Thrush after ovulation: causes and treatments. "Flucostat": instructions for use for thrush

Thrush after ovulation: causes and treatments. "Flucostat": instructions for use for thrush
Thrush after ovulation: causes and treatments. "Flucostat": instructions for use for thrush

Discharge from the fairer sex plays a role, being modified at various stages of the monthly cycle under the influence of hormones. During the period of the exit of the female cell, cervical mucus is traced, resembling egg white in color and consistency. But why does thrush appear after ovulation, the causes of the disease and how to deal with it - let's try to figure it out.

thrush than to treat drugs
thrush than to treat drugs

Features of the disease

At the planning stage of pregnancy, every girl strives to regulate her life: she monitors nutrition, puts he althy people in order in order to successfully give birth to a strong child. That is why, if thrush appears the day after ovulation, the disease causes serious concern.

flucostat for thrush
flucostat for thrush

Why does it occur?

The disease is caused by a fungus of the Candida family, as a result of which the medical name of the disease is candidiasis. The thrush that appeared immediately after ovulation is characterized by the followingsymptoms:

  • profuse white curdled discharge;
  • unpleasant sour aroma;
  • accompanied by unbearable itching;
  • irritation of the skin and vaginal mucosa.

Like every infectious disease, it carries a danger to mother and child, complicates the course of pregnancy and can provoke infection of the fetus if it is not cured in a timely manner.

Many believe that thrush after ovulation is a sign of early pregnancy. To determine if this is true, let's analyze under the influence of what factors it most often occurs.

Mechanisms and factors

In the vagina, mucosal cells produce glycogen. It keeps in balance all the microorganisms living there without exception, keeps it clean and prevents pathogens from developing.

In the first phase of the cycle, if the follicle matures, the level of estrogen increases, which stimulates an increase in vaginal secretions. Immediately after the release of the egg, progesterone begins to increase in the blood. It is responsible for fertilization, good implantation of the fetal egg and the formation of the embryo, but at the same time it inhibits the influence of the hormone of the first phase. In accordance with this, the microflora in the vagina also changes, due to which the disease can occur immediately after ovulation. To establish an accurate diagnosis, bacterioscopy is most often used. In this case, during the examination, the doctor takes swabs from the urethra, vagina and cervix, which are then examined by a laboratory assistant. With operational analytics, the probability of detecting a fungus at an early stage is very high.

flucostat instructions for use for thrush
flucostat instructions for use for thrush

Causes of disease

A disease that occurs after ovulation may have the following prerequisites:

  • change in hormonal levels, due to its walls of the vagina become looser;
  • decreased immunity that occurs with an increase in progesterone, which reduces the protective qualities of the vaginal mucosa;
  • use of irritating treatments (frequent use of douches and scented soaps);
  • excess consumption of sweets, starchy foods and spicy foods;
  • medication etc.

Mild therapy


After eliminating the sources of infection and disease-provoking conditions, you can begin therapy with antifungal drugs and taking probiotics that renew the microflora of the vagina and intestinal tract. It is extremely harmful to use systemic substances in the treatment of uncomplicated thrush. They have a hepatotoxic effect, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys. It is more correct to manage by means of local influence. Drugs than to treat thrush after ovulation will be as follows.

  1. If the doctor deems it appropriate, prolonged use of the medications noted above,can be replaced by a single use of "Fluconazole" or its analogues: "Mikoflucan", "Flucostat", "Diflazon", "Diflucan", "Ciscan", "Mycosyst", "Mycomax".
  2. Treatment of thrush is not particularly difficult. The duration of therapy is from 1 day to a week. During this period, it is important to refrain from sexual contact and strictly adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene. In this case, the effectiveness of therapy is high and tends to 90%.
  3. At the end of treatment, you can take actions aimed at fixing the result and eliminating relapses: washing with solutions of boric acid, soda, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Drugs to treat thrush after ovulation are freely available. But don't use them without a doctor's prescription.

thrush after ovulation causes
thrush after ovulation causes

"Flucostat" as the main treatment

The main pharmaceutical substance in the preparation is fluconazole. After taking the medication, it is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours it reaches the highest concentration in the blood. "Flucostat" gets into all biological fluids of the body, for this reason, it takes quite a long time to completely eliminate it. The output is made mainly through the kidneys.

"Fluconazole", reaching the source of reproduction of the fungus, has a destructive effect on it, blocking the production of a substance,necessary for the development of the cell membrane. As a result, it becomes thinner, and the microorganism dies due to the destruction of its body. Due to the fact that the drug acts selectively, only on thrush pathogens, it does not damage the he althy microflora of the mucous membranes.

thrush one day after ovulation
thrush one day after ovulation

Contraindications to the use of the drug

In the overwhelming majority of cases, gynecologists prescribe "Flucostat" for thrush. Indications and contraindications are clearly stated in the instructions for use of the medicinal product. Among the latest:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • intolerance to any component of the medicine;
  • under 3;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • heart problems;
  • drinking.

If at least one of the above contraindications is noticed, it is necessary to replace the drug with an analogue. If these are not available, you can start taking the pharmaceutical substance, but it is important to strictly adhere to the dose and duration of the course of treatment.

thrush immediately after ovulation
thrush immediately after ovulation

How to take it correctly

Doctors prescribe the use of medicines in the usual way to fight the disease. Depending on the form of the disease, the duration of therapy required for its elimination and the dosage of the medication taken are also determined. The recommendations of a specialist must be followed exactly, since if taken incorrectly"Flukostat" not only will not be able to get rid of the problem, but addiction to the drug may still appear, and its replacement with an analog will be required to cure it.

Mild thrush

If the disease appeared for the first time, and its treatment was started immediately, then the drug is used once. The concentration of the substance is 150 mg. In this case, the drug is necessary only in order to help the body on its own to begin an intensive fight against the provocateur of the disease. With a simple thrush, the number of fungi on the mucosa is not so large, and local immunity, reinforced by taking Flucostat, quickly copes with them. As a rule, under the influence of the drug, the cure begins already on the second or third day. In addition, the remedy is also used for the prevention of thrush, if there was a danger of infection, such as a long stay on the road without the possibility of maintaining normal hygiene and a long stay in wet linen. You can also use "Flucostat" for the purpose of prevention, if there was an unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner, presumably sick with thrush.

Chronic candidiasis

If the disease has become chronic, in order to combat it, Flucostat is also used, using it according to a specific scheme. To complete the course of therapy, it is necessary to take a tablet of the drug with a concentration of 150 mg of the active substance and then a capsule every 4 days 2 more times. Such active treatment makes it possible not onlyonly to stimulate local immunity, but also to destroy all, without exception, fungal colonies on the mucous membranes of the vagina.

thrush after ovulation
thrush after ovulation

Recurrent thrush

This form of the disease is the most difficult to cure. To overcome the disease using Flucostat, you will need 4 capsules of 150 mg. Use the drug with plenty of water. In this case, it turns out to free the body from absolutely all pathogens of thrush, even if they managed to plunge into the thickness of the tissues. The disease acquires this form due to the fact that candidiasis was not treated on time and properly.

The appearance of thrush after ovulation is associated with a number of conditions leading to a violation of the microflora and the development of a suitable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The disease has no direct relation to pregnancy. Untimely treatment can lead to the transition of candidiasis into a chronic form.
