cause increased sensitivity. The manufacturer draws attention to the possibility of activating appetite, weight gain. In rare cases, the use of "Novaring" causes depression, a sharp change in mood, sometimes unpredictable. There is a possibility of headaches similar to migraines. In addition, "Novaring" can provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the visual system.

Forewarned is forearmed

As you know, the side effects of the Nuvaring ring include a negative effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system. The likelihood of thromboembolism increases, a violation of the level of blood pressure is possible. Some women have experienced hot flashes while using this contraceptive method. In addition, the ring can have a negative effect on the stomach and intestines. This is expressed in stool disorders, increased gas formation, and other disorders. There is a risk of itching, skin rashes, small inflammations, including the areafaces.

novaring hormone ring
novaring hormone ring

Side effects mentioned in patient reviews of the Nuvaring ring include unpleasant, even painful sensations in muscle tissue, limbs, and different parts of the spinal column. Some complain of edema, a general sluggish state of the body. There is a risk of cystitis, possibly increased urge to urinate, dysuria. Negative responses can also be seen from the reproductive system. In some women, when using Nuvaring as a method of protection, engorgement of the breast glands is observed, there is a possibility of a violation of the monthly cycle, the absence of bloody discharge in due time. It is known that under the influence of hormonal compounds contained in the ring, a genital knot may appear, bleeding without a cause, spotting during intimate contact is possible. "Novaring" can cause unpleasant local sensations - itching, burning, soreness.

Is the devil so scary?

As the manufacturer mentions in the instructions, although the Novaring ring can provoke side effects, in practice this is really rarely observed. Mostly unpleasant impressions accompany the very beginning of the use of a contraceptive, gradually pass over time. No specific treatment is required. If the symptoms are severe, difficult to tolerate, you should seek help from a qualified doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will help you choose the best replacement option if Nuvaring is not suitable as a contraceptive.

Some note in their reviews the side effects of Novaring: dizziness, headache. It is known that in rare cases, the use of contraception even became the cause of anxiety. When using this method of protection, vomiting is possible, although this is quite rare, since the agent is used topically, and not orally, it does not irritate the intestines and stomach at the stage of primary processing of the drug. The possibility of weight gain was mentioned above, but in rare cases, the effect on the woman who used Nuvaring was exactly the opposite - when using a contraceptive, there is a risk of sudden causeless weight loss.

Experiments and results

To understand how the reviews about the side effects of Novaring are justified, special tests were organized by the manufacturer. The first wave was carried out before the launch of the ring for sale, and the second - after the marketing campaign, the promotion of the product, the appearance in the sources available to the general public of information about possible negative reactions. The peculiarity of such a study is associated with the specific effect of the human psyche, which determines the possibility of developing a negative response of the body in terms of awareness of the likelihood of such an event. However, the results of all stages of testing clearly show that negative phenomena are recorded in a really small percentage of cases.

novaring pros
novaring pros

As noted in the reviews of the Nuvaring ring, side effects can be expressed by the response of the reproductive system in the form of activation of the formation of whites. ATIn rare cases, under the influence of active compounds, an inflammatory process began in the vaginal mucosa. There is also a risk of inflammation in the urinary tract. Some women noted that the main disturbing phenomenon was the constant feeling of a foreign object in the body. The manufacturer draws attention to the possibility of the ring falling out. This cannot be directly attributed to side effects, but when using the product, you will have to check if the contraceptive is in place.

Rarely, but aptly: this happens too

The instructions for use indicate that the side effects of Novaring are discharge resembling leucorrhea. These are relatively common, although not in all women using a contraceptive. There are reactions that are observed much less frequently. On average, their frequency is one case for every thousand, or even ten thousand women using the product. This is how the risk of hair loss against the background of a contraceptive is estimated. With the same small degree of probability, eczema, a rash may appear. An allergic reaction to the drug can be expressed as urticaria. "Novaring" can cause hypesthesia, provoke unpleasant, painful sensations in the pelvic organs. In rare cases, hormonal contraceptive causes an increase in breast size, provokes uterine polyps, ectropion of the uterine cervix.

In reviews of the side effects of the Nuvaring ring, unpleasant, painful sensations associated with intimate contact are mentioned. Against the background of hormonal contraception, mastopathy (cystic, fibrous type) may develop. There may be copious discharge similar tohabitual menstrual periods, or the complete absence of them, as well as bleeding that does not have a cycle. In rare cases, women have experienced PMS, an unpleasant smell from the vagina. "Novaring" can provoke negative local sensations, cause too dry mucous membranes, general discomfort in the genital area.

Attention to every detail

In the instructions for the Novaring hormone ring, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the estimates of the frequency of occurrence of negative body responses are quite approximate, since they are based on information provided on a voluntary basis. A more precise assessment of the situation is currently impossible. Some spontaneous reports contained information about the negative consequences of using the remedy not only for women, but also for men. During sexual intercourse with the choice of this method of protection from conception, there is a risk of pain in the male penis. The risk of hyperemia increases, abrasions, bruises may form. All received messages were taken into account by the manufacturer and recorded in the accompanying documentation for the product.

novaring analogues
novaring analogues

The manufacturer in the instructions for using "Novaring" additionally draws attention to the possible negative consequences when using a contraceptive in cases where the method of protection is contraindicated for a woman. In particular, with angioedema, Novaring can cause a deterioration in the general condition, exacerbation of symptoms. Such a result shows not only the described ring, but also any exogenous hormonalconnections. Also, side effects will certainly accompany the use of a contraceptive if a woman is sick with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, if neoplasms (malignant, benign) are established, depending on the hormonal background, as well as some other conditions. All of them are listed in detail in the instructions in the part devoted to contraindications and conditions requiring special care.

