Gastroscopy for a child: where and how they do it, contraindications and reviews

Gastroscopy for a child: where and how they do it, contraindications and reviews
Gastroscopy for a child: where and how they do it, contraindications and reviews

Gastroscopy for a child is prescribed by a gastroenterologist with frequent complaints of pain in the organs associated with the digestive system. The procedure is quite unpleasant, but it is considered informative for identifying lesions in the mucous tissues of the upper gastrointestinal tract (stomach, esophagus, duodenum).

gastroscopy for a child under anesthesia
gastroscopy for a child under anesthesia

Classification of methods

Before prescribing a gastroscopy to a child, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient, listens to complaints if the baby can speak, and determines the volume of the surface being examined. Technologies for plots of different sizes are different:

  • FGS - fibrogastroscopy - makes it possible to evaluate the esophagus and gastric cavity.
  • FEGDS - fibrogastroduodenoscopy - the entire digestive apparatus is examined, including the duodenum.
  • VEGDS - video esophagogastroduodenoscopy - nanotechnology allows you to save data on removable media.

Diagnostic method requires a special approach to children. Only flexible endoscopes are used, the capabilities of which allow penetration into blind spots.

Important! The equipment for the study of children is selected taking into account the age, size of the esophagus. The thickness of the gastroscope should not be more than 0.6 cm.

Gastroscope for diagnosis
Gastroscope for diagnosis

Features of the procedure for children

Babies are rarely prescribed gastroscopy, but since children tend to get sick while still in the womb, the question of what age children are given gastroscopy is inappropriate. Modern technologies make it possible to perform the procedure for newborns, there are no restrictions on age criteria for the study. A pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist will order this test if appropriate, as it should be understood that it is stressful for children.

When endoscopy is performed on children between two months and 5 years of age, general anesthesia is usually used. Adolescents before the start of manipulation are given local anesthesia or refrain from using additional drugs due to contraindications. When collecting an anamnesis, one should focus on comorbidities with epileptic seizures, panic attacks, uncontrolled panic. In such cases, a gastroscopy of a child under anesthesia is done in order to be able to study in detail the focus of the pathology.

Important! Children from birth to 2 months of age are not given anesthesia.

In what cases is gastroscopy prescribed for children

There are many reasons for prescribing a gastroscopy for a child. Not everyone can be a sign of diseases of the digestive system, it is important to correctlyestablish a diagnosis and differentiate the disease from others. The adequacy and effectiveness of the therapy prescribed in the future depends on the correctness of identifying the cause of the appearance of bothersome symptoms.

Assignment to children is indicated if the following symptoms are observed:

  • intense vomiting, bouts of nausea;
  • frequent belching, impaired swallowing function;
  • stool instability (diarrhea, constipation);
  • child does not gain weight, loses weight for no reason;
  • refusal of food or poor appetite;
  • possible violations of the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract (injuries, burns).

Pediatric gastroscopy can be scheduled or urgently. It is useful in case of suspicion:

  1. Inflammation in the digestive apparatus.
  2. Peptic ulcers.
  3. Reflux esophagitis.
  4. Tumors of various etiologies.

An emergency procedure is prescribed if the child has:

  • bleeding from the mouth;
  • an alien object is visible on ultrasound or X-ray;
  • all signs point to congenital malformations of the digestive tract (up to a year);
  • chemical burns, stenosis.

A big plus of gastroscopy through an endoscope - if necessary, you can select material for laboratory research, an operation to remove foreign bodies, neoplasms.

Which technique to prescribe for the examination, the doctor determines, paying attention to the characteristics of the symptoms.

Examination gastroscope
Examination gastroscope

How to properly prepare a child forprocedure

The basic rules for preparing for the procedure do not depend on age and must be followed by all patients. Thus, more accurate information can be obtained by examining the lesions of the digestive organs.

Proper preparation includes the following algorithm of actions:

  • The period of fasting before the procedure must be maintained. It is 8-12 hours. If a baby undergoes gastroscopy, the issue of restricting food intake is discussed on an individual basis. For breastfed babies, the maximum interval between feedings should not be more than 6 hours.
  • Dinner should not be late (18-21 hours). Foods that cause fermentation (vegetables, fruits) should not be present in the diet.
  • In the morning, the child is set up for brunch, as it is forbidden to eat food, water, medicines before gastroscopy.
  • Because the procedure is performed on children, emphasis is placed on the strict prohibition of the following products 48 hours before the procedure: seeds, nuts, gas-producing foods, muffins, chocolate.
  • Child's clothes should be loose.
how to position your baby
how to position your baby

You should not create a nervous situation, rush, fuss. The exit should be planned in advance. Under the cabinet, the patient should be a quarter of an hour before the start of the manipulation. Mom should have with her:

  1. Medical history, outpatient card.
  2. Direction.
  3. Sheet and towel.

Any previous images and research results should also bewith you so that the doctor can track the dynamics of the disease.


