Monthly one day: reasons, what does it mean?

Monthly one day: reasons, what does it mean?
Monthly one day: reasons, what does it mean?

In the article, we will consider what it means when menstruation goes 1 day and ended.

A normal menstruation cycle, which lasts from three to seven days, is the main indicator of a woman's reproductive system functioning properly. If menstruation goes one day, is this a standard or a pathology? This question is asked by girls who have encountered this phenomenon and want to know how to act correctly.

monthly one day
monthly one day

Reason for cycle failure

If menstruation has passed and stopped for one day, it is first necessary to determine the etiology of such a violation. Of course, any particular case is unique, and there are a lot of factors that affect the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. And yet, doctors identify several main causes that contribute to the appearance of the violation:

  • Psychoemotional overload, including various stresses, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion, etc. Such conditions adversely affect the bodyin general and on the functioning of the reproductive system in particular.
  • Too much exercise and constant overwork, and intense sports. Each cause can destabilize the cycle, as there is a sudden drop in testosterone in the body. In addition, the accelerated growth of muscle mass forces the brain to forget about other processes, directing all efforts to muscle building.
  • Incorrect and/or limited nutrition. Lack of vitamins, as well as restriction of fatty foods and other foods that are vital for the normal functioning of the body, while harmful to the figure. If a strict diet continues, anorexia develops, and critical days may disappear altogether.
  • Overweight person. As you know, with obesity, the endocrine system malfunctions, resulting in a violation of the hormonal background, and hence - menstruation lasts 1 day instead of the usual 3-7.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives or antibiotics. In the second case, the therapy of infectious pathologies or a severe cold causes disturbances in the activity of the reproductive system. If the critical days go one day, this may be due to the fact that prolonged use of contraceptive pills (at least two to three months) increases the content of hormones in the body, and they do not allow the egg to mature in time.
  • Surgical interventions that involve intimate organs, including artificial termination of pregnancy. This also includes injuries to the genitourinary system.

Why do periods last 1 day,interesting to many.

period 1 day and ended
period 1 day and ended

Of course, the phenomena described above are harmless, but at the same time it is not a pathology.

If you normalize the diet, undergo rehabilitation after surgery and exclude excessive loads and stressful situations, the stable activity of the female reproductive system will be restored, and medication will not be required.

Why do critical days go one day?

If your period went on for one day and immediately stopped, you should not immediately worry and diagnose incurable diseases. We can talk about a short-term jump and / or malfunction in the functioning of the female reproductive system, when one-day periods were a single occurrence, and the cycle returned to normal the next month.

For what other reasons do critical days go only a day? We list four non-pathological factors that provoke menstruation for a day.


why do periods last 1 day
why do periods last 1 day

The formation of a cycle in the process of puberty of girls is just beginning, at this time the body gradually adapts to the tasks assigned to it, however, this does not always work out the first time. Sometimes it may take about two years for the duration of menstruation to correspond to the physiological framework. If menstruation lasts 1 day, the doctor should find out the reasons.

Genetic trait/heredity of a particular family

The duration and specifics of the menstruation of a mother or grandmother are able to "copy"representatives of future generations. In addition, from a scientific point of view, a rather curious phenomenon has been proven, which is called the “McClintock syndrome”. It refers to the synchronization of menstrual cycles in women who spend a lot of time next to each other.


menstruation lasts 1 day
menstruation lasts 1 day

One-day periods are often a sign of the decline of the body's reproductive function and the onset of menopause. Emotional and hormonal backgrounds change significantly, there is a restructuring of the body. Related complaints are:

  • blood pressure fluctuations;
  • heavy sweating;
  • feeling of heat in the body, which occurs irregularly periodically;
  • migraines;
  • unstable psycho-emotional background and constant mood swings.


Spotting for one day, very similar to menstruation, can be triggered by the implantation of a fertilized egg. To refute or confirm the suspicion, it is recommended to do a special test at home, go to the gynecologist or donate blood on an empty stomach for hCG. It should be noted that with a woman in good he alth and an unconfirmed pregnancy, one-day periods can be caused by a simple absence of ovulation. It may seem strange, but once a year the body can pause in such a specific way, without showing any pathological symptoms. Also why do periods last 1 day?