How does it work?

Having considered the possible side effects of Nuvaring (menstruation disappeared, headache, disturbed stool disorders), it makes sense to figure out how and why this contraceptive works. In the description, the manufacturer indicates that the contraceptive is one of the combined ones, it contains two types of hormones that correct the work of the female reproductive system - ethinyl estradiol, etonogestrel. The first is estrogen, currently widely used as a contraceptive. The second name is progestogen, which has an increased affinity for progesterone receptors.

Contraceptive "Novaring" is effective due to the combined effect on the female body. Active compounds are able to suppress the process of ovulation, but to increase reliability, components have been introduced that affect other features of the female body, including the quality of mucus. As specialized tests have shown, the rate of conception per hundred women who used the medication for one year is 0.96. The studies were conducted with the participation of women in the age range of 18-40 years. Resultcomparable to oral combined hormonal birth control.

The big picture: attention to all factors

By the way, the negative features described above, as many people note in their responses, are completely equalized by the pluses of Novaring. Studies have shown that against the background of the use of this contraceptive in most women, the menstrual cycle becomes clear, orderly, regular, pain sensations and bleeding intensity decrease. Therefore, Nuvaring reduces the risk of iron deficiency in the female body. Currently, analytical data suggest that the use of this medication is a method to reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms in the ovaries, endometrium.

nuvaring side effect missing menstruation
nuvaring side effect missing menstruation

There are no complete analogues of Novaring on sale, and hormone-correcting tablets can be called an alternative with a similar degree of effectiveness. The manufacturer clearly proves that the ring is more convenient and practical. Statistical studies show that the use of an item leads to a lower incidence of spotting than the use of pills. Reduces the chance of breakthrough bleeding. Among those who used Nuvaring, the percentage of women in whom bleeding was observed strictly during a break in the use of a contraceptive was higher.

Important aspect

At the moment there is no official information about the possible negative consequences of the use of "Novaring" by underage girls. No special studies were organized to determine this fact.

Tests were performed to determine the effect of active compounds on bone mineral density. The duration of the program is two years. Compared "Novaring" and intrauterine device. Based on the results, a reasonable conclusion was made that there was no effect on bone density when choosing Nuvaring as a method of contraception.

Some doubt what the cancellation of Nuvaring should be like. The manufacturer draws attention: no special measures are required. Coordination with the attending physician is only necessary if the ring was used against the background of fibroids. Otherwise, the woman at any time, at her own request, simply stops using the contraceptive.

What happens in the body?

To understand why the previous periods are restored after Nuvaring, for what reason they change during the period of using the drug, you should delve into the logic of its effect on a woman. The hormonal compounds contained in a small ringlet are automatically injected daily into the tissues of the surrounding space, affecting the reproductive system. They quickly reach target organs, minimize the unpleasant manifestations associated with eating tablets, as they do not have such an effect on the stomach, intestines, as those intended for oral administration.

novaring highlight side effects
novaring highlight side effects

Etonogestrel, being released from the ring, quickly penetrates insideorganism, adsorbed through the mucous membranes of the reproductive system. The highest concentration of the compound in the circulatory system is observed approximately seven days after the administration of the drug. In blood plasma, the concentration changes gradually, although the limits are relatively small. The bioavailability of the active ingredient is 100%, that is, higher than when used orally.

Ethinylestradiol is the second hormonal compound contained in the ring and regularly injected in small doses into the female body. The highest level of concentration in the circulatory system is observed already three days after the start of the use of the drug. After three weeks, there is a slight decrease, the process of reducing the amount occurs smoothly. Bioavailability is estimated at 56%, which is approximately the same as tablets.

Special occasion

As stated above, the risk of experiencing negative events when using Nuvaring is higher if a woman belongs to certain patient groups. For example, a number of dangers are associated with insufficient functioning of the renal and hepatic systems. There is no official information about how the circulation of active compounds of a contraceptive in the body can change in such conditions. It is assumed that in violation of the functionality of the liver, the metabolism of sex hormones slows down, worsens.

When to use and when not to use?

Novaring is for all modern women interested in preventing unwanted pregnancies through reliablemethod associated with a minimum of unpleasant impressions. But the list of contraindications for the name is much wider than the indications. When using the ring by women belonging to the group of those for whom it is contraindicated, the probability of a negative response of the body is high.

You should not install "Novaring" if hypersensitivity, intolerance to any of the components used in the production of the product is detected. This applies not only to the main compounds, but also to auxiliary substances. Novaring should not be used if thrombosis, thromboembolism is diagnosed. This applies not only to the current moment, but also to the entire history of the disease. Nuvaring is not intended for persons whose condition suggests an imminent thrombosis, as well as in determining a predisposition to such.

novaring ring side effects patient reviews
novaring ring side effects patient reviews

You should not use the Novaring contraceptive ring if you are worried about migraine foci, the symptoms are neurological. This applies not only to the current moment, but also to the anamnesis. The ring is not intended for contraception of diabetics if vascular lesions are established, it is not suitable for patients with pancreatitis, malignant, benign neoplasms, bleeding of the genital organs, the cause of which cannot be established. Do not use "Novaring" for severe liver disease, during pregnancy and suspicion of conception, while breastfeeding.

You can, but carefully

Increased risk of side effects associated with the use ofNovaring rings by persons diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, heart valve disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, acute pathologies of the liver, kidneys, gallstones, systemic lupus, chorea minor, otosclerosis that provoked hearing loss.
