A large number of women during menopause experience discomfort in the chest area. Do the breasts hurt during menopause, before it, during it or after it. Of course, this cannot be called a reason for the emergence of disturbing thoughts, but it is still recommended to visit a specialized doctor. It is the specialist who will be able to tell about the exact symptoms of this important period in the life of every woman. During menopause, acute or, conversely, dull pain is felt. This gives a certain discomfort to every woman, so it is important not to postpone the passage of a medical examination. This is especially true in cases where pain is accompanied by additional symptoms. During the visit, the doctor will carry out mandatory manipulations to exclude the development of serious he alth problems. If suspicions arise, the specialist always prescribes additional tests.
It is worthwhile to understand in more detail whether the chest can hurt during menopause in women. Symptoms andtreatment, as well as the reasons why pain occurs, are below.

Some women at a certain age feel all the “charms” of menopause, at this time their mood constantly changes, internal discomfort periodically arises and insomnia appears. To all these troubles, chest pain is also added, which worries women most during menopause, as thoughts immediately arise about the presence of an oncological disease.
In fact, there are many other reasons, factors that can provoke chest pain during menopause, of course, only a specialist can determine the true cause of pain. True, there are certain symptoms that accompany chest pain, and you can approximately find out the cause of pain from them. So, for example, chest pain may appear during menopause due to hormonal instability, this can be determined by certain symptoms.
With any changes in the hormonal system, with a decrease in estrogen production, the skin on the face, as well as on the body, gradually loses its elasticity, glandular tissues are replaced by fatty ones, there is a noticeable sagging of the mammary glands.
Pain in the chest during menopause can also appear for other reasons, for example, due to heart disease, however, in this case, pain is not constant, it can last for several minutes. In addition, such pain may be accompanied by intense panic.

With the question of whether the breasts hurt during menopause in women, we figured it out, then you should learn about the symptoms in order to learn how to distinguish this type of pain from other diseases. The climacteric period in a woman's life is accompanied by serious hormonal changes in the body, including in the area of the female breast. Fluctuations in the hormonal background associated with the extinction of the functioning of the ovaries can cause swelling of the mammary glands. In addition, the breast itself undergoes physiological changes: it sags, the glandular tissue is replaced by fatty tissue, and elasticity is lost.
All these phenomena are often accompanied by painful sensations that cause a woman some discomfort. Pain symptoms in the area of the female breast during menopause can, as mentioned above, accompany the restructuring of the body, however, they can also signal the presence or development of serious pathological conditions and diseases, both associated with menopause and occurring independently of it.
Symptoms in early menopause in women are described by two stages of intensity (depending on the individual pain threshold and sensations):
- pain sensations, regardless of whether they arose as a result of physical impact or in complete rest, pass independently and fairly quickly;
- intense pain that cannot be relieved without the use of pain medication.

In addition, the nature of pain can be like aching,and sharp, cutting and burning, bursting with a parallel feeling of heaviness. Symptoms of late menopause in women are characterized as follows:
- Reflected pain in diseases of the cardiovascular system in women after 45-50 years old are observed quite often. Such pains can be both constant and paroxysmal, most often accompanied by burning, a feeling of squeezing the chest, irregular heart rate, lack of oxygen and tingling when inhaling.
- Pain caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the skeletal system (osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, osteoporosis, arthrosis). Such pathologies, in addition to chest pain, are accompanied by pain in the back, headaches, and constrained movements.
- Directly diseases of the mammary gland, such as mastopathy, cystic formations, are accompanied by painful sensations and burning sensations both at rest and on palpation. If tumor formations have not turned into oncological pathology, then they do not cause serious harm and problems and, as a rule, are amenable to drug therapy.
- Pain in the mammary glands can also be triggered by pregnancy. The fact is that at the beginning of the menopause, with the appearance of clear signs of menopause, women, as a rule, cease to be protected, believing that pregnancy is no longer possible. However, the function of the ovaries at the initial stage is still partially preserved, a woman may well become a mother.
In any case, if a woman is interested in whether her breasts hurt during menopause(on or before it) and these pains begin to bother her, then you need to contact a specialized specialist to find out the causes of the alarming symptoms.

