Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation in a day, three days, a week?

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation in a day, three days, a week?
Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation in a day, three days, a week?

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Every woman should understand this issue. The issue is especially relevant for ladies who decide to become a mother in the near future. In this case, it is important to know how to plan a pregnancy. That is, on what days you can make love without any problems, without being protected and without fear for a successful conception.

It's really not as difficult as it seems. And even inexperienced girls are able to figure out the right time to conceive a baby.

calendar method
calendar method

Ovulation is…

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Before answering this question, let's deal with the mentioned concept.

Ovulation is the moment when an egg ready for fertilization leaves the follicle. This process is quite complicated, but every mature girl faces it from month to month.

After the egg has left the follicle, it begins to move through the fallopian tubes. If, at the end of the journey, fertilization does nothappened, the female cell just dies. After that, critical days and a new monthly cycle begin.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after ovulation? And when are the chances of becoming a mother the highest? How to calculate "safe days" and good times for planning a baby?

At ovulation

The ideal time to conceive a baby is ovulation. That is why women try to find out when it comes.

Ideally, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. On average, 13-14 days after the start of the next menstruation, you can become pregnant. Chances at this time are maximum.

If the cycle is short, conception is possible even on the 10th day. Long monthly cycle? Then ovulation occurs approximately on the 20-21st day. The described process is individual for each woman.

Duration of "Day X"

Is it possible to get pregnant after the day of ovulation? Or does successful conception occur only at the moment the egg is released from the follicle?

Doctors say ovulation lasts an average of 48 hours. Accordingly, immediately after the egg has left the follicle, the girl can become pregnant. And the next day too.

Ovulation and pregnancy
Ovulation and pregnancy

Second day

What if a couple made love without contraception on the second day after ovulation? How high are the chances of becoming parents soon?

Experts say that under such circumstances, pregnancy is more likely. As we have said, ovulation lasts about two days. Therefore, even 2 days after the releaseeggs, you can become a mother.

Third day

Is it possible to get pregnant after 3 days of ovulation? The question is moot. The thing is that the egg is still alive at this moment. And fertilization is possible.

In real life, on the third day after "day X" it is problematic to get pregnant. This is due to the extinction of the life of the egg. After ovulation, in the absence of fertilization, the female cell dies in approximately 2-3 days.

Fourth day

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Yes, but the chances decrease with each passing day of the cycle. And on the fourth day, successful fertilization is almost impossible.

It is at this time that the egg loses its "strength" and dies. In such conditions, fertilization is a happy exception. Accordingly, you do not have to worry too much about an unwanted pregnancy.

In a week

One day after ovulation, the chances of successful conception still exist. But with every day it is reduced.

basal body temperature chart
basal body temperature chart

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? For example, for 5-7 days? Or is it impossible?

With all of the above, the specified time period is safe. Successful conception 5-6 days after ovulation is impossible. After all, the egg has already died, and the new one has not matured and has not left the follicle. Accordingly, you can not be afraid of sexual intercourse without protection.

Best time to conceive

Is it possible to get pregnant after a week of ovulation? That is, after 7 or more days. We already know the answer to this question. And henegative.

When is the best time to plan a baby? Taking into account the fact that spermatozoa remain active for 2-3 days, it is recommended for successful conception to make love without protection 2 days before ovulation. Of course, at the time of its onset, you should not use protection either.

Deviations from the norm

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Reviews of doctors and girls indicate that a woman is capable of becoming a mother on any day of the monthly cycle. Only at one time the chances of conception are scanty, and at another they are maximum.

It happens that a girl finds out about the pregnancy, which came a week or more after the "day X". How is this possible? Is this a fantasy?

Not at all. The thing is that the female body is easily exposed to external factors. And therefore, pregnancy a week after ovulation is possible. In this case, the girl simply has a belated release of the egg from the follicle. In fact, the woman thinks that the "right day" is missed, but in fact it has not yet arrived.

Lack of sex is not a guarantee of safety

Second day after ovulation? Is it possible to get pregnant? Yes, and quite easily.

Some girls believe that the absence of unprotected intercourse on "Day X" and 48 hours before it is a guarantee of safety. But it's not.

The thing is that male spermatozoa can live in the female body for up to 7 days. And so unprotected intercourse a week before ovulation can lead to pregnancy. Everyone needs to remember this.

About ovulation
About ovulation

Methods for determining ovulation

Based on the foregoing, you should know exactly when a girl's "Day X" begins. In the modern world, you can easily cope with the task.

Among the known methods for determining ovulation, there are:

  • calendar;
  • physiological;
  • on ultrasound;
  • according to the basal temperature chart.

Next, we will consider all possible scenarios. But first, some more information about conception during ovulation.

For newborns

Certain categories of women and doctors say that you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. This is not entirely true.

When breastfeeding, the uterus contracts. This somewhat hinders conception. But this process does not affect ovulation in any way.

If a woman does not have her period, she can become pregnant after giving birth. Even at the first ovulation, even when breastfeeding a baby. It is not necessary to believe in the safety of unprotected intercourse during lactation.

Chances of getting pregnant after childbirth before the onset of critical days and about a year after them are always there. The menstrual cycle has just begun to recover. And therefore, it is impossible to say exactly when ovulation will occur.

Fertilization of the egg
Fertilization of the egg

Determination of ovulation by temperature

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Yes, but it's quite problematic. Therefore, it is important to know how to define "Day X".

There is a definition of ovulation by basal temperature. A girl should every dayMeasure your basal body temperature and keep a graph of it. You need to conduct a study at the same time, without getting out of bed.

When you ovulate, your body temperature rises to 37 degrees Celsius. For the purity of the study, you need to observe your body for at least 3 months.


The most accurate way to determine ovulation is a visit to the ultrasound room. A specialist doctor will be able not only to see the stage of maturation of the egg, but also to track exactly where the female cell is located at one time or another.

Ultrasonography is not wrong. But in order to accurately determine ovulation, you will have to repeat them approximately in the middle of the cycle with a frequency of 2-3 days.

Calendar method

We have already talked about the calendar method for determining the right day for conception, analyzing the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after ovulation. This is not the most reliable and correct alignment.

Ovulation test at home
Ovulation test at home

To determine ovulation, a woman should simply find out when she is in the middle of her menstrual cycle. This will be the alleged "Day X".

Home research

To plan pregnancy, it is important to determine ovulation. Now the girl may not think about such a question. After all, there are special tests to determine ovulation.

Sold such devices in every pharmacy. The action of a rapid test is similar to a pregnancy test. It is enough to urinate on the test strip or put some urine on the reader. After 5 minutes you can see the result. One strip - no ovulation, two -it's time to plan pregnancy.

To catch ovulation in this way, you have to repeat the tests several times with a frequency of 2-3 days. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this.


Thinking about whether it is possible to get pregnant after ovulation or during it, some girls try to determine for themselves when the chances of conception are highest.

There is an opinion that ovulation has a number of physiological manifestations. For example, these include:

  • increased sex drive;
  • increased amount of mucus from the vagina (no strong odor or color).

In some cases, women feel pain in the ovaries. This is normal but not 100% ovulation.


We found out when a girl is most likely to get pregnant. Now everything is known about how to determine ovulation.

When do you get pregnant after ovulation?
When do you get pregnant after ovulation?

In reality, planning a baby is a difficult process. Successful conception can occur on any day of the cycle. And every girl will have to remember this. Sometimes pregnancy comes unexpectedly. For example, due to delayed or accelerated ovulation.
