Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms and treatment

Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms and treatment
Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms and treatment

Treatment of reproductive organs occupies a special place in medicine. After all, many diseases can lead not only to disruption of the rhythm of life, but also to the inability to conceive and give birth to offspring. Especially often representatives of the weaker sex turn to the doctor with various complaints. That is why it is so important to visit the gynecologist twice a year for routine examinations. Such preventive measures make it possible to detect this or that pathology at the earliest stage of its development.

This article will tell you about such a problem as the endometrioid cyst of the right ovary. You will be able to find out what kind of disease it is and how it appears. It is also worth mentioning what symptoms the endometrioid cyst of the right ovary has. Treatment methods will be discussed separately below.

right ovarian cystendometrioid
right ovarian cystendometrioid

What is endometriosis?

Before you say what an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is, it is worth noting that the formation does not appear on its own. It is always a consequence of a disease called endometriosis. In the early stages, the pathology practically does not manifest itself. That is why such a disease is called the insidious enemy of women. After all, the progression of pathology leads to very unpleasant and serious consequences.

Endometriosis is a purely female disease. When it occurs, the growth of the inner mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium. It is worth noting that cells appear where they should not be. During endometriosis, the described tissue affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity, and intestines. Also, the endometrium can settle on the kidneys and liver. Less commonly, the overgrowth affects the lungs and higher organs.

Indoor and outdoor

The endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, the photo of which is presented to you, appears solely due to external endometriosis. Many patients confuse it with internal. To clarify the situation a little, it is worth saying a few words about this pathology.

Internal endometriosis is called endometritis. With the course of this disease, an increase in the mucous layer of the uterus occurs. In this case, the endometrium does not extend beyond the genital organ. With the external form, as you already know, the tissues of the abdominal cavity are affected. A cyst of the right ovary (endometrioid) is formed already at the 3rd-4th stage of the disease.

endometrioid cyst of the right ovary
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary

Why the right one?

Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid occurs in 80 percent of cases of such neoplasms. According to statistics, other tumor processes often appear on the right side. Why this is happening is still unknown.

Scientists tend to assume that the right ovary is filled with a large number of vessels and capillaries. It is here that the bulk of the ovarian reserve is laid. That is why various cysts are formed here. The tumor of the left ovary does not appear as clearly as on this side. However, it can also form in a woman of reproductive age.

Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms of pathology

As you already know, endometriosis may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. At the 1st-2nd stage, most of the fairer sex feel great, nothing bothers them. However, with the formation of a tumor, everything changes. It is worth noting that the described neoplasm can increase in size very quickly. What can a woman complain about with such a pathology? Consider the main symptoms of the disease:

  • Breaking the cycle. Menstruation with an endometrioid cyst becomes irregular. Bleeding may start unexpectedly, in the middle of a cycle, or be absent for several months.
  • Long periods. Most women who have a right ovarian cyst (endometrioid) complain of spotting. However, it continues for one or two weeks after menstruation. The color of the discharge is almost black orbrown.
  • Chocolate period. So many characterize their discharge. During menstruation, a woman finds not scarlet blood, as is usually the case, but an almost black viscous substance.
  • Painful sensations. Often in the last stages of endometriosis, it manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen. This sensation is aggravated during sexual contact or a sharp fall on the buttocks. It is worth noting that the larger the cyst, the more pronounced this symptomatology.
  • Rise in temperature. If endometriosis progresses and the cyst increases in size, then fever may begin due to the inflammatory process. However, this symptom does not always occur.
  • Violation of the stool. If the neoplasm reaches a large size, then it begins to shift neighboring organs from their usual places, in particular the intestines. As a result, a woman often complains of constipation. The representative of the weaker sex has to take laxatives, but they are ineffective.
  • Infertility. The endometrioid cyst of the right ovary and pregnancy are practically incompatible. This is what young patients often complain about, who are subsequently diagnosed with pathology.
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary treatment
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary treatment

What can a doctor detect?

If you are experiencing one of the above symptoms, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Remember that delay can threaten the transition of the disease to a later stage. In such a situation, getting rid of the problem will become almost impossible. Apart fromof the symptoms that a woman discovers, there are other signs of the disease. They can already be noted by a specialist during the diagnosis:

  • Increased estrogen levels. In a laboratory study of hormonal levels, a woman with an endometrioid cyst will have a very high level of estrogen. It is because of him that the disease begins to progress.
  • The insufficiency of the second phase. After ovulation, it usually takes 12 to 14 days before the next menstruation. For patients with the described neoplasm, the duration of the second phase is not more than a week. Also often we are talking about anovulatory cycles.
  • Enlargement of the uterus and ovaries. During a gynecological examination, the doctor can, with the help of palpation, detect an increase in the reproductive organ. In the area of the right ovary, the woman feels soreness. The doctor also notes its increased size.
  • Fluid in the retrouterine space. With an endometrioid cyst, blood is regularly released into the abdominal cavity. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor can detect it and even measure volumes.
  • Adhesion process. An endometrioid cyst is always accompanied by an adhesive process, since we are already talking about a late stage of endometriosis. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will see on the monitor the displacement of the pelvic organs. The ovaries are usually located closer to the uterus, and the reproductive organ itself has a bend. According to these data, it can be assumed that there is an adhesive process in the peritoneum.
  • Blood in the abdomen. This symptom of an endometrioid cyst is indirect,as it also appears in other pathologies. You can detect it during a puncture, which is performed through the back wall of the vagina.

