Today, thyroid ultrasound is considered by many experts to be the most informative method for studying the state of this organ. Moreover, ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accessible today. Its undoubted advantage should be considered the ability to examine patients at any age.

Why is research needed?
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (the norm for he althy people will be given below) can be used for preventive examinations and medical examinations. Timely performance of an ultrasound examination often makes it possible to identify organ defects, tumor changes, and minimal foci of inflammation. However, at the same time, it is not possible to identify the very cause of the occurrence of violations using only this method. In the process of research, the specialist also studies the structure of paired formations - the parathyroid glands. They are located in the left and right lobes of the body. Are examined andlymph nodes that are located on the front of a person's neck. As a matter of fact, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the volume of which is different for women and men, is considered the first additional diagnostic method prescribed by an endocrinologist. In accordance with the data obtained, a correction of the patient examination scheme can be carried out.

What exactly is examined during an ultrasound examination?
When performing an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the norm and deviations are evaluated according to several parameters. First of all, the structure of the organ is studied. At the same time, the ability to reflect the signal of the sensor in the thyroid gland and the salivary parotid gland is compared. The study allows you to study the echogenicity of the body. This parameter indicates the uniformity of the fabric. As mentioned above, the parathyroid glands and lymph nodes are examined. In addition, the condition of large vessels that are located near the organ is assessed. In particular, the jugular veins and the external carotid artery are examined. The volume of the organ is studied, as well as the structure of the isthmus, which unites the lobes, the size of the thyroid gland. The norm of linear values depends on the age and gender of the patient. If necessary, an examination of other anatomical structures can be carried out: soft tissue of the neck, larynx and others.
Thyroid ultrasound. Transcription
The norm for men is up to 25 ml, for women - up to 18. The description of the conclusion may look like this: "The location of the organ is correct, the shape is normal, the contours are clear, even, there are no knots,echostructure is not changed, homogeneous. The lymph nodes of the subclavian, submandibular region are not enlarged. "However, with certain pathologies, the size of the thyroid gland according to ultrasound does not deviate from generally accepted parameters. Such diseases, in particular, include diffuse toxic goiter.

Pathologies that are detected by ultrasound
When suspected of what diseases is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland prescribed? Dimensions, the norm of which is individual for each person, may indicate the presence or absence of thyroiditis. In the structure of the organ, seals, diffuse or local changes can be detected. In the latter case, small compacted nodes of various sizes are revealed. In some cases, during a routine examination by an endocrinologist, they are not noticeable. In this regard, the doctor (to clarify the diagnosis) prescribes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the norm of volume and linear parameters of which is indicated above.
Diagnosis of tumors
In most cases, during the study, a specialist can identify and distinguish between benign and malignant neoplasms in the thyroid gland. The latter are characterized by reduced echogenicity, the presence of calcium s alts in the tissue, and heterogeneity of the structure. Neoplasm can be of different sizes, including very small. After removal of the tumor, ultrasound of the thyroid gland is re-assigned. The norm will testify to the effectiveness of the measures taken. At the same time, the study is recommended to be carried out regularly to exclude relapse.

When is an examination necessary?
Who is assigned to ultrasound of the thyroid gland? How to prepare for research? First of all, the examination is necessary for people who are in "risk groups". These, in particular, include people over forty years of age, since it is at this age that the likelihood of the occurrence of neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature increases. Examination is necessary for patients working in hazardous industries, spending a lot of time at the computer, often in stressful conditions. Ultrasound is recommended for patients who have been prescribed hormonal drugs throughout their lives due to certain pathologies. Unfavorable heredity is also an indication for the purpose of the study. Pregnant women should be screened.

Ultrasound is recommended in this case both at the planning stage and during the term for any deviations.
Who else is being tested?
Recommended diagnostics for people who have symptoms of thyroid pathologies. In particular, with unclear weight fluctuations, changes in heart rate, unexplained irritability or lethargy, which are not provoked by the use of medications or violations of thermoregulation. Additionally, ultrasound is recommended if the levels of thyroid hormones are reduced or increased, the norm for total thyroxine is 60.0-160.0 nmol / liter, and for T3 (free) - 1,2-2, 8 mIU/liter. If there are deviations, then an additional study will clarify the diagnosis. The patient does not need any special preparation before the ultrasound examination.
Additional options for ultrasound examination
If autologous changes are detected, the specialist may recommend an ultrasound with CDC (digital Doppler mapping). This research method allows not only to study the features of the structure and structure of the organ, but also to assess the nature of interstitial blood flow. Based on all the data, a more accurate diagnosis is established. Especially often, CDI is used when tumor nodes are detected in the gland. When examining the characteristics of blood flow, a specialist has the opportunity to understand the true causes of the development of pathology, the likelihood and direction of metastases against the background of a malignant process. Under the control of ultrasound, a fine-needle biopsy of tissues from pathological foci detected during a preliminary examination is performed.

Features of diffuse changes detected by ultrasound
These violations, as a rule, provoke inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland. These include, in particular, chronic thyroiditis. During the examination, there is a reduced echogenicity of the organ, its increase in all directions. Diffuse tissue heterogeneity is also typical. With thyroiditis, several indistinctly demarcated nodes may be found. Their internal structure is similar to the structure of the surroundingfabrics. When a large node is detected, the shape of the gland changes (becomes diffuse-nodular).
Differential Diagnosis
Ultrasound examination distinguishes multinodular goiter from chronic thyroiditis. This is especially important, since the choice of therapeutic measures will depend on the diagnosis. So, autoimmune thyroiditis is treated conservatively, and multinodular goiter - surgically. Diffuse changes may accompany Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter). They manifest themselves in the form of a uniform increase in the thyroid gland, in some cases by 2-3 times in comparison with the norm. However, in many cases, the severity of the pathology does not affect the size of the thyroid gland. The norm, as already mentioned above, is individual for each patient. With pronounced manifestations of thyrotoxicosis in men, for example, there is a slight deviation from the generally accepted parameters. As a rule, the tissue structure is homogeneous, may be slightly dense, and echogenicity is increased. In some cases, against the background of the considered changes, secondary nodules, accumulations of calcium s alts and cysts may be detected.

Unfortunately, not every person is able to notice violations in metabolic processes. Most people realize that they are sick when there are serious problems with appetite or weight. The tendency to consume large amounts of sweets, frequent mood swings, hair loss - all these are signals about the presence of any disorders in the body. In such cases, one should contactspecialist. An endocrinologist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests and studies, including ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Where to do an ultrasound? It is carried out in special rooms in which the appropriate equipment is installed. Diagnosis is carried out by a specialist - an uzist. Today, ultrasound, as mentioned above, is the most informative diagnostic method. This is mainly due to its popularity. In addition, the study is accessible to a large mass of the population. The cost of the examination is much lower, and its information content is higher than that of thyroid radiography. Moreover, when conducting an ultrasound examination, there is no radiation exposure to the patient's body. The undoubted advantage of the method is the possibility of its repeated use by patients at any age, including newborns, as well as pregnant women. Before conducting a study, the doctor must be informed of all the drugs taken by the patient, including vitamins. However, despite all the information content of ultrasound, making a diagnosis, taking into account only the results of ultrasound of the thyroid gland, will be wrong. Of great importance is the whole clinical picture, the information of the medical history. The results of other studies are also taken into account, including indicators of thyroid hormones (the norm for them is indicated above). Only on the basis of an assessment of all the data obtained in the complex during an ultrasound examination, the doctor can make a conclusion about the presence or absence ofpathological changes and make an accurate diagnosis, according to which treatment will be prescribed.