Probably many women have heard how effective Kegel exercises are for uterine prolapse. But does everyone know how they work, when they are appropriate, and, in general, what kind of ailment is this that they can get rid of?
Disease and its causes

The uterus and vaginal walls descend due to a significant weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. This leads to a change in the normal physiological arrangement of organs such as the uterus, rectum and bladder. In addition, the disease entails a violation of their functions. To prevent this from happening, it is advised to do Kegel exercises when lowering the uterus.
The degree of the disease is completely different. Depending on it, a woman may not notice disorders of the pelvic organs at all, or may experience discomfort and even pain during intercourse, suffer from urinary incontinence. In especially severe cases, the uterus practically falls out of the vagina. In some situations, it even has to be adjusted on its own before the onset of sexual intercourse. This is a very severe stage of the disease. Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse will not help in this case. Herethe only way to fix the problem is through surgery.

The causes of uterine prolapse are most often associated with labor. Numerous or prolonged, difficult or traumatic childbirth can provoke this pathology. Having a large baby can also cause the pelvic floor muscles to weaken. In addition, chronic respiratory diseases, connective tissue pathologies, and even obesity can affect uterine prolapse. Therefore, if you have one or more of the listed problems, it is advisable to perform a set of Kegel exercises just for prevention, without waiting for your women's he alth to worsen.
The essence of Kegel exercises
The main advantage of this treatment is that Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse can be done in different places and at different times. They do not need to look for the right moment. You can do gymnastics while sitting at work, reading a book, walking in the park or doing other personal activities.

Interestingly, Arnold Kegel developed his technique only so that pregnant women could cope with urinary incontinence. Subsequently, it turned out that with the help of his exercises, you can return the sagging uterus to its original position, strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor before childbirth and improve your intimate relationships. The latter fact is due to vaginal control of the vaginal muscles and constriction of the canal.
The method includes three stages. The first one is slowcompression. It is a gradual and smooth contraction of the muscles of the vagina. At the same time, they must be held tight for several seconds, and only then relaxed. At the second stage of the technique, it is necessary to perform sharp contractions and relaxation of the muscles. The faster you do it, the better. The third stage is pushing. You have to push the way you do during a bowel movement or childbirth.
To get the best result, it is important to know how to do Kegel exercises. You should start with ten exercises for each stage, five approaches. Then every week you should add another 5 for each stage. Continue to increase your exercise until you reach 150 per day, and then maintain at that level.