Postpartum contraception is frankly not an easy topic. It is known that it is during this period that the probability of an unplanned pregnancy is higher than in any other period of life. The most reasonable option is to visit a local gynecologist to choose the best remedy for a particular woman. This will allow you to choose an effective option that will not be dangerous either for the patient or for the baby.

Questions relevant
It's no secret that gestation, the birth of a child are extremely important periods for any modern woman, but the time shortly after the birth of a child is no less significant, because the body gradually restores strength. All the internal organs and systems that previously worked for the benefit of the embryo return to normal, directing the forces precisely for the full development of the child. Together with others, the ovaries are restored. The hormonal work of this organ forces a woman to use birth control pills afterchildbirth, spirals, barrier methods to prevent re-conception as soon as possible.
To prevent an unplanned pregnancy soon after the birth of a child, you should resort to the most effective means. In this case, many factors must be taken into account - from lifestyle and nutrition to the specifics of raising a baby. It is best to consult a doctor about which methods of contraception after childbirth are suitable in a particular case. This will depend both on the recovery processes and on the fact that the baby is breastfeeding and other features, including chronic and acute diseases suffered by the gynecologist's patient.
What will medicine tell?
Several scientific studies have been organized to determine what happens in the female body after the birth of offspring. As it was possible to reveal, recovery processes begin almost instantly. The involution of the reproductive system requires a minimum of time. Just ten days after the birth of the baby, the uterine canal is completely restored, by the end of the first month the pharynx closes, and by the seventh week there is a complete restoration of the inner cover - the endometrium. Therefore, sexual intercourse without the use of a contraceptive after childbirth can cause a new pregnancy. If a woman is not ready for such a turn of events, measures must be taken in advance to prevent unplanned fertilization.

Involution, as shown by specialized studies, is normally completely completed bythe end of the second month after the birth of the child. It is at this point that the mucosa is completely restored in those places where the placenta is attached. Doctors recommend using the most effective method of contraception after childbirth throughout this period (Orthodoxy, for example, approves of it). It is a complete abstinence from intimate contact. Such a responsible attitude towards oneself and one's he alth allows one to prevent unwanted infection, the danger of which is especially high during the period of recovery processes, when the body's defenses as a whole, the reproductive system in particular, are not high enough.
Statistics and Opportunities
It is known that menstrual function is restored on average six months after the birth of a child, if the baby is breastfed. If the child immediately eats an artificial product, menstruation returns as early as the fourth month. Often the cycle is not associated with ovulation, but it is possible. If you do not use contraceptive methods after childbirth, the likelihood of re-pregnancy is quite high. Studies have shown that up to 80% of all women who have recently given birth are faced with a situation where there was already ovulation before the very first menstrual bleeding.
Also, studies have shown that sexual activity after the birth of a child is typical for 95% of modern women. For many, contraception after childbirth is the responsibility for their he alth, the future of their family. It is known that almost a third of those who have recently given birth go to the doctor for help (artificial interruption of gestation) already in the first year after the baby is family. But only 35% of new mothers are ready to get pregnant again. Therefore, by the end of the second month after childbirth, it is necessary to consider which contraceptive option to choose so as not to encounter side effects. According to doctors, it should be kept between births from three to five years. Women who become pregnant and retain the embryo with a greater frequency are much more likely to experience complications. For them, the risk of death is higher - not only for the child, but also for the mother.
Where to start?
As shown by statistical studies, the methods, means, methods of contraception after childbirth, preferred by a modern woman, are barrier ones, since they do not affect the hormonal background and are guaranteed not to affect the child through breast milk. At the same time, the best option should be selected at the doctor's appointment, who first takes blood tests. Within a month and a half after the birth of a child (surgical, natural), almost all women lead an active sex life. There is no dependence on the type of feeding the child - his own milk or an artificial product.

