Unpleasant sensations and pulling pains in the lower abdomen can have various causes. Most often, this kind of sensation accompanies women during menstruation, but what if menstruation did not come on time at the first pain? Is pregnancy possible with a delay of 1 day? Pulling the lower abdomen, white discharge and back pain are signs of various pathologies.

Can there be pregnancy: pulls the lower abdomen and delay 1 day? Pain in the abdomen, even during a delay, is not an accurate sign of pregnancy, but if by this time a woman has begun to have sex, this possibility should not be ruled out. At home, you can confirm pregnancy in the early stages only with the help of a test. If the test is positive, the delay is 1 day, it pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, this indicates an interesting situation.
The test is able to confirm pregnancy within a couple of days after fertilization, or up to two weeks if the concentration of hCG was too low to detect early. But ifthe pain continues, and the pregnancy is not confirmed, it is necessary to consult a doctor without waiting for a positive result. Normal pregnancies are painless in most cases.

Ectopic pregnancy
In the early days, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy are very similar to those of a normal pregnancy. This is a delay, an increase and sensitivity of the breast, poor he alth. Even a standard test can detect such a pregnancy, but in this case, the level of hCG in the blood and urine is an order of magnitude lower than during a normal pregnancy. Signals that allow you to determine the pathology appear over time. If the delay is 1 day, it pulls the lower abdomen as during menstruation, this may be just such a pathology.
Triad of classic symptoms for ectopic pregnancy:
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- irregular or scanty bleeding;
- adnexal tumor (determined by doctor).
The reason for this pathology is too narrow passage of the fallopian tube or various disorders, which lead to premature placement of the ovum.
If an improperly located embryo is not eliminated in time, it becomes dangerous for the life and he alth of a woman. Without the intervention of doctors, the situation inevitably leads to severe internal bleeding. If bleeding has already begun, it is important to immediately seek medical help.
How to treat her?
Depending on the level of development of the fetus, the doctor may prescribepharmacological or surgical treatment. If the fetal egg is less than 3 cm, there are no relative contraindications to drugs, the patient is prescribed "Methotrexate" in the form of injections. Sometimes even one injection is enough to remove the changes that have come. In other cases, which are the vast majority, a surgical method is prescribed - laparoscopy. The only contraindication to this kind of intervention is hemorrhagic shock due to too much blood loss.

Ovarian cyst
Polycystic is the most common ovarian disease. The cyst is not a malignant neoplasm. These are not bursting follicles that are filled with liquid of different density. They can change their size and increase depending on the amount of fluid accumulated in their cavity.
In most cases, "pass" on their own without harm to women's he alth. Nevertheless, in some cases, cysts can excessively increase in size and give complications in the form of inflammatory processes. It is these bubbles that cause pain in the lower abdomen and can have an effect on the cycle.
If the doctor came to the conclusion that the appearance of such a cyst is due to a hormonal imbalance, then he prescribes hormone therapy, as well as before drug treatment to get rid of inflammation. The greatest danger is a cyst that has twisted. It is urgently removed by laparoscopy.

Often, spontaneous abortions occur in such a way that a woman may not even be aware of the fact of pregnancy. If there is a delay of 1 day, the lower abdomen is pulled and the back hurts, then you should consult a gynecologist. Soon after the delay and pulling pains, cramping pains and bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, come. If there is a suspicion that a miscarriage has occurred, you should soon consult a doctor to examine the uterine cavity, as particles of the fetal egg may remain inside. At the request of the woman, a full examination is carried out to determine the cause of rejection.
The reason may be infectious diseases or pathogenic bacteria that affected the fetus, as well as the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. However, most often the problem is the lack of the female hormone progesterone, which allows the embryo to securely gain a foothold in the uterus.

