Causes of discharge after menstruation

Causes of discharge after menstruation
Causes of discharge after menstruation

Monthly bleeding is a process that is characterized by periodicity. Each representative of the weaker sex needs to be attentive to this phenomenon. If you suspect any pathology, the best solution would be to consult a doctor. After all, it is the timely detection and treatment of diseases that determine the he alth of a girl and her ability to procreate.

Isolation of blood after a critical day

The periodicity of the process of menstruation is due to the work of a number of organs related to the reproductive system. In some cases, their functioning may be impaired. Sometimes the fairer sex is faced with such a phenomenon as discharge after menstruation.

sanitary napkin
sanitary napkin

Is this the norm or a pathological condition? The answer to this question can only be based on the characteristics of a particular situation. However, there are a number of criteria to determine whether the nature of the discharge is a symptomdiseases.

Types of bleeding

This symptom after a critical day is observed quite often. According to studies, every woman at least once met with a similar situation. There are several types of discharge after menstruation. These include the following:

1. Pink slime.

2. Brown ointment.

3. Bloody discharge.

A woman who finds such stains on her underwear may be seriously concerned about her he alth. However, you shouldn't worry too much. Doctors say that in some cases this phenomenon does not pose a danger to the body.

Defining a period

Dark red and brownish mucus can be a sign of various pathological conditions. Only a specialist can say exactly what causes provoked its occurrence. The periods in which this symptom begins to appear may be as follows:

1. Until the critical day and as they end.

pain during menstruation
pain during menstruation

2. 14 days after bleeding.

3. When a week has passed after menstruation, discharge may also occur, and at the same time they have a brownish tint.

Knowing the date of onset of this symptom, the doctor can prescribe examinations and determine the diagnosis.

Main reasons

There are several factors that can answer the question of why after menstruation the discharge does not stop. This situation is sometimes caused by the fact that the critical dayare in the process of completion. In other cases, mucus of a scarlet or reddish-brown hue is observed against the background of the use of pills that protect against unwanted conception. Sometimes such secretions indicate the maturation of the gamete or the birth of a new life in the body of a woman.

human fetus
human fetus

The reasons can be very diverse. It must be remembered that the nature of the discharge cannot be considered the norm if the outflow of mucus is accompanied by a pungent odor and a strong sensation of pain. In this case, the girl needs timely medical assistance.

Natural process

According to experts, the critical day, which is observed for more than three days, can be considered normal. The uterus sheds part of its mucous membrane. This process first slows down and then stops for a long time. However, brown discharge after menstruation after 10 days should alert the woman. Another serious symptom is the occurrence of abundant bright scarlet mucus during the critical day. In this case, there is a strong loss of blood. This situation requires seeking medical attention.

Means of protection against unwanted conception

Drugs like this could also be a factor in post-period bleeding.

birth control pills
birth control pills

If a few days after the critical day there are dark spotting discharge, reddish mucus from the vagina, the likely explanation may be the action of hormonal contraceptives. In their first three monthsacceptance is perfectly acceptable. However, if this discomfort continues for more than the specified period, most likely, the girl needs to stop taking the pills and change the method of protection against unwanted conception. These steps usually fix the problem.

Other changes occurring in the reproductive system

It is known that in the middle phase of the cycle in the female body there is such a phenomenon as the maturation of gametes. When the germ cell, intended to connect with the spermatozoon, leaves the ovarian tissue, bleeding after menstruation may be observed. However, this process does not always cause scarlet mucus. Sometimes the day of maturation of the gamete falls at the time when the woman had intimate contact without the use of means of protection against unwanted conception. In this case, darkish discharge may indicate pregnancy. They indicate that the fertilized cell has attached itself to the inner wall of the uterus. But if the brownish ointment is observed for a long time, the woman should seek medical help.


There are reasons that may be due to completely natural, physiological processes and are not considered a cause for excitement. However, it should be remembered that discharge after menstruation in some cases indicates the presence of serious he alth problems. They are observed, for example, with mechanical damage or tumors of the organs of the female genital area. Inflammatory processes, thickening of the uterine membrane, variousinfections are considered common causes that explain the occurrence of this phenomenon. Allocations a week after menstruation can also be observed in case of imbalance of hormones or the onset of tubal pregnancy - a condition that requires urgent referral to a specialist. As a rule, if girls experience any malfunction of the organs of the reproductive system, they notice the presence of other manifestations (for example, weakness, fever, nausea, discomfort in the lower back or abdomen).

Signs of pathology

Sometimes a woman does not experience any painful symptoms. However, she is alarmed by the incessant spotting after menstruation. In other cases, the representative of the weaker sex feels a pronounced malaise. It should be remembered that the cause of this phenomenon can only be established by a doctor after a detailed examination and examination of the patient. Normally, the period between monthly bleeding is from 21 to 34 days. In this case, the discharge should not last more than one week. The exception is adolescent girls with an insufficiently stable cycle. For them, this phenomenon is considered normal. But even in this period, you should be extremely careful about your condition. Signs such as excessive bleeding or too little blood volume, a decrease or increase in the time between critical days for six months or more indicate the possible development of the disease. Similar phenomena are often found in women aged 45 and older. They are due to the gradual extinction of the activity of the reproductivesystems. When can a pathology be suspected? The following symptoms indicate the presence of any malfunction in the body:

1. Discharge with a pungent odor (indicates the development of an infection).

2. Mucus of a reddish hue (present in large quantities, accompanied by fever and is a sign of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity).

3. Scarlet discharge that occurs against the background of severe pain in the abdomen and back, vomiting, fainting (a symptom of tubal pregnancy - a serious pathology of the genital area).

4. Bloody ointment after critical days (if hard intimate contact occurred during this period of time).

partners after sex
partners after sex

This may be the result of damage to the internal organs of the reproductive system.

What should I do if there is a discharge after my period?

In the event that a representative of the weaker sex notices the presence of such signs, she is advised to contact a medical facility. Sometimes urgent medical attention is needed (for example, if severe pain occurs). If the discharge does not end for a long time, this condition, as a rule, requires examination and certain therapy. A woman who is faced with this unpleasant phenomenon, first of all, should calm down.

worried woman
worried woman

After all, excessive experiences can exacerbate the symptom.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the reason that provoked the developmentsuch a sign, the doctor examines the patient, talks with her and prescribes a series of examinations. The following procedures can be listed as such procedures:

1. Laboratory blood test to determine the concentration of hormones.

2. Examination of tissues of the reproductive system, secretions.

3. Diagnosis using an ultrasound machine.

4. Analysis of neoplasms to determine their variety.

5. Examination of the vaginal cavity and uterus using special equipment.

Only after carrying out these diagnostic procedures, the specialist will be able to determine the cause that caused the discharge and prescribe therapy to eliminate the pathology.

woman at the gynecologist
woman at the gynecologist

In some cases, herbal remedies are recommended to patients.


Many women are familiar with the phenomenon of discharge a day after menstruation or a week after them. This does not always mean the presence of a disease. Of course, every representative of the weaker sex is recommended to carefully monitor the state of the reproductive system. It is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene measures, avoid accidental intimate contacts, unplanned conception, abortion. By following these simple rules, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of he alth problems of the internal genital organs. But still, no one is immune from various physiological failures. If the discharge after a critical day is prolonged and accompanied by severe pain,should visit a medical facility. Attempts to solve the problem on your own by using medicines or preparations based on medicinal plants can lead to the development of dangerous and protracted complications.