Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews

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Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews
Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews

Video: Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews

Video: Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews
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When the need arises to go to a medical facility, many people try to choose which specialist to go to. Everyone wants a doctor to be highly qualified, have extensive experience and be able to find an individual approach to each patient. When it comes to the he alth of the reproductive and reproductive systems, women pay special attention to the selection of a medical facility. Women's consultation number 5 in Krasnodar is a state clinic that provides medical services to the population. The specialists working in the medical center have established themselves as sensitive and reliable professionals in their field.

women's consultation 5 Krasnodar
women's consultation 5 Krasnodar

Contacts and clinic schedule

Women's clinic No. 5 of Krasnodar - a division of the Perinatal Center of the second city hospital. To get qualified medical care here, you can make an appointment on the website of the medical institution, or contact the registry.

In the Prikubansky district of the city there is a women's consultation number 5 (Krasnodar). Clinic address: Krasnykh Partizan street, building 6, building 2.

What is the schedule of the medical facility? Women'sconsultation number 5 (Krasnodar) accepting patients:

  • Monday to Friday - 07:40 to 19:30.
  • Saturday - from 09:00 to 19:00 (doctor on duty).
  • Sunday is a day off.
women's consultation 5 Krasnodar reviews
women's consultation 5 Krasnodar reviews

Patient testimonials

Women's consultation number 5 (Krasnodar) has been functioning for many years and has proven itself on the positive side. Feedback from women who have visited the hospital is mostly positive. They testify to the professionalism of the doctors working there. Although you can find negative reviews on the Web. But it should be remembered that some of them could be written by women on emotions. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the subjectivity of assessments.

The patients give good recommendations to the specialist of the center Kolesnikova Ekaterina Viktorovna, noting her high professional qualities and responsiveness, as well as her attention to pregnant women.

Positive feedback is also left about the doctor of the antenatal clinic number 5 of Krasnodar Olga Evgenievna Sidorova. Those who turned to her for help note her responsible and professional approach to treatment issues.

Speaking about the obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Gennadievna Degtyareva, women highlight such qualities as her sense of tact and attentiveness. Patients treated by this doctor report positive dynamics and complete recovery as a result of the therapy prescribed by her.

The new renovation of the building deserves a positive assessment. The hospital is a place where many feelquite stressful. The interior can either exacerbate this impression, or vice versa, brighten up your stay in these walls a little.

In addition, among the advantages of the patient, the punctuality of the doctors of the medical institution is also noted. The appointment is strictly by appointment, and every woman, arriving at the time indicated on the ticket, can be sure that she will get to the specialist’s office on time.

The shortcomings of the antenatal clinic number 5 in Krasnodar, visitors sometimes include the work of the registry. In this structural unit, work is not very well established. Sometimes women have to wait a long time to make an appointment.

List of services provided

You can make an appointment with a doctor for an appointment at the antenatal clinic No. 5 of Krasnodar on the portal of the clinic itself. To do this, you need to fill out a simple form, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. After authorization, a woman can choose the right time for the appointment and the right doctor. Specialists of women's clinic No. 5 in Krasnodar provide the following services:

  1. Consultation and examination by a gynecologist.
  2. Taking swabs for analysis.
  3. Aborting an unwanted pregnancy.
  4. Blood tests from a vein and a finger.
  5. Management of pregnancy from the moment the patient applied until the moment of delivery.
  6. Consultations of related specialists (therapist, neurologist, pediatrician, etc.).
  7. Treatment of diseases of the reproductive system.
women's consultation number 5 Krasnodar
women's consultation number 5 Krasnodar

The consultation itself and the hospital on the basis of which it is located have everything you needequipment for carrying out any examinations within the framework of the above services.

The most requested services are described below.

Gynecological consultation

By visiting a gynecologist, a woman can get answers to any questions related to her he alth. If necessary, the doctor will advise on the menstrual cycle, contraceptive issues, etc.

Reception of a specialist in the presence of complaints in the patient begins with the collection of anamnesis. Next, an examination of the mammary glands and a direct intravaginal examination are performed.

The standard procedure is to take a swab for flora. Based on the results of such an analysis, the doctor draws conclusions regarding the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, changes in the mucous membrane, etc. If this study is not enough to make and clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will offer to take some other smears and blood and urine tests.

An important element of any, including preventive, examination is taking an analysis for the presence of atypical cells. Evaluation of this parameter allows early detection of tumor formations.

In case of detection of any pathologies and diseases, the specialists of the clinic provide the necessary assistance.

women's consultation 5 krasnodar make an appointment with a doctor
women's consultation 5 krasnodar make an appointment with a doctor


In some cases, women go to the doctor with a request to terminate the pregnancy. Indications for this can be medical: pathologies of fetal development, the state of he alth of the mother. Sometimes the need for an abortiondetermined only by the desire of the woman herself. One way or another, several options for abortion are possible in a medical facility.

So, in the early stages (no later than 5-7 weeks), the doctor can offer "sparing" methods. These include: use of tablets, vacuum aspiration.

When it comes to later terms, instrumental removal of the fetal egg or artificial induction of labor is provided.

Pregnancy management

In the case when the pregnancy is planned, desired, nothing threatens the he alth of the mother and child, the doctors of the clinic provide a full range of services to support the woman during this difficult period.

Regular consultations and examinations, tests, ultrasound and other examinations - all this is offered to the expectant mother in the antenatal clinic.

In addition to direct medical manipulations, couples are recommended to attend courses for future parents, talk to psychologists, and get the necessary clarifications.

female consultation 5 krasnodar address
female consultation 5 krasnodar address

Women's clinic No. 5 of Krasnodar is a medical institution with tremendous experience. The staff shows maximum professionalism and attention to patients, preserving the reproductive he alth of women.
