Triglycerides are fatty acids, which are one of the main energy materials for the body. An excess of these substances increases the risk of a heart attack. What threatens to increase their level in the blood? What is their norm, how are triglycerides used by the body? The norm and deviations of the content of these substances are determined in the study by biochemical means.
Triglycerides - a source of energy
Lipids are the guardians of fatty acids, in addition, they are a source of energy in the human body. Triglycerides are deposited in the cells of the body. Their excess threatens with diseases of the heart and vascular system, although their influence on the occurrence of these diseases is still not fully understood.

Lipids are physiological fats produced in the body. They are also supplied with food, as are exogenous triglycerides. The norm or deviations from the level of these fats are investigated most often when the full lipid profile of the body is studied. An analysis of triglycerides in the blood is a study with which it is possible to identify the onset of the onset of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Execute it in progresstreatment of hypertriglyceridemia.
What does the analysis show?

Triglycerides are organic chemical compounds belonging to simple fats (lipids). They contain esters of glycerol and acids of three types. They are an energy material that is used for the current needs of the body or stored as fat.
Lipid analysis is performed during the analysis of the entire fat balance profile of the body, i.e. cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides are determined together. Fat analysis is prescribed in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia. With this violation, only a high content of triglycerides is characteristic. Thanks to the study of the concentration of simple fats, it is possible to assess the risks of coronary heart disease. This study is very important for diabetic patients, since the level of simple fats in the bloodstream is increased with a high level of glucose in the bloodstream. The reasons for conducting a lipid analysis are the possibility of identifying the effectiveness of ongoing therapy aimed at lowering the level of triglycerides in the body. Before the analysis, you should not eat food for 12-24 hours, due to the fact that food delivers lipoproteins, and this will distort the result of the study. For analysis, a blood sample is taken from a finger or cubital vein.
Carry out a biochemical analysis for triglycerides in the blood. The norm and deviation have different meanings for men, women and children. So, in men, a concentration of less than 200 mg / dl or 2.3 mmol / l is considered a normal indicator. Large quantitysubstance is a deviation in the result of the analysis for triglycerides. The norm in women is from 35 to 135 mg / dl, which is equivalent to 0.40-1.54 mmol / l. The threshold of normal concentration in children is 100 mg / dl or 1.13 mmol / l.
- Mild hypertriglyceridemia: 200-500 mg/dL (2.3-5.6 mmol/L).
- Significant hypertriglyceridemia: greater than 500 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L).
When triglycerides are elevated, the causes of hypertriglyceridemia create more factors for the development of stroke and myocardial infarction than with an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Lipid concentrations greater than 1000 mg/dL increase the possibility of pancreatic inflammation. Triglyceride levels can vary from day to day, so small changes in triglyceride levels should not be of concern to the patient.
Why do triglycerides rise?

Some causes of high triglycerides are metabolic disorders, for example:
- primary hyperlipidemia;
- secondary hyperlipidemia;
- complex hyperlipidemia;
- general hyperlipidemia;
- diabetes.
When triglycerides are elevated, the causes of abnormality are to be found in excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, hypothyroidism, kidney failure, and other problems. The rate of lipids can change and acquire high values in the course of such diseases as: Cushing's syndrome, acromegaly, lupus erythematosus and lipidostrophy. Raisefat concentrations can also be caused by the use of diuretics, beta-adrenergic drugs, retinoids, or glucocorticoid drugs. Taking oral contraceptives also affects triglycerides. The norm in women at the same time can abruptly switch to elevated levels of these fats. A decrease in concentration is observed in hospitalized and mentally ill people.
As a result of which there is a violation of lipid metabolism?

The most common cause is malnutrition, which increases the risk of lipid metabolism disorders. An unhe althy lifestyle also contributes to the aggravation of this problem. Since childhood, children are overfed, most of them develop bad eating habits. Excess energy is affected by excessive intake of fat and sugar and lack of exercise. Thus, the body cannot cope with the consumption of unnecessary fat. For the perfect functioning of the cells of the body, the energy that enters them must be used. An unhe althy lifestyle disrupts this interconnected process. As a result, triglycerides rise, the norm turns into a deviation, which provokes diseases in the body.
Consequences of lipid metabolism disorders

Elevated lipid levels lead to obesity, increase the likelihood of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, the so-called metabolic syndrome, heart disease. Hypertriglyceridemia can lead to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.
According toAccording to studies, the risk of death from coronary heart disease resulting from excess triglycerides is equal to or even greater than the risk arising from an increase in total cholesterol.
Significant excesses of fat (greater than 500 mg/dl) can lead to inflammation and damage to the pancreas and liver. Hypertriglyceridemia also causes hypothyroidism, kidney disease (including nephrotic syndrome) and gout.
What do low triglycerides indicate?
Low triglyceride levels are generally associated with reduced dietary fat intake. However, at the time of diagnosis, doctors should also consider other possible causes, such as hyperthyroidism, malabsorption, or malnutrition.
How to lower triglycerides?

The foundation of a he althy lifestyle should be carbohydrate restriction and increased physical activity. Avoid foods that contain sugar, they increase triglycerides. Treatment involves eliminating alcohol from the diet, including red wine and beer, as they increase lipid levels. Choose natural products, whole grains, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Try to avoid lard, fatty meats, butter, whole dairy products. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats, keeping in mind that their total amount should not exceed 2 tablespoons per day. But at the same time, increase your intake of oily marine fish (mackerel, salmon, halibut). They containunsaturated acids that lower triglycerides. The norm of "good" cholesterol in the blood with constant consumption of omega fatty acids is stable.