Alcoholism in the modern world remains one of the most pressing and urgent problems of mankind. Addiction to alcoholic beverages is detrimental not only to physical he alth, but to the moral character of a person. He is able to exchange his good name, family, friends, career, hobbies, dreams and goals for the coveted alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease that needs help to cope. And one of the effective "antidotes" today is alcohol sensitization. What kind of treatment is this, how it proceeds, what are the contraindications to it and possible complications, we will tell you further.
What is sensitization?
Determine what the word "alcohol sensitization" means, first of all, familiarity with the general concept will help us.
Sensitization is a certain hypersensitivity of a living being to a substance of alien origin. His body will respond to the latter with an allergic reaction. The greater the concentration of a substance, the stronger it is. If you watched the famous movie "A Clockwork Orange", you can imagine how artificial sensitization manifests itself in humans.
What can cause a sensitized phenomenon? It is usually provoked by the following:
- Infections and bacterial agents.
- Artificial substances of chemical nature. The latter may be special medicines, alcohols, industrial toxins, etc.
What distinguishes a sensitized organism from all others? When interacting with a certain substance, its immune system will always respond with an allergic reaction. It can be anaphylaxis, urticaria, etc.
It is important to know what a sensitization period is. This is such a time interval that is fixed between exposure to an allergenic substance and the development of hypersensitivity to it. This period can last from several days to several years.

Variations of the phenomenon
The following types of sensitization are distinguished:
- Autoimmune. It will be characteristic of all diseases and pathologies of an immune nature. This is the name of hypersensitivity to an abnormal type of proteins of one's own body, which is caused by autoimmune allergens.
- Monovalent. This is the name of the increased sensitivity of a living being to one allergen substance.
- Polyvalent. Allergic reactions of the body to several irritants at once.
- Active. This sensitization can occur with the introduction (artificial or natural) of a substance -allergen.
- Passive. What is observed here? Introduction to a he althy body of blood serum from a living being that is actively sensitized.
Alcohol sensitization - what does it mean?
Increased sensitivity to alcohol-containing drinks, dishes, medicines may be congenital. That is, a person does not stimulate sensitization to this substance in any way - it will be natural for him. Like allergies to dairy products, plant pollen, animal dander, etc.
But we will continue to talk about artificial sensitization to alcohol. That is, about taking, administering certain drugs, conducting treatment, which causes hypersensitivity to alcohol in an unnatural way.

Why is the procedure necessary?
Why do we need such sensitization? Adults know that a certain dose of alcohol improves mood, helps to relax, feel light, and forget about problems. Someone likes this carefree state so much that with the help of alcoholic drinks he returns himself to it again and again. Addiction develops, a person needs more and more alcohol to achieve the desired state of carelessness. It is no longer possible to give up a bad habit on your own, a psychological dependence arises.
At the same time, large doses of alcohol cause malfunctions in all organs of the living system. Especially dangerous is the abnormal use of ethyl alcohol for the liver, brain, and central nervous system. Alcohol actually destroysthese vital systems.
Therefore, sensitization to alcohol is, at times, a way not only to get rid of a bad habit, but also, in the literal sense of the word, to save a person from death, moral and physical. What makes this method stand out in the first place is its effectiveness on the most hardened alcoholics. The main disadvantage in this case is only a temporary effect.

How is the procedure performed?
Sensitization of the body to alcohol is the introduction of special preparations to the patient, which will cause him aversion to alcohol for a long time.
Describe the mechanism of standard sensitizing therapy:
- Before the procedure, the patient must refrain from taking any alcohol-containing products for three days.
- In the treatment room of the clinic, a small capsule is injected under the skin of an alcoholic. It contains a substance that will cause an acute allergic reaction to ethyl, methyl alcohol. The drug is completely harmless to the patient. Until he wants to turn to booze again.
- How will alcohol sensitization manifest itself? As soon as a person tries even a small portion of an alcoholic drink, his general well-being will immediately worsen, and the gag reflex will work. Some sensitizers are so strong in effect that a similar effect is observed even from taking alcohol-containing drugs. Moreover, the patient feels dizzy even from alcoholic vapors! He only gets better when he comes out on freshair.
Alcohol sensitization, it should be noted, is a rather risky treatment. If alcohol is not removed from the body (vomiting, emptying the stomach), then even death can result from an allergic reaction. Therefore, before sewing in the capsule with the drug, the patient always writes a receipt that he is aware of the consequences of such treatment.

What drugs are used?
An agent that causes alcohol sensitization - what is it? In modern times, not only subcutaneous capsules are used (already a traditional method of therapy). Subcutaneous, intramuscular injections, special tablets, etc. are successfully used. Today, the list of drugs is so extensive that it is possible for each patient to choose an individually suitable option.
The most popular are the following tools:
- "Esperal".
- "Antabuse".
- Espenal.
- "Lidevin".
- "Disulfiram".
- "Tetradyne".
- "Counterpot".
- "Stoptil" and so on.
Peculiarities of taking sensitizing drugs
Once again, we note that the funds listed above are completely harmless to the patient's body. However, only before he uses ethanol, even in the smallest doses (up to inhalation of alcoholic vapors). In this case, an allergic reaction develops, the severity of which can sometimes reach coma or even death of the patient. That's why self-medicationtaking sensitizing agents without the supervision of a specialist is prohibited.
Alcohol sensitization is caused by two drug groups:
- Substances based on disulfiram.
- Substances whose action is based on nicotinic acid.
Which treatment is better to choose? It is believed that therapy based on nicotinic acid is more gentle. This is due to the fact that this element in parallel refers to vitamins of groups B and PP.

Psychological mood of the patient
Almost all experts note that the main thing in the cure of alcoholism is the attitude of the person himself. If he wants to get rid of his addiction, admits that he is ill with alcoholism, that such a condition is not normal, then he is already half cured.
However, to independently realize all of the above is sometimes beyond the strength of those suffering from addiction. Hence, in addition to medication, psychotherapeutic sensitization is also required. This treatment has the following main goals:
- Recognizing that alcohol abuse is a serious problem.
- Understanding and accepting the fact that drug sensitization is needed, the help of a psychotherapist - it is impossible to get rid of addiction on your own.
Psychotherapeutic treatment
Psychotherapy is most effective for individuals diagnosed with Stage 1 and Stage 2 alcoholism. If a person is addicted to the third stage, then the effectiveness of psychotherapy decreases. Such patientsnot individual, but group sessions are more suitable.
All psychotherapeutic help can be divided into three stages for this case:
- Before drug sensitization therapy. It is important for the patient to receive from the specialist an installation on the need and success of the treatment.
- During the action of the drug. At this moment, a person breaks down - you need to abruptly get rid of your favorite long-term habit. Here he needs the help of a doctor especially urgently.
- After the medication. It is necessary to consolidate the formed aversion to alcohol in order to avoid a relapse in the future.

Possible Complications
Among the possible unpleasant consequences of the administration of sensitizing drugs are the following:
- Psychosis (most often this is a consequence of overdosing the medication).
- Mental disorders.
- Collapse.
- Hearing problems.
- Convulsions resembling an epileptic seizure from the side.
- Somatic disorders - bad breath, upset stool, lack of appetite.
Contraindications to the procedure
Sensitizing medical procedure is contraindicated in the following:
- Dementia.
- Epilepsy.
- Polyneuritis.
- Pathologies affecting the brain.
- Somatic complications.
- Age of the patient - people over 60 years of age are not given drugs.

Thus, sensitizing therapy is possible only after a comprehensive examination of the patient for contraindications. Treatment is carried out only under strict medical supervision. It is also desirable to combine the administration of medications with psychotherapy courses.