Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

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Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures
Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

Video: Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

Video: Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures
Video: Medicinal Plants of Southern Africa E02: Artemisia afra/African wormwood 2025, January

About half of pregnant women in varying degrees for the first time encounter manifestations of hemorrhoids during childbearing. This unpleasant disease is not a contraindication to natural delivery, although it can cause many problems both during pregnancy and the delivery process.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Normal changes that occur during pregnancy in the body often cause the formation of hemorrhoids. This phenomenon poses the greatest danger for those patients who are prone to congestion in the pelvic organs. Doctors identify about five main reasons that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. Sometimes a woman may have several of them at once.

Impaired peristalsis against the background of an improper diet leads to constipation. Chronic constipation provokes stagnation in the pelvic organs, which is the cause of the formation of hemorrhoids. This reason has already been mentioned above. In such a case, it is necessarychange the diet and normalize the stool. In some cases, conservative treatment may be required.

hemorrhoids after childbirth reviews
hemorrhoids after childbirth reviews

Increased pressure on the pelvic organs and blood vessels exerts the growth of the uterus during childbearing. This leads to problems with regular bowel movements and congestion, which results in hemorrhoids. To reduce the risk, prolonged sitting should be avoided. A woman during pregnancy should definitely take a daily walk in the fresh air.

Sedentary lifestyle is the main reason for the formation of hemorrhoids, not only in expectant mothers, but also among other categories of patients. Most women limit activity during pregnancy due to poor he alth, discomfort in the abdomen and lower back. But this has a bad effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs and can lead to the formation of hemorrhoidal changes.

Hemorrhoids before childbirth may appear due to hormonal imbalance. To maintain and maintain pregnancy, an increased level of the hormone progesterone in the blood is necessary, but this substance has a negative effect on the pelvic vessels, contributing to their pathological expansion. Hormones can also cause constipation. With malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, this leads to inflammation and an increase in hemorrhoids.

Birth itself is a provoking factor. The tension increases significantly, which leads to exacerbations. Hemorrhoids may appear after childbirth (photopractitioners show a variety of - from minimal signs of the disease to serious forms) even if during pregnancy the woman did not notice the initial symptoms. Therefore, the prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is so important. The likelihood of hemorrhoids after childbirth (reviews of many women confirm this) is minimal in he althy expectant mothers.

Main symptoms of the disease

One of the main signs of illness is bleeding after a bowel movement. A woman may notice faint traces of blood. In some cases, blood loss is quite serious and requires medical attention. In addition, the disease is characterized by a feeling of discomfort, itching and burning in the anus. Soreness may not be characteristic in all cases. Usually, pain appears only when the disease worsens.

childbirth with hemorrhoids
childbirth with hemorrhoids

A vivid symptom of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of nodes. In this case, the nodules come out of the anus during bowel movements. You can set them up yourself. After a while, hemorrhoids have to be reduced more often, because as the disease develops, muscle tone weakens, and the sphincter can no longer hold the nodes in the intestine for a long time.

Hemorrhoids occur in acute or chronic form. In the first case, the disease is accompanied by a sharp pain in the process of defecation, when walking or a slight load. Chronic hemorrhoids are characterized by slight discomfort in the anus. Most often, pain occurs during the act of defecation or immediately after it. There may be rare and minor bleedingafter stool and occasional knots falling out.

Treatment during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during childbirth can worsen if the treatment of the first manifestations of the disease was not started during pregnancy. Therapy should be prescribed on time, so a woman has a better chance of a positive outcome of this disease. Be sure to adjust the diet and normalize the stool. Physical activity is required to maintain the muscle tone of the abdominal wall and perineum. This will help get rid of congestion in the pelvic area.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy depends on the stage of the disease. All women suffering from this pathology are divided into two groups by doctors. The first includes expectant mothers with asymptomatic hemorrhoids, which is detected in the initial stage during a medical examination. These patients do not require medical treatment. Only preventive measures are shown, and if necessary, mild laxatives are prescribed.

heparin ointment
heparin ointment

The second group includes women with burning and itching in the anus, bleeding, chronic constipation, pain during defecation. In this case, medical treatment is indicated. The selection of pharmacological preparations is carried out individually, taking into account the special condition of the woman.

Expectant mothers are treated with the same drugs as other categories of patients. Ointments, gels and suppositories are prescribed to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and capillary fragility, drugs to reduce viscosity and increase vascular tone, local remedies thatanesthetize and relieve itching. Doctors recommend using Troxevasin, Troxerutin and Ginkor-forte, Aescusan, Doxium and Gepatrombin, Misvengal and Venitan.

In the presence of cracks, it is desirable to give preference to conservative therapy. In the event of an urgent need for surgical intervention, doctors resort to gentle methods that are aimed at preventing dangerous bleeding.

How to relieve a woman's condition

Hemorrhoids during childbirth are exacerbated, as a rule, in those categories of patients who previously suffered from this disease. So preventive measures and treatment if necessary are very important. During pregnancy, many drugs are not allowed, because, for example, pills that facilitate the act of emptying the intestines, can also lead to premature opening of the cervix. In the first trimester, almost nothing can be taken, and some pharmacological agents are contraindicated until delivery. But there are rectal suppositories based on natural ingredients that help reduce discomfort and resist inflammation.

