Double ovulation: causes and signs

Double ovulation: causes and signs
Double ovulation: causes and signs

With the concept of "menstrual cycle" should be familiar to every representative of the weaker sex. Indeed, thanks to this feature of the body, women have the opportunity to reproduce offspring. In addition, the control of the menstrual cycle allows you to plan pregnancy. The monthly alternation of hormonal and physiological changes is controlled by the hypothalamus. It is also associated with the work of the ovaries, which secrete estrogens. The main stage of the cycle is ovulation. It is characterized by the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovarian follicle. During this period, the woman's body is ready for conception.

double ovulation
double ovulation

What does "double ovulation" mean?

The onset of ovulation depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Normally, it is 28 days. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, the duration of the cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days. These values are considered normal. Each cycle consists of 3 parts, one of which is ovulation. It is believed that a woman can become pregnant in this phase, as well as 2 days before and after it. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of the onset of menstruation. However, insome cases there are deviations from the norm. A similar change is considered double ovulation. This refers to the release of two eggs during one menstrual cycle. That is, a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child 2 times a month. This phenomenon is quite rare, but there are suggestions that it often goes undiagnosed.

double ovulation per cycle
double ovulation per cycle

Reasons for double ovulation per cycle

Double ovulation per cycle is far from every woman. However, it does occasionally occur. Normally, such a phenomenon is a rarity. The cause of this symptom is not known. It is believed that the work of the ovaries is not always "temporarily suspended." That is, both sex glands produce mature cells. In the world, there have been several cases when women were pregnant with twins, and the time of conception of children was different. What exactly triggered double ovulation remains a mystery of nature. More often this phenomenon occurs for the following reasons:

  1. In vitro fertilization. When carrying out such a procedure, drugs that stimulate ovulation are prescribed. Because of their impact, the sex glands work in an enhanced mode. As a result, each of the ovaries can produce cells separately. This happens most often with IVF. Less often, in one ovary, 2 germ cells mature at once, which leave the follicle with an interval of several days.
  2. Provoking factors: foods, herbs containing estrogen.
  3. Genetic predisposition to increased work of sex hormones.
  4. Irregular and infrequent sexual relations.

Usually, with double ovulation, the eggs are released from the follicles at the same time or with a difference of several hours. In these cases, each of them (twin children) is fertilized during intercourse. Very rarely, this happens with a difference of several days or weeks. However, such cases are not excluded.

double ovulation signs
double ovulation signs

Double ovulation: signs of a cycle change

It is not always possible to track the fact that there are 2 ovulations per cycle instead of one. Indeed, often women do not think about it, if there are no violations. Menstruation in most cases occurs on time and is no different from other cycles. Double ovulation can be suspected by characteristic symptoms, as well as by ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Mostly, women planning a pregnancy are engaged in the identification of this symptom. The following signs of ovulation are distinguished:

  1. Increased production of mucus produced in the cervical canal of the uterus.
  2. Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling.
  3. The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract. This symptom is rare. If this symptom does not bring pain and is slightly expressed (brownish mucus or streaks of blood), then this indicates the onset of ovulation. In the case of abundant discharge, such a symptom is considered pathological. In this case, it is worth contacting a gynecologist.
  4. Change in basal body temperature.

Despite the fact that these signs help to identifyovulation period, it is difficult to track whether it is double. A reliable result can only be obtained with a pelvic ultrasound.

double ovulation and pregnancy
double ovulation and pregnancy

Double Ovulation Period

Given that double ovulation most often occurs at the same time, the other phases of the cycle do not differ from the norm. For this reason, it is difficult to suspect this phenomenon. Indeed, due to the lack of changes in the cycle, a complete examination is not carried out. Nevertheless, women who are actively monitoring their bodies are asking the question of how double ovulation and menstruation are interconnected. There is no definite answer to this question, since in most cases there are no changes.

Menstruation is the rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium, which occurs due to a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. It starts on the first day of the cycle. During this period, the eggs are just beginning to mature. This process lasts until the middle of the cycle, after which ovulation occurs.

Further, in the absence of pregnancy, the secretion of progesterone and the formation of the corpus luteum occurs. A few days later, a new cycle begins. Therefore, with double ovulation occurring at the same time or with a slight break (several hours), menstruation occurs on time. Deviations from the norm occur in rare cases. They are observed with a large gap between ovulations (up to 7 days). Theoretically, menstruation in these cases is long (about 2 weeks). It can also end and come back in a few days. Given the fact thatthis phenomenon is rare and not fully understood.

double ovulation and period
double ovulation and period

Relationship between double ovulation and pregnancy

Women planning to conceive a baby are interested in the question of how double ovulation and pregnancy are connected. This is especially worrying for those who dream of twins or triplets. As you know, multiple pregnancy is not considered a rarity. You should be aware that there is a difference in how exactly children develop in the uterine cavity. In cases where they are twins, the formation of embryos occurs from one fertilized egg. If the children develop separately, that is, they are considered twins, then the reason is double ovulation. With a large gap between the release of each egg from the follicle, 2 pregnancies can occur. In this case, the gestation period will differ by several days. Despite the fact that the development of such a phenomenon is unlikely, such cases have occurred.

double ovulation chart
double ovulation chart

How to mark double ovulation on the chart?

Double ovulation on a menstrual chart is rare. After all, most women are unaware of it. The same goes for doctors. With a special study and confirmation of double ovulation, it should be reflected graphically. This is necessary for planning pregnancy. Also, the basal temperature chart is used for the purpose of contraception. This method is one of the most effective. Double ovulation on the chart is indicated by a two-fold descent of the temperature curve within a day or several days. Howevertracking this sign is very difficult.

Diagnosis of double ovulation

Reliable diagnostic criteria are changes on ultrasound: the development of two dominant follicles. They are approximately the same size and density. In addition, you can detect ovulation with the help of special tests. They are based on sensitivity to luteinizing hormone. Another method is to measure BBT. Double ovulation is determined only in cases of repeated measurement of rectal temperature during the day. With a short gap between egg releases, this method is rarely effective.

bt double ovulation
bt double ovulation

Do I need to be treated for double ovulation?

When double ovulation is detected, no treatment is required, since this symptom is usually not classified as a pathology. This applies to women who have a genetic predisposition to multiple pregnancies, who use special hormonal drugs. If 2 ovulations occur in each cycle, and there are no provoking factors, then you should consult an endocrinologist. You may need hormonal treatment to normalize.