There are many myths and opinions around such a disease as angina, most of which turn out to be wrong. This leads to a delay in treatment, which can be really dangerous. Unfortunately, the symptoms of angina in adults do not appear immediately, which does not allow to recognize the disease at an early stage, when it is less dangerous for the body and is cured much easier.

Usually, signs of the disease appear a couple of days after a person was able to "catch" a flying infection. If we talk about the general symptoms of this disease, then it can be the usual symptoms of colds: headaches, chills, fever and severe, cutting pain in the throat. Just the feeling of too sharp discomfort in the throat is the first signal that you have caught a sore throat. Body temperature can rise up to 39 degrees, not get off the usual means, such as paracetamol or aspirin. Speaking about the symptoms of angina in adults, it should be noted that chills usually last no more than half an hour and are not the main indicator of the disease.
The main conductors of microbes in the human bodyin this disease are the tongue and tonsils, which become bright red. In addition, often the symptoms of angina in adults are accompanied by the appearance of white dots on the tonsils, which are a collection of pus.

Directly through the tonsils, the disease will spread throughout the body, which can lead to more serious complications. The main complications after angina are ear inflammation (otitis), as well as pneumonia, respectively, you need to know in advance how to treat angina in an adult in order to prevent this.
Among the common myths that have been created about this disease, you can identify some of the most interesting and at the same time completely implausible. It is generally accepted that all the symptoms of angina in adults are only a sore throat. However, in fact, not every time a sore throat indicates the presence of an infection characteristic of this disease. Discomfort in the oral cavity can also indicate other diseases, for example, laryngitis. Even a simple ARI can cause discomfort in the throat. Also, do not believe that you can become infected with such a disease only through close contact with a sick person. The transfer of microbes characteristic of angina is possible over long distances in rooms with high humidity and low temperature. Therefore, you can get infected, even if you have not had contact with a sick person. You should also not believe that such a disease can be observed.exclusively in those people who have a "weak throat" from the very beginning.

Angina is a viral disease, not every immune system is able to cope with this infection. When treating an illness, you should try to observe bed rest and not listen to those who claim that you can transfer the disease on your feet.