What to do if your chest hurts?

What to do if your chest hurts?
What to do if your chest hurts?

Few women know that if the chest hurts, then this can indicate serious illnesses. Depending on the nature of the sensations, their duration and accompanying symptoms, one can approximately draw up a picture of the disease. But this should not be a substitute for a full and qualified examination by a doctor. Consider the main causes of chest pain and how to eliminate them.

if your chest hurts
if your chest hurts


Before the onset of menstruation, a woman's breasts tend to swell and hurt. Many of the fair sex under the age of 40 are familiar with this. If the chest hurts just before the arrival of menstruation, and after they end, everything goes away, then there is no reason to worry. This is a normal process and does not require treatment.

Uncomfortable underwear

Too small a bra or underwired underwear can lead to stagnation of blood in the lymph nodes located near the armpit. In addition to discomfort, red pressure marks and sometimes bruises can be found on the body. Wearsuch underwear is strictly contraindicated, especially in cases where the chest hurts after it. Strong compression of the mammary glands is fraught with mastopathy and even oncology.

right chest pain
right chest pain

Hormonal disruption

The hormonal background is responsible for the work of all female organs. And if an imbalance occurs in the body, then it can manifest itself as chest pains. In addition, you can notice a violation of the cycle of menstruation, overweight, lethargy and lack of libido. To eliminate the disease, you will have to undergo a course of drug therapy using hormonal drugs.

Disturbances in the functionality of the nervous system

Frequent stresses, regular nervous experiences have a negative impact on the work of the whole organism. Including the chest suffers. The mammary glands become tense, rough and painful to the touch. Disorders of the nervous system must be treated, otherwise more serious complications cannot be avoided.


According to statistics, breast cancer is most often detected in women from oncological diseases. There are many reasons for this: injuries, mastopathy, menopause and much more. If the chest constantly and severely hurts, and seals are felt during palpation, then a visit to the doctor is indispensable. Oncology is now treated in 90% of cases, but if you delay going to the hospital, this can lead not only to the loss of the mammary gland, but also to death.

severe chest pain
severe chest pain

Other causes of discomfort

  1. If your chest hurts, then you need to get checked forpregnancy.
  2. Pain during breastfeeding is normal, as long as it is not accompanied by fever and redness of the breast.
  3. Iodine deficiency. Another cause of pain, which recedes when the lack of an element in the body is replenished.
  4. Overweight. Too rapid growth of the mammary glands often manifests itself as unpleasant sensations.
  5. Neuralgia. Pain in the right or left chest may indicate a pinched nerve. It is necessary to pay attention to their nature and location.
  6. Cyst. The pain is concentrated in a certain place where you can palpate a small swelling or induration. The cyst is detected exclusively on ultrasound. Proper care of the mammary glands will eliminate the cyst without medical intervention.
