Lactomorphotypes in large numbers: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment options

Lactomorphotypes in large numbers: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment options
Lactomorphotypes in large numbers: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment options

In the article, we will consider why lactomorphotypes can be observed in large numbers and what this means.

The gynecological smear is a simple but very informative examination. It is taken not only when any unpleasant symptoms occur, but also as part of preventive examinations. Immediately before taking the biomaterial, a woman must necessarily comply with a number of conditions. Often, after receiving the result, it is found that lactomorphotypes are detected in a large number in the scraping, and the patients do not know what this means. We will answer this question further.

Description of pathology

In order to save women from a vain experience, it is immediately worth saying what these elements are. They are also called lactobacilli. They act as good bacteria that are part of the normal microflora of sexually mature female representatives. They must be present in the vagina without fail, as they carry out a responsible mission: these components feed on glycogen,turning it into lactic acid.

lactomorphotypes in large numbers what does it mean
lactomorphotypes in large numbers what does it mean

But is it normal that there are a lot of lactomorphotypes in the microflora? Due to this, an environment with the necessary acidity is formed, in which pathogenic parasites cannot survive, and conditional pathogenic bacteria simply die. Of course, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli opens up wide scope for the activity of pathogenic microscopic organisms. As a rule, their place is occupied by cocci, leukocytes, gardnerella, saprophytes, Trichomonas, chlamydia and other bad inhabitants. Scraping from the vaginal mucosa, along with determining the number of lactomorphotypes, helps to detect inflammatory processes and infections.

So, let's figure out what it means - lactomorphotypes in large numbers.

Norm and deviations in the study analysis

Against the background of the absence of a pathological process in the female genital organs, a smear should contain lactomorphotypes in a moderate amount. The bacterial proportion of other microscopic organisms should not exceed five percent. The total number of elements considered should not be less than 104 CFU / ml, otherwise the vaginal microflora will simply be disturbed. This can provoke bacterial vaginosis or other infectious diseases that occur in the genitourinary system.

lactomorphotypes in large numbers
lactomorphotypes in large numbers

The number of lactomorphotypes directly depends not only on the menstrual cycle, but also on a number of other aspects. To begin with, it will not be superfluous to say aboutbuild of representatives of the female body. Thin women with a lack of adipose tissue, as a rule, have lactomorphotypes in large numbers. To explain this factor, it is worth understanding the significance of the tissue structure in the human body. Fatty elements take part in the exchange interaction, especially sex hormones. It is in connection with this that lean ladies are distinguished by a menstrual cycle that lasts longer than usual. Tissues play an important role in the accumulation of macronutrients. In addition, they act as a necessary layer to protect organic structures.

There are a large number of blood vessels in the female reproductive organs, in connection with this, the process of reproduction and pregnancy is of great importance for the female body. Anatomically, the location of the uterus and vagina is such that the organs are in contact with the posterior walls of the bladder in front, and directly behind - with the anterior tissues of the intestinal cavity. They have close relationships with respect to nerve fibers and blood supply. If there are problems in one of the above systems, the total concentration of lactomorphotypes may be disturbed. A large number of these elements in the cervix is not the norm, as well as their lack. Now let's talk about how the lack of the elements in question usually manifests itself.

What symptoms should alert?

The smear to establish and study the flora is the most common gynecological analysis. The taking of this biomaterial is carried out as part of preventive examinations, duringplanning pregnancy and if you have the following symptoms:

lactomorphotypes in large numbers in a smear
lactomorphotypes in large numbers in a smear
  • The appearance of burning and itching in the genital area.
  • Pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Change in the nature of the discharge produced by the vagina.

In order for the result of the analysis to be the most accurate, a woman must follow a number of rules before taking a smear within one or two days, which include the following recommendations:

  • Do not have sex during this period.
  • Do not use vaginal suppositories, tablets or creams.
  • Do not douche.

It is not recommended to urinate approximately three hours before a swab is taken. It is also worth mentioning that such a study is not carried out during menstruation, since the results against this background will not be reliable.

