Medicine 2024, October

Where is the appendix: normal options

Where is the appendix: normal options

Almost everyone knows where the appendix is normally located - in the right iliac region. It should be noted that this location of this body is only one of many variants of the norm

Understanding where a person's appendicitis is located

Understanding where a person's appendicitis is located

All people have heard about such a disease as appendicitis. So, how to recognize this disease, what methods of its treatment exist, where is appendicitis in a person - you can read about all this in the provided article

Best orthopedist in Krasnoyarsk: reviews

Best orthopedist in Krasnoyarsk: reviews

Children often get sick, and even more often, due to their restless and inquisitive age, they get problems associated with the musculoskeletal system. And it is very important to notice the ill he alth of the child in time and contact a competent specialist. We will tell you further about where to find good children's orthopedists in Krasnoyarsk

What is basal body temperature and how does it help in pregnancy planning?

What is basal body temperature and how does it help in pregnancy planning?

Any woman planning a pregnancy will sooner or later be faced with the need to measure basal temperature and build an appropriate schedule. But not everyone who encounters this problem knows what basal temperature is. In this article, we will talk about this in more detail

Poikilocytosis - what is it? Such an incomprehensible word

Poikilocytosis - what is it? Such an incomprehensible word

Poikilocytosis - an incomprehensible or even a terrible word? Not at all. This is a disease caused by some change in blood cells. Let's talk about red blood cells and their modified forms

The norm of blood glucose and its definition

The norm of blood glucose and its definition

Glucose is the main source of energy for humans. However, its amount both in the body as a whole and in the blood should not vary greatly, because in both cases it threatens the development of serious diseases

Disease hypochromia - what is it?

Disease hypochromia - what is it?

Hypochromia is a disease characterized by an insufficient content of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Read more on this topic in the article

What are ligaments: concept, types, structure, possible diseases and treatment

What are ligaments: concept, types, structure, possible diseases and treatment

Most of the ligaments are located in the articular part, they are woven into the articular bag, have different directions and plexuses to strengthen the joints, promoting movement, direction or inhibition. There are joints that provide statistical orientation, that is, they are able to maintain the human skeleton in an upright position, fix the arch of the feet, support internal organs in their position, etc

First aid to the victim. Instructions for rendering and algorithm of actions

First aid to the victim. Instructions for rendering and algorithm of actions

First aid is serious business. Here you need to have certain skills. It is important to remember that assistance is provided depending on the type of damage. But first of all, you need to call an ambulance

What foods increase hemoglobin?

What foods increase hemoglobin?

Many are interested in what foods increase hemoglobin better than others. To date, doctors have already determined the diet for patients with hypochromic anemia

Manual therapist in Yaroslavl: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Manual therapist in Yaroslavl: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Who is the best chiropractor in the city of Yaroslavl? It is quite logical that when deciding to entrust the he alth of joints and muscles into the hands of one person, the patient wants to see a qualified, competent, experienced doctor in front of him, and even a polite, sensitive and accurate one. It is from such specialists that the list of the best manual therapists of Yaroslavl presented in the article consists

Cipap therapy - what is it? Principle of action, indications and contraindications for therapy

Cipap therapy - what is it? Principle of action, indications and contraindications for therapy

Cipap therapy is a modern method for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Its essence lies in the expansion of the respiratory tract during sleep. As a result, a person fully rests, wakes up easily in the morning and notes an increased degree of working capacity during the day

Speech therapist, Izhevsk: list of specialists, qualifications, reviews

Speech therapist, Izhevsk: list of specialists, qualifications, reviews

A good speech therapist in Izhevsk may be needed not only for children, but also for adults. Few people know how to find one. There is still some stereotype that a speech therapist is a specialist who corrects burr and lisp. People do not know that there are medical and pedagogical speech therapists with different qualifications, who eliminate various problems. The following list will help you choose the best speech therapist in Izhevsk

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB): description

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB): description

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid is a natural acid containing two groups, carboxylic and hydroxyl. Organic matter plays an important role in the human CNS. It affects the mechanisms of transmission of the nerve impulse - restrains them. Hydroxy acid is used in medicine, but in many countries it is prohibited by law

Obukhov hospital: history, description, features, services and address

Obukhov hospital: history, description, features, services and address

For several centuries in St. Petersburg there has been and successfully operates a medical institution called "Obukhov Hospital". Today, most of it is closed for a large-scale reconstruction - which means it's time to remember its history and find out how it all began