It happens that throughout the life of a woman for her washypomenorrhea is characteristic, when critical days last 1-2 days. With a standard normal course of the menstrual period and further violation without self-healing, secondary hypomenorrhea is diagnosed.

It will be possible to say exactly why the critical days deviate from the normal framework, based on a doctor's examination and an additional examination.

When should I be concerned?

With the fact that menstruation goes one day instead of menstruation several times in a row and there is no violation of the periodicity of the cycle, it is required to diagnose the symptoms that accompany this condition.

We can talk about one or another manifestation of the hypomenstrual syndrome, that is, a failure in the cyclical nature of menstruation, which is caused by a reduction in its abundance and quantity. Short-term discharges pass in this case in the form of barely perceptible traces or drops. Their color varies from pale red to brown. But the color of the blood is not the only indicator. It is advisable to follow the dynamics of the decrease in the duration of the cycle and take several measures to prevent amenorrhea, that is, the complete cessation of menstruation. A timely visit to a gynecologist makes it possible to accurately determine the cause of the violation.

If the period has passed 1 day instead of a full menstruation, then this often signals some problem in the body that requires the attention of the patient.

Recommendations from gynecologists

If this or that problem with menstruation was found, it is first of all recommended to minimize the impact of adverse factors onwoman's body. The gynecologist for each patient, based on the diagnosis and the history obtained, will advise what and how to do in order to normalize the cycle. Conservative treatment methods are predominantly used, but treatment in a given situation will have some differences.

Thus, if your period only lasted a day due to external influences, your doctor will give you general recommendations that include:

  • complete, regular, fortified, balanced nutrition (multivitamin complexes may be additionally prescribed according to indications);
  • enough clean water throughout the day;
  • regular walks;
  • adequate physical activity, which is feasible for the female body;
  • the patient's refusal from bad habits: the use of weak drugs, smoking, alcohol.
  • period 1 day causes
    period 1 day causes

What should I do if my period lasted 1 day and ended?

How can I solve the problem?

When the duration of menstruation is reduced due to stressful situations, the patient may be prescribed herbal sedative decoctions, a psychotherapist / psychologist is recommended to normalize the emotional sphere, as well as restore the nervous regulation of the main body processes.

Medication is prescribed if a girl is diagnosed with a certain disease, as a result of which critical days went and stopped in a day.

Those or other drugs are used to affect specific linkspathology process. These include:

  • hormonal combination products (estrogen + progesterone);
  • general tonic drugs;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • antibiotics.
  • period passed 1 day
    period passed 1 day

It is forbidden to self-medicate, only a gynecologist can determine which of the drugs is indicated for a certain menstrual disorder.

Sometimes (with the exception of acute tumor inflammatory processes) physiotherapeutic procedures are used, for example, mud treatment, electrophoresis, balneotherapy.

If diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes irregular or complete absence of ovulation, as well as excessive secretion of estrogens and androgens, surgery is recommended. Inflamed ovarian tissues are cauterized by high-frequency current. As a result, ovulation mechanisms will soon normalize.

Specialists say that strict adherence to the doctor's prescriptions, temporary abstinence from sexual intercourse, a he althy lifestyle, the stability of physical activity, etc. will change the menstrual cycle by a period closer to 28 days. Menstrual blood after the treatment course will normally go from three to seven days.

menstruation lasted 1 day and ended
menstruation lasted 1 day and ended

1 day period reviews

On forums on the Internet there are many reviews of women who have encountered such a problem. In some cases, menstruation during the day signaled a uterine pregnancy. Some womengynecologists diagnosed something like "hidden periods", which sometimes happens in the body.

One-day periods often occur with the use of contraceptives. The cause also becomes endometrial hyperplasia.

Women also note that one-day periods may be the result of "female" diseases, inflammation and stressful situations.


The vast majority of failures in a woman's cycle are quickly and successfully eliminated. In addition, menstruation can be one day in a completely he althy woman. However, to diagnose the exact cause and prevent amenorrhea, a gynecological consultation will not be superfluous.