Treatment options

In the event that lactomorphotypes are observed in the analysis in a meager amount, but nothing bothers the woman, special therapy is not required. Another thing is when their number suddenly decreases sharply, and atypical discharge occurs. Depending on the reasons that provoked such a violation of the microflora, a specific treatment strategy should be chosen. It is carried out, as a rule, in the following three directions:

microflora lactomorphotypes in large quantities v
microflora lactomorphotypes in large quantities v
  • Destruction of the causative agent of the disease.
  • The process of restoring normal microflora.
  • Performing stimulationimmune forces of the body.

In order to eliminate a pathogenic infection, it may be necessary to conduct powerful antibiotic therapy. As medications, Clindamycin is usually used along with Ampicillin, Dalacin, Terzhinan, Tinidazole, Betadine, Klion, Trichopolum, Metronidazole and Naxodine. In order to restore the microflora of the vagina, patients are prescribed the following eubiotics:

  • Treatment with Bifidumbacterin in suppositories (one suppository is used twice a day for five to ten days).
  • Therapy with "Lactobacterin" (it is used vaginally in five or six doses, which are previously diluted with boiled water) once a day, up to ten days.
  • Vagilak is used one capsule each (introduced into the vagina twice a day for seven or ten days).
  • Therapy "Simbiter" (this drug is used intravaginally, its contents are diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to two).
lactomorphotypes in large numbers in the cervical canal
lactomorphotypes in large numbers in the cervical canal

In order to increase immune protection, a vitamin complex is prescribed. From folk methods, you can use baths with decoctions of oak bark and propolis tinctures. Among other things, douching with chamomile, oak bark, calendula flowers is advisable. It is also worth using gauze tampons as part of therapy, which are impregnated with aloe juice, olive or sea buckthorn oil.

Smear sampling: from the cervical canal of the cervix, vagina andurethra

Lactomorphotypes may be present in large numbers in the cervix, cervical canal or vagina.

Biological material is taken at a gynecologist's appointment, during a woman's examination by a doctor. A specialist using a disposable sterile spatula takes a scraping from the vaginal mucosa, it can also be taken from the cervical canal of the cervix and from the urethra.

After that, the resulting substance is sent to the laboratory, where it is carefully studied under a microscope. Based on the result, the doctor determines whether the person has any disorders.

What do lactomorphotypes mean in large numbers (V) in microflora?

microflora lactomorphotypes in large numbers
microflora lactomorphotypes in large numbers

Smear transcript

Only a doctor can decipher and evaluate the results of such an analysis. The places from which the smear is taken are indicated by certain letters, for example:

  • V indicates that the scraping was taken from the vagina.
  • U reports urethral biomaterial.
  • C is a cervical swab.

Missing of these elements

In the urethra, as well as in the urethra, lactomorphotypes are normally absent. In the event that they are found in a moderate amount in the vaginal sampling, and also when there are very few of these microscopic organisms, this may indicate an imbalance in the microflora. Such changes may occur in the following cases:

  • The presence of inflammatory pathologies in the female genital area.
  • Hormonal disorder.
  • Decrease in the immune defense of the female body.
  • Effect of long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Using oral or intrauterine contraception.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.

Many people wonder if lactomorphotypes are dangerous in large numbers in the cervical canal?

Dangerous deficiency

Insufficient number of them may indicate the development of such a pathological condition, such as bacterial vaginosis. The introduction of pathogenic foreign bacteria is one of the causes of such a disease. The described pathology also occurs in situations where the number of conditional pathogenic bacteria, for example, gardnerella, significantly exceeds the normal value, and the number of lactobacilli decreases against this background.

lactomorphotypes in large numbers in the cervix
lactomorphotypes in large numbers in the cervix


Thus, lactomorphotypes in large numbers in a smear indicate the presence of sufficient protection of the female reproductive system. It is worth panicking only if there are few of them and symptoms of inflammation occur.

We looked at what it means - lactomorphotypes in large numbers.
