Moscow City Polyclinic No. 170: photos and reviews

Moscow City Polyclinic No. 170: photos and reviews
Moscow City Polyclinic No. 170: photos and reviews

The main goal of the city polyclinic 170 is to provide general and specialized medical care to people of all ages, reduce the incidence rate and improve the quality of medical services in the city of Moscow. Today, the city polyclinic 170 is new buildings, spacious, bright rooms, highly professional medical staff.

History of the clinic

polyclinic 170
polyclinic 170

City polyclinic 170 was reorganized, on the basis of polyclinics 101, 211 and 85 of the Chertanovo-Yuzhnoye district. Since 2012, the polyclinic began to function as an independent structural unit, which at the same time took a start on the path to the implementation of the principles of family medicine.

170 The polyclinic provides outpatient care in 30 speci alties. Primary care is provided by district and family doctors in many medical districts. In the last two years, the ability to provide specialized care has significantly expanded due to the introduction of endoscopic methods of surgical treatment, the introduction of a neurosurgical base.

With an introductionall patients began to receive assistance from the neurosurgical department. The trend towards an increase in the level of specialized care can be demonstrated by the work of the cardiology department. Good results of work are demonstrated by neurosurgical, surgical, neurological and other departments. Therefore, polyclinic 170 receives only positive feedback from all patients.

The purpose and main activities of the clinic

The main activities of the polyclinic are:

  • implementation of disease prevention;
  • implementation of recreational activities;
  • provision of advisory and practical medical assistance to the population;
  • provision of care: inpatient, outpatient and home care;
  • medical practice;
  • conducting medical examinations of disability of patients;
  • carrying out activities aimed at maintaining the state of constant readiness of the population protection system in case of natural disasters, epidemics, industrial accidents;
  • improving the he alth care system.
170 polyclinic
170 polyclinic

Outpatient clinic structure

The structure of the clinic includes:

  • Prophylactic Medical Examination Department;
  • therapeutic department;
  • rehabilitation department;
  • physiotherapy room;
  • x-ray room;
  • endoscopy room;
  • ultrasound room;
  • clinical laboratory;

Surgical, traumatological,neurological, endocrinological, otolaryngological, ophthalmological, infectious diseases, gynecological, functional diagnostics, cardiological - these are the rooms that the 170 polyclinic has in its composition.

Schedule of doctors. Addresses and branches

Admission to Polyclinic 170:

  • Monday to Friday - from 08.00 to 20.00.
  • Saturday - from 09.00 to 18.00.
  • Sunday - from 09.00 to 16.00.

Address of the main building: 170 polyclinic, Podolsky cadets street, 2 k. 2.


  • Polyclinic No. 170 (branch 1): Chertanovskaya street, 64, building 1.
  • Polyclinic 170 (branch 2): Varshavskoe highway street, 148, building 1.
  • 170th polyclinic (branch 3): Gas pipeline street, 11.

Addresses of therapeutic departments, which includes 170 clinics:

  • Podolsk cadets street: 2-1, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18-1;
  • Red Lighthouse Street: 1, 3;
  • Warsaw highway: 131, 142, 144;
  • Kirovogradskaya street: 17, 19, 28, 30, 32;
  • 3rd Road Pass: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
  • Rossoshansky passage: 2, 4, 5.

Institution management

170 polyclinic Podolsk cadets street
170 polyclinic Podolsk cadets street

Operational management of the city polyclinic 170 is carried out by the chief physician. His office is located at: Moscow, polyclinic 170, (Podolsky cadets street, house 2, building 2).

The chief doctor concludes contracts, establishes the management structure and staffing,dismisses and hires personnel, concludes contracts and labor agreements with them, organizes and carries out activities related to the registration of persons liable for military service related to civil defense. He is also responsible for the activities of the clinic, the safety of property and funds, compliance with sanitary standards and equipment operation rules.

Control over the activities of the clinic is carried out by the executive body - the he alth department of the Moscow City Duma. The powers of the labor collective are exercised by the general meeting (conference) by concluding a collective agreement with the administration. Agreements and contracts on behalf of the polyclinic are concluded by the head doctor of the polyclinic or another person replacing him, drawn up in writing and sealed with the seal of the polyclinic.

Therapy Department

170 polyclinic doctors
170 polyclinic doctors

Therapeutic department of the communal city polyclinic 170 provides the population of the district with decent and timely assistance. Organized therapeutic solution of he alth problems at the modern scientific level. Close cooperation has been established with the Cardiology Center, the Cardiac Surgery Department of the Clinical Hospital.

The functioning of the therapeutic department allows for the supervision of patients with complex combined pathology of internal organs, makes it possible to establish the leading link in the pathogenesis of the disease. Protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of virus-associated diseases of internal organs, collagenoses, allergic diseases, hypoimmune conditions, urgent conditions inclinic of internal diseases, as well as algorithms for differentiated pathogenetic therapy of various forms of chronic pancreatitis, hepatic encephalopathy.

Diseases and conditions that rarely occur in clinical practice are successfully diagnosed initially: botulism, thyrotoxic crisis, leptospirosis, lymphoma, multiple myeloma. The department provides qualified therapeutic assistance to the elderly based on the scientific developments of the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Patients with insufficient social protection are 90% treated at the expense of budgetary funds.

Special Care Unit

The intensive care unit provides care to patients with the following pathologies:

  • serious condition after general operations;
  • neurological diseases with impaired respiratory function;
  • acute respiratory failure (pneumonia, pulmonary edema);
  • shocks of any etiology;
  • acute renal and adrenal insufficiency;
  • asthmatic status;

Resuscitation service provided:

1. Modern anesthesia and respiratory equipment.

2. Latest monitors including:

  • heart monitors;
  • pulse oximeters;
  • electrocardiographs.

