Vascular surgery deals with the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases that affect the blood vessels. The main task of vascular surgeons is to prevent complications of various diseases of the arteries and veins, using modern medical capabilities.
Problems with blood vessels are one of the most dangerous preconditions for serious diseases. However, many of these diseases respond well to treatment, especially in the early stages.
Currently, many vascular surgery centers have the most modern diagnostic equipment and use advanced methods of surgical treatment. And the city of Yekaterinburg is no exception. So, for example, patients speak very positively about vascular surgeons in Yekaterinburg at City Clinical Hospital No. 40.
Angiosurgeons (they are also vascular surgeons) primarily use minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment methods, that is, they do not require large incisions during surgery. The endovascular method has a lower degree of trauma, lower cost compared to conventional operations and the absence ofthe need for general anesthesia.

Main vascular diseases
In the modern world, problems of the arteries and veins of the body are common. This is:
- varicose disease;
- atherosclerosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- endarteritis;
- post-thrombotic disease;
- Raynaud's syndrome.
Types of operations in vascular surgery
This is:
- recanalization of the vessel lumen;
- vascular bypass - installation of a synthetic prosthesis bypassing the affected area;
- prosthetics - installation of a prosthesis on the site of the vessel to restore blood supply;
- thrombectomy - removal of a blood clot or plaque;
- stenting - strengthening the lumen with a special metal device;
- dilation - expansion of the lumen of the vessel with a balloon device;
- embolization - blockage of a vessel to stop the blood supply;
- installing a cava filter - installing a cava filter to keep blood clots;
- thrombolysis - the introduction of special absorbable substances into the thrombus.

Consultation of a vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg can be obtained at several medical institutions. To date, their great variety:
- CJSC "Phlebology Center" on the street. Sheinkman, 111.
- City Center for Vascular Surgery in City Clinical Hospital No. 40 on the street. Volgograd, 189.
- Department of vascular surgery in OKB No. 1 on the street. Volgograd, 185.
- Medical center "AngioLine" on the street. Bolshakova, 95.
- DKB RZD-Medicine on the street. Civil, 9.
- Clinic of vascular surgery on the street. Moscow, 56/2.
- Medical center LLC "Olmed" on the street. Frunze, 20.
- Medical center "VIMED" on the street. Krasnolesya, 76.
- Network of medical centers "Chance" on the street. Ural workers, 55 B.
- Medical center "Global Med" on the street. Belinsky, 86.
Vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg
As practice shows, it is possible to choose a good vascular surgeon after a personal consultation in the diagnostic department of a medical institution. So, for example, in Yekaterinburg, vascular surgeons in the 40th city clinical hospital have the highest qualification category and a long work experience. This is:
- Kuznetsov Nikolai Petrovich - Head of Department;
- Kuznetsov Arseniy Mikhailovich - cardiovascular surgeon;
- Batakov Sergey Sergeevich - cardiovascular surgeon;
- Vyacheslav Sergeevich Bochegov - vascular surgeon;
- Popov Alexey Nikolaevich - vascular surgeon;
- Turmyshev Nikolai Sergeevich - cardiovascular surgeon;
- Tyurin Sergey Anatolyevich - cardiovascular surgeon.
There are a lot of good reviews on various Internet resources about vascular surgeons at the 40th hospital in Yekaterinburg. Those who have had a successful operation thank the medical staff of the Center for Vascular Surgery. Many of the doctors are authors of medical publications.

Services provided by vascular surgeons of City Clinical Hospital No. 40
- Treatment of varicose veins (surgical and endovenous laser) and obliterating diseases of the arteries.
- Treatment of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in pregnant women.
- Echo sclerotherapy.
- Radiofrequency ablation of veins ("gluing" the walls of the affected vessel with current).

Doctors - vascular surgeons of Ekaterinburg Hospital No. 40 perform the most complex operations: aortic prosthetics, resection of aneurysms of central and peripheral vessels, aortofemoral and femoral-popliteal bypass, lumbar and thoracic sympathectomy (resection of the nerve nodes of the sympathetic trunk), revascularizing osteotrepanation (holes in the lower leg to restore blood circulation), endovascular techniques.
Methods for diagnosing vascular diseases in City Clinical Hospital No. 40
This is:
- Ultrasound of veins and arteries on an expert apparatus;
- doppler ultrasound of vessels;
- CT angiography;
- magnetic resonance angiography.
At the initial appointment with a vascular doctor, first of all, a detailed collection of the patient's history and decoding of his analyzes takes place. Next, the doctor examines the damaged areas visually, if possible, directs the patient for examination. Then tactics are formed, including either conservative treatment or surgery.
Main causes of vascular diseaseorganism
This is:
- sedentary lifestyle, such as due to sedentary work, retirement, etc;
- bad habits, especially smoking;
- poor nutrition, beriberi;
- hereditary predisposition;
- regular heavy physical activity;
- acute and chronic infectious inflammations (eg arthritis);
- diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
- heart failure;
- atherosclerosis.
Vascular diseases are always insufficiency of blood supply to the body's organ systems. Conventionally, they are divided into diseases of peripheral vessels (legs, arms, peritoneum) and central (aorta, neck, heart, brain). Sometimes these diseases develop over the years and show no outward signs.

Diseases of the central and peripheral vessels
The main task of the central vessels is the blood supply to the heart and brain. The most common vascular problems occur with atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries and aorta. Coronary heart disease is promoted by insufficient blood flow to the myocardium, and in case of a heart attack, the vessels are affected, thrombosis of the capillary network occurs and its spasm.
Mederal vessels are affected not only by atherosclerosis, but also by damage to the walls of the carotid arteries. The retention of blood in them contributes to the dependence of the brain on the state of cartilage and bone tissues.
The most common peripheral vascular disease is varicose veinsveins of the lower extremities. In severe or advanced cases, the surgeon suggests surgery, depending on the size of the damage and their nature.
A good vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg will help you choose the right treatment and prescribe a course of disease prevention and prevention.

Pediatric Vascular Surgery
Pediatric vascular surgery deals with little patients. Angiosurgery, phlebology and pediatric vascular surgery are currently combined in the following speci alties:
- Cardiovascular surgeon.
- Children's and adult cardiologist.
- Thoracic surgeon.
A pediatric thoracic surgeon treats newborns and children under 16 years of age, has the ability to diagnose vascular diseases using special monitors, performs bronchoscopy, thoroscopy, X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI and isotropic examination. The least traumatic for children is the endoscopic method of surgical intervention.
The most common dangerous disease is atherosclerosis. If necessary, the surgeon performs a quick surgical intervention.

A pediatric vascular surgeon in Yekaterinburg can be found in the same medical institutions as an adult. Pediatric vascular surgeons must have additional education and relevant certificates. Almost all children's city hospitals and private clinics, according to reviews, have at their disposalgood specialists.