Some people meet with the fact that they are prescribed a TSH test, the decoding of which is unknown to them. It is a thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is a glycoprotein hormone of the pituitary gland. Among them can also be called hCG, FSH and LH. But it is thyroid-stimulating hormone that is the main regulator of the functioning of the thyroid gland itself. The indicator of its secretion controls the thyrotropin-releasing factor. It also regulates the secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are designated T4 and T3, respectively. Their concentration is very important in human blood, and its fluctuations are proof that serious changes are taking place in the human body.
The importance of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the human body

Deciphering the analysis of TSH plays an important role for all people. This hormone seriously affects various metabolic processes that occur in the thyroid gland. They have a connection with the receptors of the cell membrane, which activates adenylate cyclase. The latter provokes the production of AMP. As a result, the synthesis and secretion of T3 and T4 are enhanced, and the thyroid gland remains physically intact and its functions are not disturbed. concentrationhormone allows you to determine the blood test TSH, the decoding of which will draw a clear picture of what is happening. As a rule, it is prescribed in such cases:
- to rule out hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism;
- to track the result of antithyroid therapy during hyperthyroidism;
- in order to control T4 suppression in non-toxic goiter or in order to control T4 suppression - trophic effect of TSH in non-toxic goiter or “cold nodes”;
- to evaluate the response to the stimulation test.

Modern methods for determining TSH are very effective and quite affordable. Their analysis is used to determine subclinical and latent forms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Such an examination is quite possible to conduct in any diagnostic laboratory.
Indications for conduction
- for a screening examination of TSH analysis, the decoding of which will make it possible to determine latent hypothyroidism;
- for the differential diagnosis of diseases associated with the thyroid gland;
- to determine the stage of primary hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism;
- to monitor the adequacy of hormone treatment.
Preparing for analysis

In order for the study to be correct, blood should be taken on an empty stomach. Only water is allowed. At least 8 hours must have passed since the last meal. The examination must be carried out before the reception began.medicines. If they have already been taken, then you need to wait until two weeks have passed since their last use. If you need to be examined during drug treatment, then you should definitely indicate what exactly the patient is taking. Before the examination, one should not eat fried and fatty foods during the day, alcohol and serious physical activity are prohibited. You should not go to the laboratory after physiotherapy procedures, rectal examination, ultrasound, fluorography, x-rays. The result of the study may be affected by individual drugs, such as acetylsalicylic acid, corticosteroids, iodine preparations. Chylosis samples and hemolysis are also some of the factors that can affect such an examination.
Interpretation of results
TSH blood test, the decoding of which provides an excellent opportunity to assess the functioning of the thyroid gland, is very important for those people who have certain he alth problems. Examining the patient, the clinician pays special attention to the lower value of this indicator. The concentration of this hormone is very important in such cases:
- when it is necessary to diagnose thyrotoxicosis;
- to follow different forms of goiter;

- in order to suppress the level of TSH and differentiate true thyrotoxicosis, which occurs during childbearing;
- to find out the reasons why the results of the determination of T4 and the thyroid-stimulating hormone itself differ from the clinical picture;
- in caseconsuming large amounts of thyroid hormones;
- in case of taking drugs containing T3;
- if there is an extrathyroid pathology;
- in case of insufficient thyroid hormone therapy;
- when using drugs that can affect thyroid status;
- in case of total resistance to thyroid hormones.
There are certain indicators according to which the TSH blood test, decoding, norm is determined. In accordance with them, in a man this result at 10 years reaches the highest value of 3.5, and in women - 4.2. The highest result can be observed in pregnant women in the last trimester - 3.2.
What does a high score lead to?
When tests for TSH hormones were taken, their decoding shows that the indicator exceeds the norm, this indicates the possible presence of diseases such as:
- thyroid cancer;
- endemic goiter;
- ectopic secretion that occurs with tumors of the lung or breast;

- thyroiditis;
- thyroid hypofunction at the initial stage;
- pituitary tumor.
What does a low reading mean?
If the test results are below normal, this also indicates various pathologies, including:
- injury or tumor of the pituitary gland;
- presence of Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
- hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency;
- hyperfunction of the thyroid gland at the primary stage.
SoThus, we see that the analysis of TSH, its decoding is very important for every person. This hormone regulates the entire functioning of the thyroid gland, and quite serious metabolic processes take place in it, which seriously affect the human condition. Any deviation from its norm can lead to serious consequences. Often, even death is possible. That is why you should be careful enough about your he alth. If you feel worse, do not hesitate, you need to go to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate tests and will be able to prevent the disease itself or its dangerous consequences in time. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and be he althy!