Neglecting methods of preventing pregnancy, you can soon become a mother again. Proper selection is not just a method of preventing fertilization, but also a way to maintain he alth. True, at present there is no universal answer, which contraception is better to use after childbirth. You can not focus on menstrual bleeding as a sign of the restoration of the ability toovulation. Turning to the doctor for the selection of the optimal path, you will have to talk about all the features of sexual life. The doctor will also be guided by how a woman feeds a child.
Feeding and protection
If a woman has chosen breastfeeding, it is especially important to choose effective methods of contraception after childbirth, but the easiest way is for those who do not breastfeed at all. In this situation, it is necessary to visit a doctor and start taking special drugs within the first three weeks after the birth of the baby. Additionally, the doctor may recommend drugs that block milk production. Such recommendations may be based not only on the individual wishes of the patient, but also justified by other factors. For example, if HIV infection is detected, within a week after the birth of a child, it is necessary to start using special formulations to block lactation. The intake of such drugs activates the activity of the pituitary gland, gonadotropic compounds are produced, so ovulation is observed faster. This requires a special approach to the choice of contraceptive methods.
As you can see from the advice of experts, contraception after childbirth is carried out by different methods. They take into account how the selected drug can affect the child if the woman is breastfeeding, evaluate the patient's age, pathologies, and individual wishes of the client. It is necessary to analyze how high the likelihood of complications, side effects, how effective this or that option for preventing unwanted pregnancy will be in a particular case.
Choose: there is something from
Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies there is a huge variety of products used as contraception after childbirth. "Stop" pregnancy does not have to be said in such a radical way as a complete rejection of intimate contact. Many prefer, for example, natural ways. True, everything is not as simple as usual. Do not rely on the power of habit and previous experience. It is wise to consult a doctor. First, mucus samples are taken, the composition is examined, on the basis of which a special calendar is formulated to calculate the ovulatory period. In addition, it is necessary to control the basal temperature. This approach is the safest for a woman's he alth, does not affect milk, allows you to continue lactation without restrictions, but requires care and accuracy in everyday life.

Analyzing considered the best methods, methods of contraception after childbirth, it is worth paying attention to amenorrhea. In medicine, the approach is called MLA, extends to the period of breastfeeding. It would not be superfluous to explore the possibilities of non-hormonal options - barrier contraception, intrauterine devices. The most reliable method is combined hormonal preparations, but these are not suitable for everyone.
The natural way
This option does not involve any side effects, negative factors. On the other hand (especially in comparison with pills), natural contraception after childbirth shows a rather low effectiveness - beforehalf of all cases end in unplanned conception. This is explained quite simply: interpreting the results of the study, sticking to the calendar, taking into account changes in each particular cycle is quite difficult, it is easy to make a mistake. The situation immediately after childbirth is especially problematic, since the normal cycle has not yet been restored. Basal body temperature is highly dependent on the periods of sleep and wakefulness, and when breastfeeding a woman is constantly awake at night, which has a strong effect. The calendar method is a rather difficult approach for determining when the menstrual cycle will return to normal, what period is most likely to ovulate.
Withdrawal - Another contraceptive option after childbirth while breastfeeding, not associated with side effects. It is reliable, and you can resort to it in absolutely any period of life. The essence of the approach is the complete exclusion of sexual contact. True, this is a rather hard path, so it is not suitable for everyone. The lack of sexual contact for most modern families is completely unacceptable. The withdrawal approach is currently used by most women solely as a temporary measure.
This is the best contraceptive option after childbirth in the first six months after the birth of a child. It is suitable if the time intervals between feedings are no more than four hours, and at night - within six. True, there is an opinion that MLA is effective only in the case when three hours pass from feeding to feeding (without reference to the time of day). LLA is applicable if menstruation has not started yet. Ifbleeding has already been, ended and started again, while no more than 56 days have passed since birth, then this is not classified as menstrual, but is only a form of restoration of the reproductive system after the birth of a child.
MLA is applicable when a woman is breastfeeding her baby completely or this method is the main one, and complementary foods are only small, the baby receives 85% of all nutrients from the mother's product.
How does it work?
Contraception after childbirth using MLA technology involves controlling the level of prolactin in the circulatory system. At the same time, the number of gonadotropic hormonal compounds is reduced. This is due to the activity of the mammary glands that produce secrets. Regular irritation of the nipples that accompanies natural feeding stimulates just such a work of the hormonal system, accompanied by a slow recovery of cyclic reproductive processes. The egg grows, matures much more slowly.

Determining what type of contraception (contraception) to choose after childbirth, it must be remembered that LLA is available and safe for any mother who feeds a child, does not depend on sexual activity, does not lead to side effects, is effective for the first six months (studies show a level of 98%. At the same time, internal systems regenerate faster, and the baby has stronger immunity, supported by immunoglobulins that enter through a natural nutritional product. This reduces the chance of allergies. It is worth noting the relative cheapnessapproach.
MLA, as a way of contraception after childbirth, requires the mother to be constantly near the child and observe the time of feeding. This is especially difficult if natural milk is not produced enough. Problems can be caused by lifestyle: if a woman studies, works, it is difficult to combine this with constant feeding. In addition, the method is effective only for the first six months, and sometimes even less - that is, immediately after childbirth and until the restoration of menstrual cycles.
Because LAM is not a barrier technology for postpartum contraception, this approach cannot prevent a woman from becoming infected during intercourse. There is a risk of infection with immunodeficiency viruses, herpes, you can get another disease transmitted in this way. When choosing an MLA for yourself, you need to understand in advance that this is only a temporary solution, and soon you will have to switch to a more permanent and reliable option.
A dangerous moment
Adhering to LAM as the main method of contraception after childbirth, it is necessary to realize that the risk of conception is high when the child begins complementary feeding, the menstrual cycle is restored, the feeding regimen changes. If there is still no menstruation, but six months have passed since the birth, LLA completely loses its effectiveness.
Developing the theme
The above methods are a natural approach that does not require the use of pharmaceutical preparations. All alternative ways can affect the he alth of a woman and a child, the quality of milk produced by the mammary glands. You should refer todoctor and only on the basis of his recommendations to make a final decision.

