CBC is often ordered by a doctor and is mandatory in many cases. He is appointed when applying for a job, during preventive examinations, this is a mandatory procedure for annual medical commissions or when drafting into the army. Based on this analysis, conclusions are drawn about the general condition of the body, the presence of inflammatory processes, and much more. One of the interesting parameters of this analysis is platelets. The norm for a he althy person is from 200 to 400 thousand units. Let's look at this parameter and try to understand what it is being investigated for. And how does the established norm of platelets in the blood affect our he alth?

Medicine has long known that platelets are responsible for the clotting of our blood and are involved in the processes of tissue regeneration. According to research conducted in the 1980s, the very mechanism of this process was established. Uncontrolled cell division causes the appearance of a cancerous tumor, the very presence of which indicates that the mechanism of regeneration is impaired. Cells must divideunder control, and platelets are directly related to this. Platelets, the norm of which in the blood is individual for each person, pick up signals from damaged cells, and in response release active polypeptide molecules. Cells perceive them as a signal to divide.

The more damaged cells in the human body, the more intense the processes of exchange of neurochemical signals. Now let's imagine for a moment that in our blood there are platelets, the rate of which is seriously underestimated. This is the so-called thrombocytopenia - a platelet disease that is deadly to humans. It is believed that we can talk about the presence of this disease if the number of platelets in a person's blood is less than 150x10 to the 9th degree. Tissue regeneration will be disrupted, which will lead to the appearance of bruises that do not heal for a long time, internal bleeding and many other unpleasant

consequences. What happens in the human body if there are platelets in the blood, the norm of which is too high? It is believed that we can talk about the development of thrombocytosis, if the platelet count in the blood exceeds 360x10 to the 9th degree. In this case, the work of the entire cardiovascular system is disrupted, and there is a risk of blood clots, which can cause blockage of blood vessels. The blood becomes thick, which increases the load on the vessels.
Of course, it is better if you have platelets in your blood, the norm of which is within the established limits. In case of deviation from the norm, it is necessary tourgently contact specialists. A well-balanced diet helps a lot in this case. But medical measures for correcting the number of platelets should also not be neglected. At the moment, there is an impressive list of drugs with which you can solve the problem of an increased or decreased platelet count. But since many of them have contraindications, it is best to engage in treatment under the supervision of a specialist.