24/7 Ivan Fillmore Veterinary Clinic. Fillmore Clinic: address, reviews

24/7 Ivan Fillmore Veterinary Clinic. Fillmore Clinic: address, reviews
24/7 Ivan Fillmore Veterinary Clinic. Fillmore Clinic: address, reviews

There are many people in the world who are not indifferent to the suffering of homeless animals. Most often, the noble deeds of these defenders of innocent cats and dogs remain unknown to society. But since 2005, many residents of St. Petersburg have learned about one of them - the American doctor Ivan Fillmore. The animal clinic, opened with his funds and bearing his name, has been helping both pets and homeless tailed wanderers fight disease and lead a he althy life for ten years. The clinic is attended by certified doctors, modern equipment and advanced technologies are used, allowing our smaller brothers to perform all the same examination procedures as for people, and to carry out treatment with minimal risks.


The veterinary clinic named after Ivan Fillmore is located in the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg, not far from the Grand Canyon Park. Her official address is as follows: Engels Avenue, shopping and entertainment center "Grand Canyon", building number 154. By car, you can drive there by turning from Engels Avenue to Shostakovich Street. Also possible withProspekt Prosveshcheniya, go to Simonova Street, and from there turn onto Shostakovicha Street, where there is a convenient entrance to the clinic entrance. Nearby is the center for children "Wonderful City", well known to many Petersburgers. Opened with funds from Ivan Fillmore, the animal clinic is also conveniently located in relation to public transport stops. The easiest way to get there is by subway. The nearest stations are Prospect Prosveshcheniya and Parnas, from which it is about 900 meters to the door of the clinic.

Fillmora clinic
Fillmora clinic

General information

There is practically nothing on the Internet about Ivan Fillmore. A veterinary clinic in St. Petersburg that bears his name, and a few words about the fact that he is the protector of all animals, especially the homeless - that's probably all the information. Meanwhile, he gave money to another wonderful person - Yuri Petrovich Mikityuk, so that he would open a hospital for animals on them, which he did. The clinic has been operating since 2005, and all this time Yu. P. Mykityuk has been its chief physician and leading surgeon. He combines organizational activities with taking care of animals, performs operations, is the author of a unique method of surgical intervention “Without seams and blankets”, finds time to deal with homeless animals. Bearing the name of Ivan Fillmore, the clinic covers an area of 250 square meters, on which there are examination rooms, a manipulation room, operating rooms, an X-ray room, a laboratory, an animal shower, two hospital departments with a kitchen for pets, and a reception.

Ivan Fillmore Clinic
Ivan Fillmore Clinic

Diagnostic room

Some philosophers believe that animals are a separate race living on our planet, only its representatives walk on four legs and have a tail. In all other respects, they are similar to us, people, and the attitude towards them should be appropriate. The Ivan Fillmore Clinic confirms this to some extent by diagnosing animals with methods not unlike those used for humans. So, here they perform ultrasound on animals, including examination:

  • eyeball;
  • abdomen;
  • genitourinary system;
  • tumors;
  • tendons;
  • hip section.

In addition to ultrasound, an X-ray is done in the clinic (according to indications). In this case, the pet can be given light anesthesia, otherwise the owner of the animal will have to keep it.

Another type of research is ECG and computed tomography, which allows you to maximize the accuracy of diagnosis.

Fillmore clinic on Engels
Fillmore clinic on Engels


Few patients of any veterinary clinic can do without blood and urine tests, because they help to make an accurate diagnosis in cases where the symptoms of the disease are blurred, when it is necessary to determine the stage of development of the disease, and in dozens of cases. The equipment of the Fillmore clinic allows laboratory technicians to take both simple and rather complex blood tests on the spot, for example, these:

  • general biochemical;
  • profile biochemical (study of individualorgans);
  • hormonal;
  • for bacteria and viruses;
  • general clinical.

Also take tests in the laboratory:

  • urine;
  • feces (for helminths);
  • coproscopy;
  • scrapings (for fungus, ectoparasites and others).
  • Fillmora Veterinary Clinic
    Fillmora Veterinary Clinic

Therapy Services

The Ivan Fillmore Clinic has highly qualified veterinarians on its staff:

  • therapists;
  • dermatologist;
  • urologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • oncologist;
  • beautician;
  • dentist;
  • traumatologists;
  • surgeons;
  • anaesthesiologists.

For patients who come to the clinic for the first time, an outpatient card is mandatory, where the attending physician will note all the features of the course of the disease, appointments, the results of tests and studies. Experts recommend contacting the clinic not only when the pet has he alth problems, but also for a preventive examination - at least once a year.

veterinarian house call
veterinarian house call


The Fillmore Veterinary Clinic on Engels has 4 operating rooms equipped with all the necessary modern medical equipment. During operations, surgeons have the opportunity to use a ventilator, an electrocoagulator, a heart monitor, a pulse oximeter and other life-sustaining equipment.patient.

Surgeons and anesthesiologists of the clinic are professionals in their field. Every year they perform hundreds of abdominal surgeries (on internal organs), oncological, cosmetic (ear cropping, removal of warts, etc.), musculoskeletal and joint surgeries. Several years in the clinic. Fillmora perform unique operations using the technique developed by Y. P. Mykityuk (“Without stitches and blankets”), which allows you to “put the animal on its paws” after surgery in just a couple of days, and sometimes even a few hours.