Many dwell on the barrier method as effective and safe. A similar solution is intrauterine devices to prevent conception. If a spiral is chosen, then it must be placed in the first two days after the birth of the child - this is a safe procedure. If the event was not held immediately, you can return to it only two months after the birth. It is necessary to remember about the probability of arbitrary loss of the contraceptive. In addition, the spiral can provoke inflammation in the pelvic organs.
Barrier method - condoms, whose effectiveness level, as shown by tests, reaches 85%, tablets, films, foams, gels. All such products, except for condoms, are up to 70% effective or less. Some people prefer to use caps, diaphragms, female condoms, but these approaches are not very popular. The advantage of classical barrier contraception (male condom) is the absence of negative effects on the female body, so nothing affects either milk or hormonal levels. At the same time, the item is absolutely sterile, so there is no risk of infection. Special products supplemented with lubricant are suitable for those who suffer from increased dryness of the mucous membranes - a condition common to many women during breastfeeding.
Do not use barrier methods to prevent conception if allergic reactions tolatex. Spermicides, diaphragm are unacceptable if there is a risk of HIV infection. In addition, the use of a diaphragm can cause toxic shock. If there has been such a situation in the past, re-applying the method is strictly prohibited.
Oral contraception
This approach has been especially popular lately. Its logic is in influencing the concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the body. True, drugs can affect the quality of milk produced by the glands, change its composition, or even lead to the impossibility of producing the product. Oral contraceptives are recommended for women who choose artificial feeding of the child. When breastfeeding, it is better to resort to pills six months after childbirth and later.

If artificial feeding is chosen, contraceptives should be started as early as three weeks after birth, since only by this time the normal level of blood clotting is restored. It is known that hormonal pills can provoke the formation of blood clots, so using them ahead of time is associated with a certain risk not only for the he alth, but also for the life of the woman in labor.
Hormonal contraception: what happens?
The most common option is a combination, that is, tablets intended for use every day. Often, doctors recommend using them for polycystic disease, as a measure of treatment. An alternative approach is hormonal patches. These are glued once a week. Rings can be usedintended for monthly replacement.
Often, after childbirth, progestogen methods are chosen to prevent conception. The active component of such a drug is a synthetic hormone that does not control the ovulatory process, does not include estrogen, and therefore does not affect breast milk. Under the influence of the drug, cervical mucus, endometrium changes, the activity of the fallopian tubes is stopped. Progestogens are allowed to be used one and a half months after the birth of the child, if natural feeding is chosen. In other cases, you can use such funds immediately after childbirth.
What's in pharmacies?
Progestogens are represented by a fairly large variety of names. Popular are "mini-pills" intended for daily intake. You can use desogestrel, lactinet, injectable formulations designed for a lasting effect. Modern technologies allow the installation of implants, intrauterine devices, which contain levonorgestrel.

Reality of our life
As can be seen from practice, despite numerous medical recommendations regarding the choice of methods to prevent unwanted conception only at the doctor's office, many newly-made mothers do not seek the advice of a specialist. In most cases, the argument is simple: not enough time, not enough energy to spend your days waiting in line at gynecological consultations. Fortunately, a huge amount of funds are presented in pharmacies, and prescriptions for their sale are not required, so a womanhas the opportunity to experiment, choosing what is convenient and acceptable for her. This approach is assessed by many doctors as completely irresponsible: it is unacceptable to experiment on one's he alth, especially during lactation, when everything that gets into food enters the milk and ends up in the child's body. It is often completely impossible to predict how the drugs taken can affect the he alth of the baby.
The best, most reasonable option is a timely consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will take into account the fact of lactation, age characteristics, specific individual traits of a particular person. Already at the time of discharge after childbirth, it is worth checking with the attending doctor which contraceptives are applicable in the future. This will allow you not to waste time waiting for an additional appointment at the antenatal clinic.