Urology Department

polyclinic reviews 170
polyclinic reviews 170

The department has enough medicines to provide assistance and for planned and urgent anesthesia. The department is equipped with all modern devices for minimally invasive (endoscopic)interventions, including laparoscopy, endoscopy of the upper and lower urinary tract. The department has 2 ultrasound diagnostic devices, an X-ray room, and a full range of endoscopic equipment for examining the bladder, ureters and kidneys.

The department has installed a urodynamic study apparatus to examine patients with urination disorders (urinary incontinence, neurological causes). Most of the department's doctors have completed training in leading clinics. To date, the department performs the entire range of modern open and endoscopic surgical interventions for the treatment of urological diseases.

Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL)

Located on the ground floor in the premises of the consultative and diagnostic center. CDL staff - specialists with higher medical and biological education, as well as specialists with secondary medical education. CDL allows you to do the following biochemical studies (blood serum):

  • enzymatic AST, ALT, amylase, GGT, alkaline phosphatose;
  • bilirubin and its fractions;
  • total protein;
  • electrolytes (K, Cl, Na);
  • blood glucose and more.

Detect TORCH infections:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • herpes virus types 1 and 2;
  • chlamydia.

Department of Functional Diagnostics

170 polyclinic schedule of doctors
170 polyclinic schedule of doctors

The department is fully staffed with all the necessary specialist doctors who have completed courses inissues of occupational diseases. And also the department is equipped with all necessary equipment and apparatus.

Psychiatric and narcological examination with the issuance of certificates is also provided by 170 polyclinics. The doctors of the department work harmoniously and professionally. During the detection of diseases with subsequent treatment, they allow maintaining the working capacity of the population and preventing complications. For this, conditions have been created for passing medical examinations without queues, the so-called "green corridors" - a fixed time for fluorographic, bacteriological examination and testing.

Fight against AIDS

  1. Polyclinic 170 carries out work to prevent AIDS in the administrative territory, served incl. through the provision of voluntary testing services (VCT).
  2. In the hospital, HIV counseling is possible during each visit, incl. for testing service.
  3. The polyclinic can refer patients, if necessary, to the appropriate medical and preventive institutions (AIDS centers, outpatient clinics, hospitals, laboratories), depending on the level of examination determined by the doctor.
  4. The hospital conducts organizational and methodological work, clinical and epidemiological examination of registered cases of HIV infection, provides advisory, diagnostic and out-of-hospital care to HIV-infected people.
  5. The clinic ensures coordination and interaction with othersstate, municipal institutions, organizations and institutions of other forms of ownership, associations of citizens to provide assistance to AIDS patients in the service area.
  6. The hospital engages public organizations, primarily cells of the network of people living with HIV infection, to provide counseling services, form motivation for treatment, provide community care for AIDS patients, initiate the organization of self-help and mutual help groups.
  7. Polyclinic 170 cooperates with he alth centers, family planning, cells of the Red Cross Society, religious communities and other organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership and associations of citizens to ensure the comprehensiveness of care for HIV-infected people.

Economic, economic, social activities of the clinic

city polyclinic 170
city polyclinic 170

The clinic is an independent entity. With its activities, it determines the development prospects, based on the needs of providing medical services to the population, in accordance with the plans of the highest he alth authorities. The polyclinic, when preparing its economic development plan, coordinates with the City Duma measures that may cause economic, social and other consequences that violate the interests of the population, and is responsible for implementing the consequences of its activities. To achieve its goal and solve the tasks set, the polyclinic 170:

  1. Concludes various types of civil law transactions on its own behalf.
  2. Spends its own money, determines the directions for the use of budgetary funds remaining at the disposal of the clinic.

Rights and obligations of patients in the polyclinic 170

Patients have the right to:

  1. Give informed consent to any medical intervention.
  2. Refusing to participate in experimental programs (clinical drug trials, new treatments, etc.).
  3. Communication with spiritual mentors regardless of religion (taking into account the opening hours of branches).
  4. Expressing complaints about care and treatment.

Responsibilities of patients:

  1. Follow the hospital's internal regulations. Adhere to a he althy lifestyle, do not use alcohol, psychotropic and narcotic substances, do not smoke.
  2. Keep personal hygiene, be neat and polite.
  3. Do not disturb the peace in the department, do not create noise with conversations, radios, do not use mobile phones during medical and diagnostic procedures.
  4. Follow doctor's recommendations and medical prescriptions.
  5. It is forbidden to take medicines that have not been prescribed by your doctor.

Patient reviews of the clinic

Good results of work are demonstrated by neurosurgical, surgical, neurological and other departments. Therefore, polyclinic 170 receives only positive feedback from all patients.

The surgeon who heads the oncology department makes a very good impression. Manythey say that this is a doctor and a man with a capital letter. Patients also note gynecologists who do their job extremely well.

170 Polyclinic (Moscow) uses the latest technology, combined with the wonderful attitude of doctors, they allow you to achieve an early victory over various ailments. Many note that it is always a pleasure to go to the clinic, a visit to the doctor is not something negative, because neatness, cleanliness, politeness of the staff greatly contribute to this. By the way, all patients come to the clinic not by chance, people recommend it to each other!

Patients are pleasantly surprised by the cozy atmosphere and friendly attitude of 170 polyclinic. The street of Podolsky cadets, along which one has to go for treatment, becomes dear to all patients. Many who have recovered for their help in the treatment of ailments, good attitude, respect are immensely grateful to the doctors.