To alleviate the condition of a woman during pregnancy and to give birth with hemorrhoids normally, safe folk methods are used. It is recommended to wash with decoctions of herbs. It is optimal to use chamomile, dandelion. These are safe for the expectant mother. Showing compresses and lotions using herbal infusions (nettle, chamomile). With bleeding, burdock oil at room temperature will help. For bowel movementsyou can use enemas, but you do not need to abuse it, because it is addictive. In addition, a balanced diet is shown. This will loosen hemorrhoids during childbirth and prevent possible complications.

hemorrhoids after childbirth treatment for breastfeeding
hemorrhoids after childbirth treatment for breastfeeding

Are natural childbirth and illness compatible

Hemorrhoids detected during childbirth are not a contraindication to natural delivery, but it is advisable to carry out prophylaxis in advance. A woman with such a disease in most cases can give birth on her own. However, the pathology may worsen or there will be complications of hemorrhoids after childbirth in a woman. Photos from medical practice and statistics from practitioners confirm that after delivery, the disease remains and periodically worsens in eight out of ten women.

Indications for caesarean section

If the disease is not treated during pregnancy, complications may occur during childbirth:

  • heavy bleeding requiring emergency medical attention;
  • development of thrombophlebitis;
  • pinched or infected hemorrhoids;
  • transition of a chronic disease into an acute form;
  • further development of node necrosis.

The most dangerous option is the development of bleeding with significant blood loss.

How is childbirth with such a disease

As mentioned earlier, hemorrhoids found in a pregnant woman is not a contraindication to the natural birth process. The indication for caesarean section is only a chronic formhemorrhoids, if we are talking about the fourth degree of pathology. CS is indicated in the presence of thrombotic nodes and a real risk of heavy bleeding, but this happens quite rarely. As a rule, the decision on the nature of childbirth is made after the examination of the woman by a proctologist and only on an individual basis.

But you should know that childbirth and hemorrhoids are not the best combination. Most likely, the presence of nodes will affect both the pain of labor and its duration. Childbirth can aggravate the course of the disease, because it is normal that it involves tension in the muscular system of the small pelvis and perineum. The main load will fall on the rectum, sphincter and pelvic vessels. Prolonged childbirth with intense attempts leads to serious complications. In this case, hemorrhoids after childbirth (the photo in this case is not for the faint of heart) may appear in those women who have not previously encountered manifestations of the disease. Treatment in this case should be started immediately.

remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth
remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth

Is it possible to avoid exacerbation of hemorrhoids after childbirth? What to do? If the disease is already there, and childbirth has begun, then it is almost impossible to influence the situation. A woman can only listen carefully and follow all the instructions of the doctor and midwife. Timely and correct actions without excessive tension of the muscles of the perineum during attempts will contribute to safe and easy childbirth, which will pass without unpleasant consequences.

Postpartum care

If hemorrhoids are detected during childbirth, treatment can be started immediately after the endtribal activity. Conservative therapy or surgery may be indicated. The choice of treatment depends on how serious the disease is. There is no need to be afraid of surgical treatment, because now modern techniques are used that are less traumatic and guarantee a successful recovery.

If hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth in women (there is a photo of suitable remedies below) consists in the use of suppositories, gels and ointments. Heparin ointment and heparin-based suppositories are very actively used. The drug is not contraindicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding or during pregnancy, because it has only a local effect. "Troxevasin" is used in the form of a cream or ointment. The tool relieves inflammation, swelling, helps to reduce the amount of secretions. "Troxevasin" also has no contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

troxevasin treatment for hemorrhoids
troxevasin treatment for hemorrhoids

Often, doctors prescribe "Relief" - a cream based on shark liver fats. No contraindications, but not used in acute stages. This drug can be used even at the initial stage. "Posterisan" promotes the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa and anus. Not contraindicated in lactation. The ointment has an analgesic effect. Another effective remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth is Procto-glivenol suppositories. The drug contains an anesthetic that has a local anesthetic effect. Candles can be used during lactation.

Good helpfrom hemorrhoids after childbirth ointments based on natural ingredients. These include suppositories with calendula, propolis and sea buckthorn oil. But such remedies are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Herbal baths, sea buckthorn oil and other home remedies are shown. But they can be used only after consulting a proctologist.

Prevention and treatment of initial stages

Postpartum hemorrhoids can be prevented by normalizing bowel function. In addition, it is recommended to consume plenty of fluids daily. You need a minimum of 1.5 liters or 2.5-3 liters for lactation. The diet should include foods that are rich in fiber. These are bran, brown rice, wholemeal bread, vegetables. Every day you need to eat dairy products, fruits and dried fruits. It is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and exclude carbonated drinks, sweets. It is undesirable to use diuretic teas and infusions.

hemorrhoids during childbirth treatment
hemorrhoids during childbirth treatment

There should be light exercise in the daily routine. In the first month after childbirth, the use of alcohol, fatty foods with a lot of seasonings and spices is contraindicated. Personal hygiene is an important preventive measure. The area of the anus should be washed with water after each bowel movement. Drying and soothing baths are recommended.

Restriction of therapy due to breastfeeding is impossible, because if left untreated, hemorrhoids become chronic after childbirth. The disease is complemented by newunpleasant symptoms. As hemorrhoids grow, surgery may be required.