Ovarian Apoplexy
Hemorrhage of a greater or lesser degree in the abdominal cavity, caused by a rupture of the integrity of the tissues of the ovary. The weakening of these tissues can occur against the background of a broken cyst, an interrupted pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages, varicose veins of the ovary, oophoritis, as well as trauma and abdominal shock, strong physical exertion and even stress associated with the interruption of sexual intercourse. The risk of apoplexy increases with ovulation and before the onset of critical days.
For the mildest form of apoplexy, it is recommended:
- keep calm;
- accepthemostatic drugs;
- antispasmodics;
- suppositories with belladonna;
- do cold compresses.
Surgical intervention is indicated at the first signs of increased hemorrhage.

Uterine fibroids
A benign tumor located in the wall of the uterus or its cervix. There is an assumption that the appearance of this formation is associated with increased secretion of the female hormone estrogen. This is evidenced by the fact that young women of reproductive age are more often affected by this disorder, and known cases of self-healing occurred after menopause.
It is not known for certain what causes fibroids, but doctors do not exclude from this list a genetic predisposition, past inflammation of the genital organs, abortions, diabetes, hormonal instability, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, and more.
In the absence of severe symptoms, non-surgical methods of treatment are prescribed first of all for the treatment of uterine fibroids: drugs or focused ultrasound.

Uterine endometriosis
Pathological activity of endometrial cells - the inner layer of the uterine wall. Cells are able to grow into the muscle tissue of the uterus up to the perimetry, and also form growths that cause pain in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately, there are no typical symptoms that are unique to endometriosis. These symptoms maycorrespond to signs of other disease states, which complicates and delays diagnosis.
The peculiarity of the disease lies in its ability to easily spread and form new foci throughout the body. To date, medicine does not know the explanation for the occurrence of endometriosis.
Wandering endometrium is affected by hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Therefore, effective treatment with hormonal drugs is possible. If there is a disorder of adjacent organs, this is a direct prerequisite for surgical intervention. Laparoscopy allows you to cauterize the affected areas.
Inflammation of the appendages
The main causative agent of inflammatory processes are sexual infections. The disease can occur both asymptomatically and with signs characteristic of pregnancy:
- aching pain in the lower abdomen;
- fever;
- nausea, delay.
These symptoms last for a week and then progress to the chronic stage and later to peritonitis.
In order to avoid this severe form of inflammation, it is important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner. In this case, the most accurate method would be microbiological examination using laparoscopy.
The treatment course consists of the inclusion of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics and a long half-life. In extremely advanced cases, it becomes necessary to remove the appendages. Postoperative rehabilitation includesphysiotherapy and immunostimulation to avoid adhesions.
One of the most common disorders of the organ of the digestive tract and one of the most dangerous. The main threat of appendicitis is the unpredictability of the problem and the risk of inevitability of aggravating consequences (peritonitis, blood poisoning, deadly abscesses).
According to statistics, the likelihood of exacerbation of appendicitis is quite high and increases in people with a tendency to constipation, overeating, insufficient fiber intake, multiple infectious lesions (indirectly - weakened immunity). Not the last role is played by the hereditary factor. Pregnant women are also at increased risk due to uterine pressure on the organ.
In the catarrhal stage of appendicitis, the pain covers only the right lower abdomen, which may coincide with the expected day of the onset of menstruation and cause a slight delay. However, the duration of this state is short (does not exceed 12 hours), and then it passes into the stage of acute inflammation. In the vast majority of such cases, doctors are forced to resort to an emergency surgical solution to the problem - laparoscopic appendectomy. Therefore, a delay of 1 day, pulls the lower abdomen and a headache - one of the signs of appendicitis.
A disease characterized by build-up of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, sometimes the result of past diseases or operations, such as complicated inflammation of the appendages or removal of appendicitis. At the beginning, the structure of all adhesionsloose, but in the end result it can even ossify. The severity of the disease determines the tactics of treatment. Both surgical and classical approaches are possible for acute and chronic adhesive disease.
Conservative method means:
- prescribing antibiotics;
- hormone therapy (for endometriosis);
- prescription of fibrin-dissolving drugs;
- use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
- physiotherapy.
It is important for pain to visit a specialist as soon as possible.