Defloration cystitis (honeymoon cystitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Defloration cystitis (honeymoon cystitis): causes, symptoms and treatment
Defloration cystitis (honeymoon cystitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

One of the acute pathologies of the bladder is defloration cystitis. This disease is also called honeymoon cystitis. For this disease, the onset of symptoms of cystitis is typical within a few hours or exactly a day after the first intimate act.


Many do not understand the causes of defloration cystitis.

cystitis treatment at home
cystitis treatment at home

The hymen acts as a protective natural barrier that prevents infection from entering the genitourinary system in females. In the event of a violation of its integrity, a woman becomes vulnerable to any infectious agents. In addition, the first sexual intercourse may be accompanied by the release of blood, which can lead to bacteria entering the urethra from the external genitalia. It is necessary to highlight the following several factors that contribute to the occurrence of defloration cystitis:

  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. The implementation of these is very important not only from the side of the partner, but also from the sexual partner.
  • Weakened immune defense. Inhibition of the protective function of the body makes it very vulnerable to any infectious disease. This can be observed as a result of prolonged illnesses, in the autumn and spring periods, when there is a lack of vitamins, sunlight, with blood diseases and problems with the endocrine glands. Why else can a girl get cystitis after sex?
  • Fear of first intercourse. The psychosomatic cause occupies an important place in the appearance of defloration cystitis. A girl's fear of sex or the presence of hostility towards a sexual partner can lead to the appearance of such an ailment.
  • The combination of several varieties of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives and their replacement. Anal, oral sex in combination with vaginal several times increase the risk of infection of the urethra. This is directly related to the fact that in the human mouth, as well as in the rectum, the flora is more aggressive and can very quickly cause the onset of the disease. What else could be the cause of cystitis with blood after intimacy?
  • The presence of mechanical trauma to the urethra. In the event that sexual intercourse is carried out excessively intensively, then there is a possibility of injury to the urethra. The wound surface becomes an open portal for infection to spread further into the bladder.
cystitis defloration causes
cystitis defloration causes

Nextlet's talk about the symptoms of this pathology and find out how it manifests itself.

Symptoms of honeymoon disease

Like other forms of cystitis, defloration may be accompanied by urination disorders, deterioration of the general condition of the female representatives.

So, there may be frequent urination, accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. Women can visit the toilet up to ten times in one hour. In this case, the amount of urine excreted will be very small. This is directly related to the fact that the inflamed bladder walls react to a small amount of urine as if the urea is full.

Change in urine color

Depending on the type of honeymoon disease pathogen (cystitis), urine may change color or acquire an unpleasant odor. It may be cloudy and precipitate may form. It is possible to form an admixture of pus and blood. The presence of spotting is a formidable symptom, indicating that against the background of inflammation, blood vessels are damaged. A failure in their integrity leads not only to blood loss, but also to the entry of urine elements into the bloodstream.

The symptoms of defloration cystitis are quite unpleasant.

first wedding night
first wedding night

Temperature rise

In the first hours after the onset of the pathology, the temperature rises. Hyperthermia can reach thirty-nine degrees or more. In the future, it is able to remain within the same limits or to decrease slightly. The appearance of the first symptoms of cystitisimmediately after sexual intercourse, it is mandatory for both partners to immediately contact the doctor.


Diagnosing defloration cystitis requires a mandatory examination of both partners at once. This requires the following examinations:

  • Women need to donate urine for crops. This is required in order to establish the species along with the group affiliation of the pathogen.
  • Taking a smear from the vagina for flora analysis. Since the disease appeared after intercourse, there is a very high probability that infection will occur not just of the bladder, but also of the vagina. This study is necessary for the appointment of additional therapy.
  • Taking a swab from the partner's urethra. This study is carried out in order to determine the presence of the pathogen in men. For this, a toilet of the penis must be carried out in order to exclude the presence of infections from the external environment. Next, the specialist takes a smear from the urethra. In the event that an infection is found in the smear, then both will need therapy at once.


For the treatment of such a pathology after the wedding night of the young, groups of drugs are used in the form of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodics and painkillers. Antibiotic therapy is the main treatment. Used, among other things, drugs such as "Monural", "Ciprofloxacin", "Furadonin", "Furazolidone" and so on. These medicines have a fairly wide range of effects. This means that they affect a large numberknown bacteria. The cycle of therapy, along with the dosage of the drug, is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account age, and at the same time the neglect of the pathological process and the development of diseases of other organs and systems.

cystitis defloration
cystitis defloration

For general relief

Anspasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are necessary for patients to alleviate the general condition. Their effect is aimed at removing inflammatory edema of the mucosa and at the same time normalizing the process of urination, stopping the pain syndrome. Among anti-inflammatory drugs suitable for such purposes, Indomethacin with Diclofenac is distinguished. Depending on how you feel, they can be taken orally or as an injection.


