Grabbed the lower back: what to do at home?

Grabbed the lower back: what to do at home?
Grabbed the lower back: what to do at home?

Lower pain sometimes develops to such an extent that a person cannot walk, move, sit down, stand up, sometimes even speak. Sensations paralyze not only motor functions, but also deprive the ability to think rationally. At the moment when a person's lower back is seized, one must know firmly what to do in such a situation and how to help the patient in all available ways.

grabbed the lower back what to do what injection
grabbed the lower back what to do what injection

Causes of lower back pain

There are many reasons for sharp back pain:

  1. It could be myositis - inflammation of the soft tissues of the back caused by hypothermia. To do this, it is enough to sit under the air conditioner for several minutes or stand near an open window in a draft. Often, myositis occurs due to an inappropriate choice of clothing for the weather - a too short sweater or jacket that does not cover the lumbar back.
  2. Another reason -pinching between the vertebrae of the nerves of the spinal cord, that is, sciatica. This pathology can happen at any age.
  3. Osteochondrosis also causes severe back pain. But this pathology is most often observed in people of middle and older age.
  4. Lower pain can be a reflection of diseases of the internal organs, such as the bladder or kidneys.
  5. Being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle, or lifting heavy weights can lead to lower back pain.
grabbed the lower back what to do at home
grabbed the lower back what to do at home

Symptoms that can be treated at home

If back pain appeared in the presence of diseases of the organs of the reproductive or urinary system, self-treatment will not only not help, but will also cause serious complications. For example, if a patient has urolithiasis and the stone blocked the urinary tract. The back pain becomes unbearable. Rubbing the lower back with medicinal ointments in this situation will not lead to anything, and the person may die from pain shock.

Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish between back pain caused by these pathologies, and those that can be self-treated at least for the first time before visiting a doctor.

Myositis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis are manifested as follows:

  • Pain worsens when you try to twist your torso, bend over or straighten your back.
  • After a short rest, the sensations do not stop.
  • When moving faster or changing positions, the discomfort becomes more acute.
  • Painfulthe syndrome manifests itself on the right or left side of the lower back.
  • When palpation of a disturbing place, discomfort intensifies.
  • In rare cases, body temperature rises.

If the pain is reflected in the leg or thigh, this indicates that the nerve fibers are firmly clamped between the vertebrae.

If, along with pain in the lower back, there are blood threads in the patient's urine or urination is difficult, you should immediately call a doctor.

strongly seized the lower back what to do
strongly seized the lower back what to do

How the diagnosis is made

If you grabbed the lower back, what to do at home? If possible, it is necessary to provide first aid to the patient, and then take him to the doctor.

The treatment regimen depends on what kind of pathology the patient has discovered. If it twisted, grabbed the lower back, what to do, only a doctor can tell.

First of all, the doctor examines and interviews the patient. Then he sends the patient to a blood test, which determines whether he has inflammation in the body or not.

Electromyography is performed to confirm the diagnosis. An ultrasound examination of the kidneys and genitourinary system is mandatory. Computed tomography may be recommended for a more detailed examination of the spinal column and internal organs. This procedure gives a clearer picture of why the back is stuck.

grabbed the lower back what to do
grabbed the lower back what to do

Dealing with pain: drug treatment

If during the examination it is established that the patient has sciatica, myositis orother back disease, then he is prescribed medication. If the patient is not the first time grabbed the lower back, what to do at home, the doctor will tell. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Inflammation is relieved by Ibuprofen, Celicoxib or other non-hormonal drug.
  2. Muscle spasm is relieved with Balcofen or Tizanidinine.
  3. In some cases, a corticosteroid "Prednisolone" or "Dexamethasone" is prescribed.
  4. With severe pain, it is possible to use "Codeine" - a narcotic analgesic.
  5. If the lower back is seized at home not for the first time, you need to rub your back with an ointment with diclofenac or a non-steroidal drug (Voltaren or Fastum Gel). You can use the universal ointment "Reliv".
  6. If the patient has previously been diagnosed with osteoporosis, an ointment with chondroprotectors is prescribed during the period of exacerbation.
  7. In case of acute pain, the patient is given painkillers injections of Pyridoxine or Lidocaine.

This list is for guidance only and should not be taken as a call to action in any way. Even if your lower back abruptly grabbed, what to do and what to inject in this case, the doctor should decide. Remember that all drugs have their contraindications. In addition, only a doctor can calculate the exact dosage. Therefore, do not risk your he alth and do not self-medicate.

What to do, grabbed the lower back, and there is no one to give an injection? For a start, it is worth applying a medical patch, for the first time it will help. There are special patches "Voltaren" or"Black Jade" from Chinese manufacturers. They temporarily stop the pain and help you wait for the doctor.

When your lower back hurts, doing what the doctor ordered is a must. You can, of course, give an injection at home, but you need to understand that this is possible only with relapses, when the patient's reaction to the drug is known. If the attack happened for the first time, it is forbidden to take such serious measures on your own.


These procedures are used in the order of planned treatment. For example, paraffin compresses or smearing with therapeutic mud help well. But it is important to understand that physiotherapy has the best effect only in combination with drug treatment or as a preventive measure.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Therapeutic gymnastics is included in the recovery complex for back pain. It is prescribed already at the stage of he alth promotion, when the first pain was stopped.

