Approximately 70% of women are well aware - if the breasts are swollen, then it's time to stock up on feminine hygiene products and prepare for mood swings. This sign of approaching menstruation rarely fails, and along with a drastically changing mood, discomfort in the lower abdomen and other signs, it enters the description of the classic premenstrual syndrome. In some of the fair sex, the breasts begin to hurt and even immediately after the onset of ovulation, while in others it begins to ache and swell on the day of menstruation. Why do breasts swell before menstruation?
This process occurs as a result of hormonal changes during the cycle. It just so happened that the female body in this regard is controlled by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. During the menstrual cycle, the production of estrogen increases, the concentration of which reaches a maximum by the middle of the cycle. This hormone causes expansionchest channels. At the same time, the production of progesterone begins, which reaches a peak by the onset of menstruation. And progesterone causes the lobes of the mammary glands to expand. As a result, the breast tissue expands, causing tension in the nerve endings - and lo and behold, the breasts swell and hurt.

In addition, doctors believe that the chest hurts and swells more in those women who have wider mammary glands. Sometimes in such cases, women are prescribed oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels and reduce swelling. But there are times when taking OK, on the contrary, only exacerbates the pain, so you should be careful with their use. Another way to reduce pain if the breasts are swollen is to avoid caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, cola) and limit s alt intake, two main factors that provoke swelling of body tissues.
For these women, wearing a special support bra, ice packs and evening primrose infusion will help to reduce pain.
But you should also remember that if your breasts are sore and swollen, and your period is still far away, or previously such symptoms were rare for you, then this can be an alarming sign. Do not forget that swollen breasts may be the result of pregnancy - in some women, the body begins hormonal changes precisely with an increase in the proportions of the mammary glands, because in the future you will have to feed the baby. So it will be useful to take a pregnancy test if you havethis symptom did not appear against the background of menstruation.

Small conclusion
Unfortunately, other causes of breast swelling are not so rosy. This symptom can occur when a benign neoplasm, cyst, or if inflammation occurs due to a blocked mammary duct. Therefore, if you have ruled out pregnancy and the onset of menstruation, and your breasts are swollen and still hurt, do not hesitate, contact a mammologist, he will help you cope with the problem.