Medicated treatment
Symptoms and treatment for late menopause in women, neutral reviews of therapy indicate that the course of therapy is directly related to the symptoms that have arisen. If a woman experiences significant chest pain during menopause and other methods do not bring the desired result, then the doctor may prescribe certain medications.
Requires the use of a special vitamin complex rich in minerals. Thanks to him, the body can get all the necessary nutrients in a balanced way. The main advantage is associated with the exclusion of overdose, since each capsule or tablet contains a certain amount of one or another component.
Reduce pain or relieve stress with a sedative, as well as an extract of some herbs. Usually motherwort or valerian is best for this. If the case is complex, the doctor will prescribe an antidepressant.
Some patients need to stop mastalgia in a short time, so they are advised to purchase an analgesic. Of course, such drugs have their drawbacks, since long-term use can lead to dangerous consequences. It is best to abandon household or folk methods that will help reduce pain.sensations.

Does it really help?
Those who are wondering if the chest hurts during menopause, you need to get information about whether this discomfort can really be cured. Many simply begin to increase the dose of drugs, which leads to the development of serious complications. For example, if you apply ice or another source of cold, then the chance of getting an inflammatory process increases significantly. To get a lasting result, it is recommended to give preference to hormonal drugs. Even long-term use of such drugs does not complicate menopausal syndrome. This treatment technique acts as a complex therapy and helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause. Before prescribing a certain drug, the doctor prescribes a number of necessary examinations. First of all, pathological changes in the reproductive system and mammary glands should be excluded. At 45, every woman finds herself in a special life period, during which she needs to carefully monitor her he alth. The occurrence of any discomfort is a reason to visit a doctor, even if they are not very strong or the reasons for their occurrence are known in advance. It is important to regularly attend preventive examinations, since no specialist can predict the development of complications. Do not forget about taking medications and maintaining a he althy lifestyle.

Folk treatment
If a woman experiences strong unpleasantsensations in her chest, then she just needs to pay attention to a number of alternative ways. Many prefer to use herbs and a variety of supplements, although massages and homeopathic remedies are also fine.
Estrogen herbs
Among herbal supplements, several types should be distinguished, these are phytoestrogenic herbs and antiestrogens. If we compare the principle of their main action, then it has many similarities with estrogen. The substance itself is found in large quantities in rice, lentils, oats and barley. Of course, if the proper use of these herbs is neglected, then the female body will completely stop producing estrogen.
There is not a single hormonal substance in antiestrogenic herbs. The main effect is directed to the pituitary gland and the endocrine system, so that hormones are produced in a certain amount. The high content of this substance is observed in comfrey and hemlock. Ingestion of these herbs will not cause any harm, but it is important that the body has the ability to produce hormones on its own. In European countries, chest pain is treated with fish oil or evening primrose oil.

If you experience chest pain during menopause, you can significantly alleviate the condition yourself. As a rule, this is due to the preparation of the right diet, exercise and massage. To alleviate the condition, preference should be given to bras made ofnatural fabrics. Experts advise to independently perform a light breast massage, and this should be done in a circular motion. After that, you can immediately go under a contrast shower. A sharp drop in water temperature greatly relieves the condition of a woman.
Between meals, it is recommended to use special complexes consisting of vitamins and minerals. Each meal should be balanced and complete. It is best to avoid spicy and fatty foods, and to cut down on tea and coffee as much as possible.
If you follow the above measures, the intensity of pain will decrease. The main thing is to correctly change your lifestyle in order to significantly improve your overall physical and moral condition. Of course, such alternative methods do not always help to completely cope with pain, so women are forced to look for other options from traditional medicine or start taking medication.