From antispasmodics, "Drotaverine" and "Papaverine" are used. It is possible to use analogues under trade names, but their effect is no different. These drugs relieve spasms of the bladder in the urethra, which greatly facilitates the outflow of urine, eliminating the feeling of pain and burning. In the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome, analgesics can also be used. Ketorolac derivatives can have the best effect.

Treatment of cystitis at home can be quickly done with the help of folk remedies.

Therapy with folk remedies

Perhaps, among other things, the use of folk methods for the treatment of such cystitis. True, first of all, for this you need to consult a phytotherapist,who will be able to choose a special treatment regimen. An important point in the use of plants for the treatment of cystitis is the fact that they are highly likely to cause various allergic reactions.

Decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs have been used since ancient times to stop the infectious process in the genitourinary system. This is:

  • Hop cones.
  • Horsetail.
  • Bearberry leaves.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Rosemary.
  • Cranberries.
  • Cowberry.
  • Loving root.

These beneficial plants have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthen the immune system.

To relieve pain and relieve spasms, pharmacy chamomile helps, which is brewed with tea or separately. She is also allowed to douche the vagina. Tea with rose hips and honey is useful during therapy.

Diuretic collections clean the genitourinary system, which are widely available in pharmacies, for example, Altai or monastery collection. Traditional healers recommend taking a glass of lingonberry or cranberry juice. Such drinks restore strength and immune responses of the body.

Defloration cystitis is an unpleasant disease that can spoil the impression of any woman about her first sexual experience. But subject to a timely visit to a doctor and the choice of the correct treatment, his symptoms are very quickly stopped, and the disease passes without a trace. In no case should you self-medicate with respect to this disease, because the risks of development are highcomplications and the transition of pathology to a chronic form.

What else is used in the treatment of defloration cystitis?

Probiotics and immunomodulators

This category of medicines is not always prescribed, but their purpose is to help the body restore intestinal microflora and other functions that have been disrupted by antibiotics. Instead of probiotics, it is advisable to use fermented milk natural products. Immunomodulators are prescribed to normalize immunity, because failures in its work often cause cystitis and other diseases. The medicines of this group are especially useful during the off-season, during the flu epidemic, after colds, and so on.

cystitis after defloration
cystitis after defloration

Treatment of cystitis at home quickly

Warming up the abdomen actually often eliminates pain, because the vessels dilate with heat. However, this does not eliminate the causes of the disease. In addition, under the influence of heat, the infection can also be driven into the kidneys. And then you have to deal with the treatment of pyelonephritis. In the event that a person has a high temperature (and this happens very often in the presence of cystitis), then a heating pad is completely contraindicated.

There is also an opinion that in case of any inflammatory disease, you should take a good steam, after which everything will be removed as if by hand. But baths, even with the use of decoctions of chamomile or calendula, along with going to the bath in the presence of cystitis, can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous with increasedtemperature.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to fully cure defloration cystitis, only by resorting to some proven remedy. Comprehensive treatment is required. To begin with, you still need to appear to a specialist and pass all the necessary tests. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe therapy on an individual basis. This will most likely be a combination of taking certain drugs (possibly supplemented with folk remedies). Also, the patient will need to follow a special diet, refusing spicy foods and drinking plenty of water, with the exception of sweet and carbonated liquids.

cystitis honeymoon disease
cystitis honeymoon disease

Additional recommendations

In order for cystitis after defloration not to leave any sad consequences, doctors recommend the following:

  • Use special intimate hygiene products that do not dry out the perineal mucosa.
  • Women should wash properly: hand movements and water jet should be directed from the vagina to the anus, and not vice versa.
  • In order to avoid hypothermia, clothes should be chosen exclusively for the season.
  • Underwear must be made only from hygroscopic and natural knitwear.
  • In the event that your own secretions for vaginal lubrication are not enough (this happens with a lack of female sex hormones), you should purchase a lubricant at the pharmacy, which is a gel and increases libido.
  • Timely treatment of anychronic and other types of inflammation so that any infections do not doze off in the body.
  • It is essential to avoid aggressive sex. It is impossible to combine its anal type with vaginal.
  • You need to exercise regularly and walk a lot, watching the work of the intestines so that blood stagnation does not occur in the pelvic area.
  • He althy nutrition is the basis of prevention, it is very important to monitor the diet, the amount of fluid you drink, you should form he althy eating habits for yourself.
defloration cystitis symptoms
defloration cystitis symptoms


The genitals of all women are arranged in such a way that the entrance of the vagina is closed with a special film since childhood. The first sexual intercourse damages the hymen, after which the vagina and urethra are filled with all sorts of pathogenic organisms that can provoke defloration cystitis. The development of the disease may be the only unfortunate consequence, every fourth lady has relapses, and they occur literally with every intimacy. Pathology is accompanied by typical symptoms of the development of inflammation of the bladder.