Adrenaline is an "emotional" hormone. All the most interesting about this topic: benefits, harms, sensations and adrenaline addicts

Adrenaline is an "emotional" hormone. All the most interesting about this topic: benefits, harms, sensations and adrenaline addicts
Adrenaline is an "emotional" hormone. All the most interesting about this topic: benefits, harms, sensations and adrenaline addicts

What is adrenaline? It is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is also called an emotional stimulant. Why? And because when the body releases adrenaline into the blood, a person experiences a real storm of emotions. Why is this happening? In which cases? What is the effect of adrenaline in general on our body? These are very important and interesting questions. So I would like to talk more about this.

adrenaline is
adrenaline is

Hormone function

Adrenaline is a very powerful and important component of our body. Many people ask themselves: why do we need such a hormonal shake-up and emotional explosion? Logically. But first of all, the production of adrenaline is a vital process for a person to confront various difficulties. In case of stress, a hormone is released, and the resulting emotions keep the body in good shape. As well as the person himself. Well, if it happenssomething good, the hormone seems to inspire. Adrenaline is a vital necessity. If it is not enough, then the person does not cope well with difficult life circumstances, his reaction to what happened slows down, it is difficult for him to concentrate and start acting. Often he cannot make any decision. To put it another way, they just throw up their hands. Often many describe it as depression.

adrenaline hormone is
adrenaline hormone is

Adrenaline surge

But we all know the case: here a real danger arises and suddenly… No matter how deplorable a person has been until this moment, he seems to have a second wind! He is ready to synthesize thought, actively make decisions, act! And what is it called? That's right - an adrenaline rush. What it is? We can say that an emergency situation in which the hypothalamus begins to function. It is located in the brain. And in such special cases, it sends a signal to the adrenal glands, which instantly, at the same second, begin to actively produce adrenaline, and to all parts of the body, through all the nerve endings! This is a physical impulse of incredible power. The so-called adrenaline rush. A person feels it almost immediately, a maximum of five seconds after the start of the process. This is the explanation for the sudden opening of a second wind at the moment of something really dangerous or something that requires instant action.

Physical processes

Adrenaline is a hormone that not only affects our emotions, but also activates a lot of physical and chemical processes inbody. After its release into the blood, a true storm begins inside us. The vessels instantly narrow, and the frequency of heart beats per minute increases almost several times. The pupils become wider, filling almost the entire iris. Skeletal muscles become larger and tense. And the smooth muscles of the intestine immediately relax.

adrenaline is good
adrenaline is good

Experienced sensations

At the moment this hormone is released into the bloodstream, several processes take place at the same time - it is not surprising that a person immediately begins to feel at least strange and unusual. Everyone's feelings are different. Someone feels a strong pulsation at the temples. For others, breathing quickens and the heart begins to pound in the chest. Still others feel a strange taste in the mouth and feel the active release of saliva. Some have sweaty hands and shaky knees. Someone's head is spinning. The rest have everything together.

Many people say that adrenaline is good. Is it true? Absolutely everything in this world in small quantities is medicine, and in large quantities it is poison. It is the same with a substance such as adrenaline. The hormone is no joke. It can help keep the body in good shape or kill. If its effect lasts too long and happens often, then the myocardium may increase. This is fraught with serious heart disease.

Protein metabolism often increases. A high level of this hormone in the blood also provokes exhaustion. Because of this, activity and immunity are reduced. May be insomnia, chronicdizziness, excessively rapid breathing, increased nervousness, unreasonable anxiety and anxiety. If there is too much adrenaline in the blood, then this will easily provoke the occurrence of panic attacks and fears. So the consequences may be irreversible. That is why you should not abuse the artificial injection of adrenaline into your life.

adrenaline is the feeling
adrenaline is the feeling

Seeking Thrills

What do you mean by artificial injection of adrenaline into your life? The question is interesting. So, there are adrenaline addicts in our world. Those people who are constantly looking for thrills, danger, always take risks. And no, these are not extreme sports enthusiasts, racers, skydivers, etc. Of course, all this also causes the release of this hormone, but in this case the definition is completely different. A true adrenaline addict is a person who in ordinary life feels depressed and overwhelmed if he does not have a constant risk and the opportunity to do something dangerous, extreme. And that's bad. They believe that only adrenaline makes their life interesting. This feeling that they experience when the hormone is released into the blood, they cannot exchange for anything. But every day they try something new, and sooner or later more or less adequate methods to bring risk into their existence come to an end. But the adrenaline junkie won't stop. There is no “no” for him. He is not able to stop the law, moral principles, the foundations of society. On the contrary, going against the rules is what he needs. Unfortunately, actions can bringharm not so much to him as to others.

But if you want to fix an adrenaline addict, you need to prepare for difficulties. It is not craving for alcohol, for smoking, for illegal substances. This is a need at the biochemical level, intertwined with mental factors. And to wean a person from the need to forever risk himself is not only extremely difficult, sometimes even impossible.

adrenaline rush what is it
adrenaline rush what is it

Lack of hormone

There are people who have too much adrenaline in their blood (they were mentioned above), and there are those who suffer from a lack of it. Usually these are individuals with a monotonous, boring life, who practically do not show any activity (either emotional or physical). They are apathetic and indifferent, they have little joy in life. In 90% of cases, something led them to this state - a hard life, some deplorable incidents. Unfortunately, such people often try to increase the level of adrenaline in the wrong way: they begin to get involved in drugs, smoke a lot, at best, abuse coffee or alcohol. But this usually only leads to depression. Some drink special drugs. But since adrenaline is an “emotional” hormone, pills or injections will not help here. But real emotions are capable of this. So it's better to solve the problem of lack of adrenaline in a different way.