Medical board for RVP: where to go, necessary doctors, terms

Medical board for RVP: where to go, necessary doctors, terms

Temporary residence permit - a document that must be received by all foreigners who expect to receive Russian citizenship in the future. For RWP, a medical examination is one of the prerequisites. Without passing it, the package of documents you have collected will be incomplete. Many migrants have certain difficulties at this stage. To avoid them, we recommend that you read this article

The best orthodontist in Yekaterinburg: addresses of clinics and customer reviews

The best orthodontist in Yekaterinburg: addresses of clinics and customer reviews

How do you tell a good orthodontist from the best? To find the answer to this question, you need to find information about the doctor of interest on the Internet. The necessary professional characteristic of a doctor consists of such items as qualifications, experience and patient reviews. The list of the best orthodontists in Yekaterinburg, presented in the article below, will help save search time

Shoulder arthroplasty: indications, features and reviews

Shoulder arthroplasty: indications, features and reviews

Shoulder arthroplasty is a serious operation that allows you to restore all the functions of the shoulder and returns a person to a full life. After surgery, a fairly long rehabilitation period is required

Arthrology is a branch of anatomy that studies the joints of bones

Arthrology is a branch of anatomy that studies the joints of bones

Arthrology is a medical science that studies joints and their diseases. Its competent research, the formation of unified statistics and databases will allow in the future not only to diagnose most of the pathologies in a timely manner, but also to develop the most effective methods of treatment

What are gonads: description, structure, types, possible diseases

What are gonads: description, structure, types, possible diseases

Gonads are the primary organs of the reproductive system. In the male body, these are the testicles, and in the female body, the ovaries. Gonads enable a person to recreate offspring and have an extensive effect on the body. Many people wonder what gonads are when they hear such a term for the first time. In other words, these are the sex glands that are responsible for the sexual maturation of the body, the formation of appearance, as well as mental and physiological qualities

Tortuosity of the carotid artery: location, structure, functions, norms and pathology

Tortuosity of the carotid artery: location, structure, functions, norms and pathology

The carotid artery is considered one of the largest human circulatory organs. This vessel belongs to the systemic circulation. It consists of paired elastic tubular formations, which, with the help of branches, deliver blood to the brain, saturating it with oxygen and essential substances. Also, these vessels are associated with the neck and eyes

Carporadial reflex: description, levels, types

Carporadial reflex: description, levels, types

Perhaps, one of the most famous reflexes for all people is the metacarpopular-radial reflex, also called carporadial. It can be summoned by hitting the ray sprout with a special hammer. A carporadial reflex is manifested in flexion of the elbow joint, as well as pronation (turning inward) of the fingers

The best children's dermatologists in Perm

The best children's dermatologists in Perm

How to find a good pediatric dermatologist in Perm? Knowing the level of qualification of a specialist, his experience and the availability of a scientific degree, it is not difficult to determine whether he is worthy of treating your child's skin or not. Instead of wasting time searching for information about each doctor on the Internet, the following list of the best pediatric dermatologists in Perm will help

Maternity Hospital No. 1, Barnaul: address, opening hours, doctors' duty schedule and patient reviews

Maternity Hospital No. 1, Barnaul: address, opening hours, doctors' duty schedule and patient reviews

About maternity hospitals, as well as about any other medical institutions, there are different reviews. How many people - so many opinions, there will always be both satisfied and not very satisfied. The article contains information about the first maternity hospital in Barnaul. What do residents of the Altai capital think of him?

Dermatologists in Orel: where they accept, rating. Orel medical institutions

Dermatologists in Orel: where they accept, rating. Orel medical institutions

When a skin problem is detected, the help of a qualified dermatologist is needed. In order for the search to be most effective, you need to find out information about the location of the doctor's workplace, as well as read patient reviews. The list of dermatologists in Orel is presented in the article below

European Institute of Family He alth (Pavlovsk): address, services, reviews

European Institute of Family He alth (Pavlovsk): address, services, reviews

European Institute of Family He alth in Pavlovsk is a modern medical facility equipped with the latest technology. Among its employees are exclusively highly qualified specialists, many of whom have been working since the founding of the clinic. Patients can be confident in their competence, as doctors and nursing staff regularly attend advanced training courses, always staying in the trend of the latest developments

What everyone should know: first aid for arterial bleeding

What everyone should know: first aid for arterial bleeding

There are cases that we never want to face, but … We must know what to do in such a situation. Moreover, knowledge should not be superficial, but very thorough, since not only our life, but also the life of our loved ones depends on it. Article topic: "First aid for arterial bleeding"

