Menstruation is the monthly bleeding from a woman's genital tract that recurs approximately every 28 days. Their duration depends on individual characteristics, he alth status and many other factors. How long should a normal period go? More on that below.
When the first period starts
The first menstruation is the body's signal that puberty is complete, which means that it becomes possible to become pregnant. Most often, the first menstruation occurs in the period from 11 to 14 years, for some they come later, which is also the norm. Menstruation is the second stage after the development of the mammary glands, which occurs from 7 to 13 years. The beginning of the first menstruation is associated with certain factors. These include heredity, psychological state, past diseases in childhood, quality of nutrition, origin, physical development. If the girl is physically strong, then menstruation comes earlier, if she is fragile and thin, later.

How long is the first period
Question that interests,First of all, the girl's mother. The first menstruation is short, weak. How many days should my period go for the first time? Most often it is two or three days, but it all depends on the state of he alth, individual characteristics. Then the period begins when menstruation stops. They may not be from two months to a year. In general, this is considered acceptable. By the age of 14-15, the cycle is finally established, it becomes regular. If a girl does not have a period for more than a year, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist.
Monthly normal
So. How long do periods usually take? As a rule, the duration of the discharge is three to five days. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days (the time from the onset of one bleeding to the onset of another). However, this is only an assumed norm. Every woman has an individual cycle. It can be short - 21 days, and long - no more than 35 days. If the cycle is shorter or longer, then this is an occasion to consult a specialist. More often, such cycles indicate improper functioning of the ovaries. It is important that menstruation is regular, without delay.

Normally, during the period of menstruation, a woman loses up to 60 ml of blood per day, that is, two tablespoons. It may seem that there are more of them, but we are talking only about blood, and menstrual flow consists not only of it, but also of endometrial tissue, mucus. For menstruation, 250 ml of discharge comes out, this is more than a glass. There are fewer highlights at the beginning and end than in the middle.
Scarce selections
How long do periods go if theyscarce? Such menstrual bleeding usually lasts from 3 days. The volume of secretions depends on many factors: the physique of a woman, weight, diseases of the genital organs, and so on.
Scanty discharge is typical for girls who are just starting their cycle. In girls and women, scanty periods are considered normal, but if this is a concern, you should check the level of estrogen in the blood. Its deficiency leads to a small amount of excretion. Causes of scanty periods:
- endocrine disorders;
- exhaustion of the body, overweight;
- ovarian dysfunction;
- endometrial diseases;
- taking contraceptives;
- special features.
The onset of menopause is another factor why there is little discharge per cycle.

Coarse discharge
How long is the normal period? Some women note that they go for five days, and end on the sixth. Abundant menstruation is a large amount of discharge, accompanied by poor he alth. Critical days often become a torment, they take a lot of strength, they go longer than usual (7-10 days). Abundant discharge can be recognized by the following signs:
- maxi pad fills up in two hours;
- use up to 30 pads or more per cycle;
- skin is painfully pale;
- there is nausea, severe weakness;
- decrease in blood pressure;
- development of anemia (abundant discharge in each cycle).
If the blood loss ismore than 250 ml for the entire menstruation, then the body will not be able to replenish it. As a result, reduced hemoglobin, poor he alth. Causes of heavy menstruation are hormone imbalance, uterine fibroids, cervical polyps, endometriosis, endometritis, malignant tumors, an intrauterine device.
Discharge after abortion
How long is my period after an abortion? If a woman had to go through it or have to for various reasons, she is concerned about natural questions: what will the discharge be and how long will it last. The nature of menstrual bleeding depends on how long the abortion or miscarriage occurred, as well as how it was carried out (medicated, with the help of a vacuum, curettage). If the menstruation after the abortion came on time, they are the same in duration and nature of the discharge as before, which means that the hormonal background quickly recovered, there were no complications after the procedure.

