When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness

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When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness
When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness

Video: When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness

Video: When will toxicosis start? Top causes of morning sickness
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This is a very common problem faced by many expectant mothers. That is why pregnant women are interested in questions about when toxemia will begin and how long it lasts.

Why does toxicosis occur?

when does toxicity start?
when does toxicity start?

Nausea in the morning, dizziness and weakness are just the first signs of pregnancy. But before you know when toxicosis begins, you should find out the main causes of its occurrence.

In fact, today's doctors and researchers do not have a single theory about the occurrence of "morning sickness". The causes of toxicosis can be different.

  • toxicosis begins in a week
    toxicosis begins in a week

    In most cases, doctors explain such problems with hormonal disruptions. After all, the implantation of the fetus and its growth inside the uterus are accompanied by changes in the work of the endocrine system. At this time, the secreted hormones ensure the normal growth of the uterus and placenta, the preparation of the mammary gland for lactation, and also stop the development of eggs. Unfortunately, the body needs time toadjust to these changes in hormone levels.

  • On the other hand, some experts explain toxicosis by the presence of fetal waste products in the mother's blood, which are perceived by the immune system as foreign bodies. As a result, weakness, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of intoxication develop.
  • In turn, psychologists argue that the state of a woman's psyche is of great importance. For example, as a result of some studies, it was determined that women who were not ready for pregnancy were more susceptible to the symptoms of toxicosis.

It is also believed that the risk group includes future women with a weakened immune system, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When will toxicosis begin?

There isn't really a specific date, as every woman has her own specific morning sickness. And to the question of what week toxicosis begins, each expectant mother gives her own answer. Some women experience nausea as early as the first week. At the same time, other, more fortunate members of the fair sex, do not even know what such a state is.

Toxicosis starts in the fifth or sixth week, although again it is worth repeating that these terms are individual. Fortunately, the mother's body adapts to the changes by the end of the first trimester (12th week).

Symptoms and treatment of early toxicosis in pregnant women

what week does toxicosis start
what week does toxicosis start

Do not wait for the moment when toxicosis begins, but prepare for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in advance. Signs are known to all - this is weakness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, sometimes dizziness. And although this condition is called morning sickness, discomfort can haunt a woman at any time of the day, including at night.

You should tell the obstetrician-gynecologist leading your pregnancy about the presence of toxicosis. In most cases, no specific treatment is required, especially since many drugs can harm the body of a developing child. But if the nausea is very strong, and vomiting occurs more than 10-15 times a day, then we are most likely talking about a severe form of toxicosis, which, if left untreated, can lead to abortion. In such cases, hospitalization of a woman and her treatment in a hospital are indicated.