I grabbed my lower back I can’t straighten up what to do
I grabbed my lower back I can’t straighten up what to do

Exercise therapy is a good prevention. Especially in a situation where a person has a question - what to do, grabbed the lower back and gives it to the leg. After all, this means that his nerve was pinched between the vertebrae. Just such a situation can be corrected by regular sports and gymnastics.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics

Many doctors are faced with such complaints from patients: “I grabbed my lower back, I can’t straighten up, what should I do?”. In this case, they recommend gymnastics according to the Bubnovsky method. This set of exercises for the back is designed to relieve acute pain.during an attack. In addition, it helps to ensure the supply of muscles and soft tissues with the necessary substances and oxygen, which, accordingly, improves the condition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

It is recommended to use this set of exercises as a prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases of the back, especially if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, is overweight or has to be in air-conditioned rooms.

  • Exercise one - walking on all fours. You can do it for as long as you want. You can walk around the apartment for 10-20 minutes. This exercise relieves the load on the spine and disperses stagnant blood in the muscles. During this exercise, it is recommended to dust under the beds or clean the carpet to distract from acute back pain - psychological relief is just as important as physical.
  • Starting position - lying on your back. Hands behind head, knees bent. When exhaling, you need to bend so that your elbows reach your knees, while inhaling, take the starting position. 10-15 repetitions will increase blood flow and relieve muscle spasm. To enhance the effect of the exercise, you need to put a plastic bag with crushed ice under the lower back. If the abdominal muscles can not cope, you can pull only one elbow to the knee - the right to the left knee and the left elbow to the right alternately.
  • Half bridge. The exercise resembles a gymnastic bridge, only the emphasis is on the shoulder blades and heels. From a lying position on the floor, when exhaling, you need to sharply raise the pelvis up. Such ascents should be made10-15 for one approach. As many approaches as possible, without restrictions.
  • Stretching. The exercise is performed from a standing position, legs slightly wider than shoulders. On the exhale, a tilt is made, first to the left leg, then to the right. The back is straight, and both palms reach for the foot, legs are straight. In each direction, you need to do 5-10 slopes.
  • What to do at home if men have a lower back? Hanging on the bar is the best way. But it’s not enough just to hang for 20-30 seconds, although you can start with that. After the hands firmly grasped the crossbar, you need to pull your knees to your chest 8-10 times. For athletically trained men, it will not be difficult to raise straight legs with your feet to the crossbar. This exercise stretches the spine, accelerates blood, relieves muscle spasm. If at the beginning the pain in the back is very strong, do not be afraid of this, you must continue the exercise, and it will pass.

Massage treatment

If a person has a backache, you need to do a massage, which is both pleasant and useful at the same time. The procedure is carried out at home using medicinal ointments containing oregano, juniper, lavender, sage and other herbs.

abruptly grabbed the lower back what to do
abruptly grabbed the lower back what to do

Massage does not take long. First, the skin is warmed up by rubbing for 3-5 minutes, then 10-15 circular movements with the knuckles or the base of the palm, warm-up of the muscles with the fingers - 10 minutes and final stroking for 2-3 minutes. After the massage, the lower back should be covered with a warm blanket and not get up for 30 minutes.

Paraffin treatment

Not everyone knows when the lower back was seized, what to do, what injection to give or what drug to give to the patient. But there are paraffin candles in every home.

Warm up your back easily by applying melted paraffin layer by layer to the sore spot. With sciatica, this will relieve pain and release the nerve. But the course of paraffin treatment usually lasts from 15 to 30 days. Therefore, it is impossible to consider this method as first aid for acute pain.


This method of treatment does not bring relief to everyone, but only to those who truly believe in its effectiveness. It is not recommended to conduct it in the house, since the surroundings are important to enhance the therapeutic effect - incense sticks, quiet music and the atmosphere of the eastern doctor's office. Subject to all conditions, the patient may well recover in 2-4 sessions.


The cupping method is known throughout Russia and the CIS, and in the rest of the world it is called vacuum massage. It helps well in the chronic course of the disease, relieves acute pain, improves the quality of blood circulation in the lumbar region.

Usually 1 procedure is enough to make the patient feel much better. Helps until the next relapse.

grabbed the lower back what to do at home
grabbed the lower back what to do at home

Treatment with folk remedies

There are a number of methods called folk methods, as they were developed against the backdrop of a lack of medicines and modern technologies. In some cases, compresses with decoctions help relieve pain. But it is best to use them in combination withother, modern methods of treatment.

A compress on the lower back helps well: 2 teaspoons of honey should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Apply the mixture on the lower back and cover it with a blanket.

You can warm up your lower back with a mustard plaster. If it is not available, you can simply apply a thin layer of mustard on your back. A canvas bag of hot s alt placed on the lumbar spine will relieve pain.


To prevent the occurrence of lower back pain, it is enough to exercise regularly, walk more, avoid elevators and escalators, dress warmly in winter and try not to get into drafts in summer. And to strengthen the immune system, you need to give up bad habits and monitor your weight. After all, everyone knows that alcohol and tobacco have a detrimental effect on the entire body, destroying first the central nervous system, and then all organs.

It is very important to harden. This will help to avoid the occurrence of many diseases associated not only with the spine, but also with other vital human systems and organs.
