Unfortunately, endocrine diseases are becoming more widespread. These diseases are so specific that a person may not notice the physical and psychological changes that occur to him until others point out these problems to him. This article will discuss diseases associated with the thyroid gland in humans.
What is the thyroid gland
Before considering the location of the thyroid gland in the body, you need to understand what kind of organ it is.

The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system that stores iodine and produces three iodine-containing hormones involved in metabolism.
- Thyroxine, or tetraiodothyronine (T4), is a precursor of the hormone triiodothyronine. Activates metabolism, is responsible for human growth and development, as well as for metabolism.
- Triiodothyronine (T3) is the main thyroid hormone. Along with the functions of thyroxin, it is responsible for the level of wakefulness, mental and motor activity. Increases blood pressureblood glucose levels, enhances the breakdown of fat and inhibits its deposition.
- Calcitonin, or thyrocalcitonin (peptide hormone), - prevents the breakdown of bone tissue, prevents bone wear due to the incorporation of calcium.
Location of the thyroid gland, structure
The thyroid gland in the human body is a bipartite organ. The lobes are connected by an isthmus located under the larynx and attached to the gland by connective tissue. In shape, this organ is similar to the letter "H" or an inverted butterfly - the lower parts of both lobes are wide and shortened, while the upper ones, on the contrary, are narrow and long.

There are cases when a person has an additional third lobe in the form of a pyramidal long process. This is not a deviation, but a feature of a particular organism. The thyroid gland is located under the thyroid cartilage. It is called the Adam's apple, which is especially noticeable in men. Regarding the trachea, this is the place between its second and third rings. Despite the fact that the Adam's apple is larger in men than in women, the location of the thyroid gland in women does not differ from the location in men. The functions of the thyroid gland in both sexes are also identical, only the female body (due to biological characteristics) may react to problems with this organ in a slightly different way than the male one.
Introducing a photo of the location of the thyroid gland in women. In this case, the patient has an increase in it. If the thyroid gland is normal, it is not visually visible.

According to the age line, the mass of the thyroid gland is as follows:
- Newborn baby - 5-6 gr.
- First year of life - reduction to 2-2.5 gr.
- To transitional age - 10-14 gr.
- At 25 years old - 18-24 gr.
- In old age after 60 years - gradually decreases.
Thyroid volumes
During the examination, the endocrinologist probes the gland to determine the degree of its enlargement. There are three degrees of increase in this organ of the endocrine system:
- 0th degree - no goiter.
- 1st degree - visually the goiter seems to be absent, but is felt on palpation.
- 2nd degree - goiter is clearly visible in the normal position of the neck.
Types of thyroid diseases
If there are problems with the thyroid gland and it stops producing hormones in the right amount, many important biological processes fail in the body, which leads to various diseases:
- Hypothyroidism is a disease characterized by a long-term lack of iodine-containing hormones of the gland due to a decrease in its functioning.
- Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is the opposite of hypothyroidism, manifested by uncontrolled production of thyroid hormones and increased functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Autoimmune thyroiditis - due to a genetic defect in the immune system, chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland develops.
- Myxedema is an extreme form of hypothyroidism characterized byinsufficient supply of body tissues with iodine-containing hormones.
- Cretinism is a form of congenital hypothyroidism, in which there is a decrease in the development of the child. There is a severe lack of iodine-containing hormones.
- Diffuse toxic goiter is a hereditary autoimmune disease. It is also called Graves' disease. Due to the excessive secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, poisoning with these hormones (hyperthyroidism) occurs.
- A thyroid adenoma is a benign tumor marked by the appearance of nodules at the location of the thyroid gland.
- Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor in people who have problems with the endocrine system.
Hypothyroidism is 18-19 times more common in women than in men. There is one case per 1,000 men, and 19 per 1,000 women.

Signs of diseases of the endocrine system
Different thyroid diseases are characterized by different signs of leakage. For hypothyroidism it is:
- In the initial stage, the symptoms are mild.
- Sleep problems - insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
- Fatigue, increased lethargy during the day.
- Edema.
- Deterioration of memory and mental activity.
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
- Fast weight gain, obesity.
- Violation of the female menstrual cycle.
- Reaction to too hot and cold weather.
- Decrease in body temperature.
- Hypotension andbradycardia.
- Depression.
- Hair loss, brittle nails.
- Numbness in limbs, cramps, muscle pain.
- Low blood hemoglobin, anemia.
- Decreased immunity.
- Reduced sexual function in men.
- Decreased adrenal function.
- During pregnancy, fetal malformations are observed.

Signs of mild hyperthyroidism
Depending on the stage of the disease, the symptoms of its manifestation are different. In mild form, they are as follows:
- Moderate weight loss.
- Increase in heart rate with tachycardia, but not more than a hundred beats per minute.
- Irritability appears.
- Increased sweating of the body even in normal ambient temperature.
Signs with an average form
The average severity of hyperthyroidism is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Losing more than 10 kg.
- Tachycardia up to 120 beats per minute, even during sleep.
- Frequent loose stools.
- Finger tremor with arm tension.
- Irritability and excitability increase, tearfulness and general anxiety appear.
- Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
- Protruding eyeballs.
Signs in severe form
Severe hyperthyroidism is characterized by:
- Intensification of all symptoms with moderate disease.
- There is a tremor of the whole body, nothands only.
- Sustained tachycardia up to 120-140 bpm or more.
- Pronounced weight loss.
- Increased exophthalmos (bulging eyeballs).
- Visual enlargement of the thyroid gland.

In accordance with the disease of a particular person, the endocrinologist will prescribe a treatment suitable for the patient. There are three groups of methods for treating this disease:
- Elimination of the lack of thyroid hormones produced in the thyroid gland, the location of which we have considered. The lack of hormones is compensated by taking hormone-containing drugs. Endocrinologists usually suggest taking drugs "L-thyroxine", "Eutirox" and formulations with inorganic iodine, such as "Thyreot" or "Iodthyrox". The exact dosage and the drug can be prescribed only by the attending physician! Most likely, you will have to take these drugs for life.
- Thyreostatics are used to treat diseases associated with hyperfunction of the endocrine system. These can be drugs "Tyrozol", "Mercazolil" or "Propicil". They suppress the production of thyroid-stimulating hormones, are used to treat hyperthyroidism and to prepare for surgery. Simultaneously with thyreostatics, beta-blockers or drugs with a sedative effect can be prescribed.
- Surgery is a last resort for serious problems with the thyroid gland located in the human cervical region. This is a resection or complete removal of an organ - a thyroidectomy. Anatomically, it is difficult to perform operations on the thyroid gland because of the formations adjacent to it, which are easily damaged during surgery. This can lead to serious or life-threatening consequences for the patient. Nobel laureate Theodor Kocher developed safe methods of operating the thyroid gland, taking into account its active blood supply. A photo of the location of the thyroid gland is presented above.
Prevention of diseases of the endocrine system
Proper nutrition plays a huge role in the prevention of endocrine diseases. Foods such as sea fish, sea kale, iodized s alt, fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in iodine, so they must be included in the diet.

From drinks, the menu should include clean water of at least two liters a day, you can drink green tea and freshly squeezed juices. For people living in areas with a low iodine content, such as in mountainous areas, it makes sense to take iodine supplements, such as Iodomarin. Important for the prevention of sports, fresh air and the absence of bad habits in humans. Prevention of diseases of the endocrine system largely coincides with the prevention of any other human diseases. Do not forget about the right lifestyle, but if you feel that your he alth is failing, see a doctor right away.