If an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is confirmed by all signs, treatment should be mandatory. If not corrected, a woman may face even more unpleasant symptoms and various complications.

endometrioid cyst of the right ovary
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary

Endometrioid cyst of the right ovary: treatment

Correction for a woman should always be determined by a specialist. Do not rely on the experience of your acquaintances and experienced girlfriends. The drugs that worked for them can do more harm to you.

Treatment of pathology can be carried out in different ways. Doctors choose expectant tactics, medical method of correction, surgical intervention. Also, some of the fair sex try to cope with the problem using folk methods. It is worth noting that gynecologists are very distrustful of those. Doctors warn that some drugs and prescriptions can only aggravate a woman's condition. Consider the main methods for eliminating neoplasms.

Expectant method

This method is used by doctors when there is no certainty in the correct diagnosis. For several months, the woman is closely monitored. The patient is shown to regularly take tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. If the cyst began to decrease on its own, then the diagnosis is most likelyincorrect.

When a woman actually has an endometrioid cyst in her right ovary, the consequences will be as follows. The neoplasm will gradually become larger and acquire a clear outline during ultrasound diagnostics. Also, an experienced specialist with the help of good, modern equipment will be able to examine the chambers in the cyst, resembling honeycombs. This will once again confirm the fact of the development of endometriosis and the need for treatment.

endometrioid cyst of the right ovary photo
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary photo

Laparoscopy and laparotomy: surgery

If a woman has an endometrioid cyst in her right ovary, surgery is inevitable. Usually, laparoscopy or laparotomy is chosen for this. It should be noted that the first method of intervention is less traumatic. During the procedure, three punctures are made in the woman's abdomen. If the cyst is huge, then doctors prefer laparotomy. During this operation, an incision is made in the peritoneum and further removal of the neoplasm.

Both interventions are performed under general anesthesia using a ventilator. Existing foci of endometriosis are cauterized. Also during the operation, the doctor carefully dissects the adhesions and makes the toilet of the abdominal cavity. This is necessary to prevent the recurrence of the disease. After laparotomy, the patient should stay in the hospital for up to two weeks. Whereas laparoscopy allows you to go home in a day. The prognosis after the intervention is favorable.

endometrioid cyst of the right ovaryeffects
endometrioid cyst of the right ovaryeffects

Hormone therapy: artificial menopause

If you have an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, the causes of this pathology lie in the violation of hormone production. Based on this, we can conclude that a positive effect will give hormonal treatment. Indeed, such therapy is being carried out. However, it does not completely remove the resulting cyst. Hormonal correction helps to reduce the volume of pathology. It is often used before surgery. Treatment is carried out after the operation. It may be different. Doctors prescribe more or less strong hormonal compounds.

Zoladex and Buserelin-depot medicines have gained great popularity in the treatment of endometriosis and cysts. Also sometimes used "Janine", "Diana 35" and other drugs. The purpose of these compounds is to block the work of the ovaries. This completely stops ovulation and menstruation. The medicine introduces a woman into the so-called artificial menopause. The duration of therapy ranges from several months to a year. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the final goal.

endometrioid cyst of the right ovary causes
endometrioid cyst of the right ovary causes

Pregnancy and prolonged breastfeeding are effective treatments

If an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is found, is it possible to get pregnant? Physicians in most cases answer this question in the negative. Indeed, conception in the later stages of the disease is unlikely. However, it is not excluded. There are women who get pregnant safely. Despite the constant threat of miscarriage throughoutterm, the representatives of the weaker sex bear and give birth to offspring.

This method can also be attributed to the treatment of endometriosis. Indeed, during pregnancy, the ovaries do not function, menstruation is absent, and therefore, the existing foci simply fade away. After childbirth, a woman is advised to maintain prolonged lactation, during which there will also be no menstruation. Be sure to see your doctor after you finish breastfeeding. You may still need treatment for the cyst.

Folk methods of healing from endometrioid cysts

If you have an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, treatment with folk remedies is not recommended. Often women use a variety of herbs for correction (boron uterus, red brush, sage). They all have an indirect effect on the hormonal background. However, the tumor cannot be cured.

Also, representatives of the weaker sex use dietary supplements. These include "Indinol" and "Epigallat". In this combination, the manufacturer promises a complete cure for endometriosis. Doctors do not advise trusting such information. An endometrioid cyst cannot resolve itself. Sometimes it just shrinks. Keep this in mind.

Also, some women testify that coffee helped them heal from illness. Indeed, caffeine has a beneficial effect on the inner layer of the uterus. However, it is simply impossible to cure endometriosis and ovarian tumor with this product. A variety of tampons, baths and lotions are also powerless. Alternative medicineencourages the use of leeches.

Small summing up: a few words about pregnancy

If you have a cyst (endometrioid) of the right ovary, you can get pregnant! However, this is quite difficult to do. Conception does not occur due to a disturbed hormonal background. Even if ovulation occurs and conception occurs, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. In the abdominal cavity, where the fertilized cell enters, there are a lot of foci of the endometrium, similar to the one that is located in the reproductive organ. It is here that the embryo by mistake can gain a foothold. It is worth noting that this condition is very dangerous for a woman's life. An ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgery.

That is why when planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a thorough examination and make sure that there is no endometriosis. If it is detected, but you managed to conceive a baby, you should make sure as soon as possible that the fetal egg develops in the uterine cavity. Otherwise, daily monitoring with ultrasound is carried out. If the embryo is absent for a period of 6 weeks from the last menstruation, then this is a reason to worry and suspect an ectopic pregnancy.