If necessary, the operated animal is placed in a hospital at the clinic, where it is provided with professional care around the clock.

Cosmetology and dietetics

Perhaps some will be surprised: what kind of cosmetology can be for animals? Nevertheless, such a direction in veterinary medicine exists. The Fillmore Clinic (St. Petersburg) offers the following services:

  • ear cropping, auricle correction;
  • eyelid surgery;
  • implantation of artificial testicles;
  • tail docking.
  • nail cutting;
  • nose and ear canal surgery;
  • removal of vestigial fingers.

Always the owners must provide their animals with proper nutrition, but this is especially important during the period of illness and after surgery. Nutritionists of the Fillmore clinic give comprehensive advice on the selection of food for various diseases of pets. You can buy them at a veterinary pharmacy.

clinic equipment
clinic equipment

Additional services

Besides treatment anddiagnostics, the Fillmore Clinic on Engels provides the following services:

1. Chipping of pets. This micro-operation is absolutely painless and causes no complications. The chip is placed under the skin of the animal, so it cannot be lost. What is it for? Firstly, it helps to find a lost pet, and secondly, it certifies that it belongs to its owner, which is very important when participating in exhibitions or when traveling with an animal abroad.

2. Vaccination. For domestic cats and dogs, broad-spectrum vaccines against all major viral diseases are used, homeless animals are vaccinated against rabies.

3. There is a pharmacy on the territory of the clinic, where food, medicines, accessories are always on sale.

Calling a veterinarian at home

Very often there are situations when it is not possible to bring a sick animal to the clinic for an appointment. The reasons can be very different - from the state of a pet to the unwillingness of the owners to torment him in transport. By contacting the Fillmore clinic, you can use such a service as calling a veterinarian at home. It costs 1000 rubles (only a call, for inspection and all procedures, payment according to the price list). At home, the doctor can examine the patient, take a blood test, scraping, castration. For more complex operations and a wider diagnosis, the pet will still have to be taken to the clinic. For this purpose, pet owners are encouraged to use the zoo-taxi.

Working with homeless animals

Based on the funds of a zealous defender of homeless animals (IvanFillmore), the clinic also provides assistance to those smaller brothers who do not have owners. Its organizer and chief curator is Yu. P. Mykityuk, who in 2006-2008. headed a department in the state veterinary service of St. Petersburg, engaged in similar activities. Now every resident of the city who is not indifferent to the fate of animals can bring street cats or dogs in trouble to the Fillmore Clinic, where they will be given the necessary assistance, castrated, and vaccinated. Castration surgeries are performed using the "Seamless and blanket" method only, so that the recovery takes place as soon as possible and does not require additional treatment. Animals after the procedure are given a kind of mark - a piece of the ear is amputated. Unfortunately, all this is not free, but 50% cheaper than for happy pets who have owners. There is no shelter for homeless cats and dogs in the clinic.

fillmore clinic phone
fillmore clinic phone


The Fillmore Clinic is open 24 hours a day, without lunch breaks, without holidays and weekends. The phone number by which you can clarify the work schedule of specialists, make an appointment, find out if the tests are ready, is: (812) 335-33-82. You can get to the head doctor Yu. P. Mikityuk on a “live” queue or sign up, which will cost 1,500 rubles. The initial appointment without an appointment costs 1300 rubles. Operations performed by Yu. P. Mykityuk are more expensive than those performed by the clinic's full-time surgeons. The difference, depending on the complexity of the surgical intervention, ranges from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. According to customer reviews, as well as according to the answersthere are no receptionists, there are no appointments with doctors at the Fillmore clinic, only a general queue. However, this service is available in the price list, and not only for appointments with doctors of all narrow speci alties, but also in order to get advice on the results of the tests. The entry costs 200 rubles more than the general queue. A consultation with a veterinarian about tests at the Fillmore clinic costs 300 rubles, and about the correct maintenance of the animal - 600 rubles. You can get acquainted with all prices in detail at the clinic or on its official website.

Fillmore Clinic: reviews

There are a lot of people who are grateful to the clinic staff for saving their pets. Especially in the reviews, the excellent work and attitude of the head physician Yu. P. Mikityuk, the surgeon and at the same time the head of the entire surgical department A. S.

In addition, pet owners who contacted the Fillmore clinic point to the following advantages in its work:

  • excellent diagnostic base;
  • carrying out unique operations "Seamless and Blanket", after which the animals recover very quickly;
  • 24/7 clinic;
  • discounts for the treatment of homeless animals;
  • presence of a hospital.
veterinarian consultation
veterinarian consultation

Despite the excellent work of most of the clinic's staff, many clients point out shortcomings in their reviews, because even if only one patient, it does not matter whether it is a person or an animal, died due to indifference or negligencedoctors, that's a lot. Disadvantages noted by clinic visitors:

  • bad faith of administrators, registry workers;
  • too long (up to several hours) waiting in a "live" queue, even with seriously ill animals;
  • unprofessionalism of some clinic staff (doctors, diagnosticians);
  • indifference of individual employees to the suffering of animals;
  • too high prices for many treatments;
  • very difficult to get through to the clinic as they rarely pick up the phone;
  • refusal of receptionists to make a preliminary appointment.