How long is my period after a miscarriage? In fact, these discharges are not menstruation. The longer the gestation period, the more abundant and longer they will be, the higher the likelihood of complications. If the gestational age is 8 weeks, the discharge can last about a month. If they go longer, periodically disappear and reappear, there is an unpleasant smell, then go to the doctor. These symptoms indicate inflammation. In this case, cleaning is carried out. The duration of menstruation after an abortion is affected by its type, gestational age, woman's age, he alth status, doctor's professionalism.
- Medicated abortion. With the help of medications (taking pills under the supervision of a doctor), bleeding is caused that mimics menstruation. The fertilized egg leaves the uterus along with the blood, that is, a miscarriage occurs. This type of abortion is carried out only in the early stages, it does not bring much physical discomfort. It differs from ordinary menstruation by abundant discharge and duration (about 10 days). The first day of taking the drug is considered the first day of the cycle. The next period starts on its own, with a slight delay.
- Vacuum. A mini-abortion that has more negative consequences than the first one. With the help of vacuum suction, the doctor removes the fetal egg, acting on the uterus mechanically. If the operation was successful, then within a few days there will still be spotting that remains in the uterus. The next period begins in a month, sometimes there are delays.
- Scraping. This instrumental method is one of the most traumatic. The uterus is opened with a surgical instrument. Among the complications are endometritis, parametritis, often leading to infertility. After cleaning, spotting appears, which lasts up to five days. If there are no complications, the next menstruation occurs in 1-2 months. If the purge is carried out after a frozen pregnancy, then the cycle is restored after seven weeks.
If, after any type of abortion, your period has not started on its own within 35 days, you should get an ultrasound and visit a gynecologist.
Period after childbirth
How long do periods lastafter childbirth? This is bleeding caused by detachment of the placenta during labor. After a woman gives birth to a child, the discharge is very plentiful. You have to use special pads and diapers. Discharge after childbirth lasts differently for everyone. Some have 2-3 weeks, others 1-2 months. But already on the 5th day, the discharge is noticeably reduced. They shouldn't have an odor. A week later, a woman should not experience sharp and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. If the woman in labor is thin, how many days do periods go? They may be smaller in volume, and the duration - short. The cycle is restored within six months, and also after the termination of breastfeeding.

After caesarean section
How long is my period after caesarean? Caesarean section does not affect the duration of menstruation. It is the same as after normal childbirth. Again, it all depends on a number of factors: the course of pregnancy, lifestyle, age of the woman, physiological state. The menstrual cycle after cesarean is established within a year. It is important to remember that while lactation continues, menstruation may not begin.
What to do if your period has disappeared
Many are interested not only in the question of how long the periods go, but also what to do if they do not start. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon:
- pregnancy;
- strong exhaustion of the body, extreme weight loss;
- hormonal failure;
- psychological causes (stress);
- setting cycle in girls-teenagers;
- onset of menopause in women of mature age;
- breastfeeding;
- high physical activity, professional sports;
- taking anabolic drugs;
- contraceptives (pills);
- thyroid problems;
- gynecological diseases, inflammation;
- long-term drug use;
- protracted illness.
Menstruation may be absent from a month to a year, but in any case, this situation requires treatment and consultation with a specialist. If menstruation is absent for more than 6 months, we are talking about amenorrhea. This is a symptom that indicates he alth problems. Perhaps they are not in the reproductive sphere.

Painful period
We figured out how many periods go, but are painful sensations the norm? Perhaps every girl and woman experienced pain during menstruation. Most often they occur on the first day of a new cycle and are considered the strongest. Unpleasant sensations arise due to contractions of the uterus, which rejects the endometrium. It comes out of the genital tract in the form of bloody discharge. Normally, pain is either absent altogether, or moderate, and does not last long in time.
A he althy woman experiences discomfort in most cases on the first day of menstruation, and subsequent ones are painless. But the body is different for everyone, so the factors that provoke pain should be taken into account. Alcohol intake, fatty and sugary foods, physical activity - allit makes you feel worse. If a woman during her period cannot do without pain pills, perform her usual work and daily activities, then she should consult a gynecologist for a consultation.
Perhaps there are problems in the reproductive system, there was a hormonal failure, there is a lack of vitamins and trace elements. As a rule, in the first days of the cycle, a woman may experience discomfort, which is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, dizziness, weakness, a decrease in body temperature, pallor of the skin, and chills. All of these symptoms resolve quickly and do not require treatment. Feeling better already on the second day.

Hygiene products
If a woman knows how many days her period should go, then you can choose the best option for hygiene products. The most common and commonly used are gaskets. They differ in size, thickness, coating, can be with wings and without, flavored and not. Gaskets are selected taking into account the volume of secretions, the length of the cycle. In a standard package - 10 pieces. The peculiarity of the pads is that they are changed every four hours as they get dirty, otherwise an unpleasant smell and bacteria growth are provided. If there are inflammatory processes in the uterus and vagina, doctors advise using only pads as a means of hygiene during menstruation.
Tampons are superior to pads in some ways. They are invisible, comfortable, not felt. A tampon is inserted into the vagina, its task is to absorb the discharge. It needs to be changed as often as possible. It is not advised to use it at night, with diseases of the reproductive sphere. If you are not sure that you can use tampons correctly, you are afraid of something, opt for pads.
The menstrual cup is the latest in hygiene products. This is a reservoir that is inserted into the vagina and collects secretions. Make a bowl of latex, plastic, silicone. Wash it every two to four hours a day, given the amount of discharge. This hygiene product is economical, but not suitable for virgins, it is prohibited for infections of the genital organs.