Women's he alth: a symptom of mastitis, prevention and treatment

Women's he alth: a symptom of mastitis, prevention and treatment
Women's he alth: a symptom of mastitis, prevention and treatment

Many women, having become mothers and breastfeeding their babies, are faced with such a nuisance as milk stasis. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, it threatens to develop into a serious disease - mastitis.

Causes of the disease and symptoms

symptom of mastitis
symptom of mastitis

In what cases can a woman feel this or that symptom of mastitis? Firstly, if the baby refuses to breastfeed or eats poorly, he does not suck out all the milk. In this case, it must be decanted, no matter how long it takes. Secondly, if the milk is too fatty, blockage of the ducts can occur, making it difficult for it to come out. Thirdly, a symptom of mastitis occurs when cracks appear in the nipples and pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the breast tissue. How exactly does the disease manifest itself in the first stages? The chest seems to swell, increases in size. It becomes hard, in some places in the tissues, seals and tubercles are clearly felt. A clear symptom of mastitis is swollen, hardened nipples, up tothat hurt to touch. Breasts seem overflowing with milk, swollen, but it is expressed with difficulty. Be sure to pay attention to body temperature - it rises sharply. A slight chill, a slight malaise in a short time develop into a strong fever and pronounced soreness. This is also such a symptom of mastitis, which cannot be mistaken. And a kind of pointer to the problem with stagnation of milk can serve as a temperature difference between the armpits. Above it will be in the one that is next to the sore chest. Yes exactly. It happens that mastitis develops in only one gland. And if the disease is started, it will spread to the second one. In addition to external signs, a blood test also helps to identify the symptoms of mastitis in women, which will clearly indicate the inflammatory process. And since the disease proceeds in several stages, it is extremely important to prevent the last, most severe - purulent. The body experiences acute intoxication: body aches, headache, nausea and vomiting, and all this against the background of the already described discomfort in the chest. This is in general terms mastitis during breastfeeding. Symptoms may be present all together or selectively, but in any case, you should definitely consult a doctor!

symptoms of mastitis in women
symptoms of mastitis in women

What to do if…

Needless to say, it is desirable that during pregnancy and in the first half of the postpartum period (6 months) the female body is he althy. After all, even such a “trifle” as inflamed tonsils, sore teeth (pulpitis), sinusitis can become causative agents of infection,causing symptoms of mastitis. Yes, and the weakened immunity of the mother of the newborn is also an objective reason. But if the problem has manifested itself, it should be de alt with. The doctor will tell you in detail about drug treatment.

mastitis while breastfeeding
mastitis while breastfeeding

But what is required of the woman herself: prevention of cracks in the nipples, hygiene procedures, treatment of areolas with special products, breast pads made of natural linen or cotton so that the skin of the nipples does not rub against the fabric of the bras. By the way, you shouldn't overdry it. Therefore, when washing the mammary glands, use such hygiene products, the alkaline level of which is close to neutral.

Be attentive to yourself and your he alth!