What to do with frostbite? First aid

What to do with frostbite? First aid

Frostbite is severe tissue damage caused by exposure to cold. As a rule, it affects the protruding parts of the body - the head, insufficiently insulated arms and legs. Often it is also accompanied by general hypothermia

The rule of applying a bandage and tourniquet. Rules for applying bandages. Rules for applying a pressure bandage

The rule of applying a bandage and tourniquet. Rules for applying bandages. Rules for applying a pressure bandage

Without the timely and correct application of a bandage, first aid to victims with injuries, fractures, dislocations, ligament injuries, bruises, burns, and others becomes almost impossible. Indeed, due to the dressing, additional infection of the wound is prevented, and bleeding stops, fractures are fixed, and even a therapeutic effect on the wound begins

Measles vaccine. How many times is it done to adults and children?

Measles vaccine. How many times is it done to adults and children?

Among the population, there is still a misconception that measles is a mild disease, and a child must have it. In not so distant times, families even had a tradition: as soon as one family member fell ill, he althy people began to closely contact him in order to also become infected. Such an idea is extremely erroneous and dangerous! Measles is far from a simple, harmless disease

The most effective remedies for bruises

The most effective remedies for bruises

Hematomas and bruises appear on the body due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels. This situation often occurs due to blows, bruises. If the bruise is on a part of the body covered by clothing, this situation does not cause much unrest. But if an ugly spot is visible, it can cause discomfort. Many people want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, use various means of bruising. The most effective of them will be discussed in the article

What is myostimulation? Review of "lazy fitness"

What is myostimulation? Review of "lazy fitness"

Most recently, an amazing procedure - myostimulation - has entered the arsenal of effective means of fighting for a slim figure and youthful skin. The review of any professional will tell you how to use it to restore the ideal proportions of the body, its smartness and excellent appearance

Microcurrent therapy: description of the procedure. Microcurrents in cosmetology: indications, contraindications, pros and cons

Microcurrent therapy: description of the procedure. Microcurrents in cosmetology: indications, contraindications, pros and cons

Microcurrent therapy is one of the most effective methods of skin rejuvenation. It is indicated for patients with age-related changes in the epidermis. Sessions do not cause discomfort, thanks to the soft and gentle effects of microcurrents. The procedure is not accompanied by trauma and redness of the skin. How is the treatment carried out? Are there any contraindications to therapy? We will answer these questions in the article

Eosinophils: functions in the body, normative indicators

Eosinophils: functions in the body, normative indicators

Leukocytes in human blood are divided into a number of subspecies, one of them is eosinophils. Their distinguishing features are considered to be a bilobed nucleus. In addition, this is the ability to stain in a reddish tone under the influence of the element eosin, from which this category of leukocytes acquired its own name

What to do if your head hurts after alcohol: causes, methods of treatment, medical advice

What to do if your head hurts after alcohol: causes, methods of treatment, medical advice

Abuse of ethanol-containing drinks in the morning often causes a severe headache. This is an inevitable companion of a hangover syndrome. Alcohol lovers have a question: what to do when your head hurts after drinking? You will learn the answer to it from this article

MRI of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity: features

MRI of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity: features

MRI of internal organs is a high-tech method of examining the body. In this way, it is possible to determine with high accuracy what pathological processes are occurring

What is under the right hypochondrium in humans: internal organs and their purpose

What is under the right hypochondrium in humans: internal organs and their purpose

Every person should at least in general terms know the structure of his body. This is really important, because many people, feeling any discomfort, find it difficult to answer what exactly hurts - since they are not interested in anatomy. Of course, it is unrealistic to tell about all the organs at once. And therefore, now it is worth paying attention to only one topic, and to talk about what is in the right hypochondrium of a person

How to burn warts at home?

How to burn warts at home?

How to burn warts? Such a question arises when benign brown growths are found on the body, spoiling the appearance and causing a constant feeling of discomfort

Appointment of a phlebologist in Penza

Appointment of a phlebologist in Penza

More and more people are facing the problems of venous insufficiency and varicose veins due to the wrong lifestyle. You can find a phlebologist in Penza both in a regular hospital and in a paid clinic

What do low lymphocytes mean?

What do low lymphocytes mean?

Reduced lymphocytes indicate the presence of tuberculosis, purulent process, aplastic anemia, chlorosis, lupus erythematosus, Cushing's disease, genetic immune diseases, pneumonia, tumor-like lesions of internal organs. It is also observed with a clear violation of metabolic processes, renal failure, toxic effects of alcohol and drugs, cirrhosis of the liver