Because the procedure is curative and prophylactic, it may not be suitable for all children. Only a doctor should establish a diagnosis, conduct examinations and prescribe a treatment regimen. A gastroenterologist will not prescribe a procedure for a child with the following diagnoses:

  • narrowing of the pharynx due to the presence of an inflammatory focus;
  • fixed scars that make it difficult to pass the endoscope;
  • background diagnosis - pulmonary, severe heart failure;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • destructive changes in the thoracic region of the spinal column;
  • enlargement of the thymus.

Also, the procedure is not performed if at the time of the examination the child has signs of a viral infection, hyperthermia, cough, bowel dysfunction, continuous vomiting. Planned activities are postponed indefinitely, until recovery.

Special approach should be to children with enlarged adenoids, epilepsy, Koch's wand infections.

What the doctor sees on the monitor

Through an endoscope and a small camera that displays an image on the screen, the doctor examines the state of the mucous tissue, fixing changes in the lesions. During the study, if bleeding is detected, the problem can be stopped immediately by determining the exact location of the rupture. The specialist also sees and can determine:

  • location of polyps, cancers, ulcers, scars, constrictions;
  • presence of bacteria in the stomachHelicobacter pylori - the causes of many problems of the digestive system;
  • probability of perforated ulcers.
do children do gastroscopy
do children do gastroscopy

Timely detection of areas with pathological abnormalities on the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to quickly take action, stop the destructive process, and cure the disease. Detection of signs of malignant changes at an earlier date significantly improves the prognosis for recovery.

High-precision equipment determines probable defects and pathologies of the upper digestive system:

  • artesia;
  • varicose veins in the esophagus;
  • reflux stenosis;
  • lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction;
  • hernia of the esophagus;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tumors of various nature.

The method is quite informative and allows you to identify the disease at an early stage. If necessary, during gastroscopy, you can perform local treatment, take a smear, a piece of tissue for research.

gastroscopy for children how to do
gastroscopy for children how to do

What does the patient feel during the procedure

According to reviews, patients experience discomfort during the diagnostics. Gastroscopy of the stomach for children is a serious psychological trauma. There may be bouts of nausea, belching, vomiting. You can notice how tears are involuntarily released from the eyes. While pushing the device into the throat, a short-term pain is felt. After passing the gastroscope through the mouth of the esophagus, the pain syndrome immediately disappears.

Ifa small patient already understands what the doctor is talking about and follows some recommendations without panic, the moment of discomfort will pass quickly. It is only necessary to perform a few swallowing actions - and the endoscope will be at its destination.

To smooth out discomfort and get a clear picture, it is necessary to do a gastroscopy for children on professional equipment designed specifically for babies.

Treatment duration

Gastroscopy is considered quite a traumatic method of examination. The longer the process, the more likely it is that the doctor will not miss the pathological focus and examine the tissues in detail.

Parents experience every minute of their child's procedure, and it's only natural that they want to know how children get gastroscopy and how long the whole process takes.

The child is placed on his side in a specially equipped room. The patient's back is straightened and the legs are bent at the knees. The child clamps the mouthpiece with his teeth. An endoscope will be inserted through the device. During the insertion of the tube, the patient is asked to swallow. After the gastroscope enters the stomach, the doctor begins to supply air to smooth out the folds of the mucous tissues and improve the field of view. At this stage, the accumulation of saliva is removed with a saliva ejector. Gastroscopy for a child is performed under anesthesia, therefore, reflexes do not interfere with the doctor during the manipulations. All of the above actions are performed in a quarter of an hour. If necessary, make a puncture, excise the polyp, stop the bleeding, administer the medicine, gastroscopy candrag on for 30-40 minutes.

How does the baby feel after the procedure

After the procedure is completed, the child may experience discomfort. According to reviews, bloating is felt for several days after the intervention of doctors. After anesthesia, there may be bouts of nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

It is especially important to carefully monitor the condition of the baby in the first days after the examination. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following symptoms:

  • intense stomach cramps;
  • hyperthermia;
  • vomiting blood;
  • diarrhea with black patches.

Any abnormal change in the child's he alth requires urgent hospitalization.

Where to do a gastroscopy for a child

Children's he alth parents should trust only proven, qualified professionals. Children's hospitals have endoscopic departments, where they provide advisory and emergency assistance. New technologies are introduced into clinical practice, the development of endoscopic criteria for pathologies in newborns and malformations is used. A scientific approach to gastroscopy is applied from the first days of life.

This procedure is offered by many medical institutions, private clinics on an outpatient basis. Be sure to clarify whether children are doing gastroscopy and whether they have all the necessary tools for young patients. Prices for services vary from 3,500 to 15,000 rubles. Cost may be affected by:

  • assessment of the level of the clinic;
  • professionalism and reputation of doctors;
  • additional tests;
  • level of difficulty of work;
  • use of anesthesia, anesthesia, sedatives;
  • technical equipment.
gastroscopy room
gastroscopy room

Price is not the main quality criterion. If the question of where to do a gastroscopy for a child is relevant, then, first of all, the reviews recommend finding a qualified specialist with practical experience. Usually, the mommies forum helps a lot with this.
