Today our article will be devoted to the famous surgeon of the times of the USSR Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich. Consider his biography, life's ups and downs, learn about how his memory is honored at the present time. Read all the details below.
The beginning of a medical career
The future famous doctor Alexander Vishnevsky was born in the small Dagestan village of Novoaleksandrovka in the early autumn of 1874. Having matured, the young man entered the medical faculty of the Imperial Kazan University, which he successfully graduated in 1899. After that, he devoted a year of his life to work as a supernumerary intern in surgery at the Alexander Hospital (Kazan). In 1900, the young man was already the dissector of the Department of Surgery, from 1901 to 1904 he served as the dissector of the Department of Anatomy, and from 1904 to 1911 he worked as a Privatdozent at the Department of Topographic Anatomy. It is known that in the fall of 1903 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.

Trips abroad
In 1905, by the decision of his higher authorities, Alexander Vishnevsky was sent forborder for a thorough study of the methods of urological research. He spent the period 1908-1909 on another business trip, where he studied brain surgery and methods for examining the organs of the genitourinary system. During his stay in Germany, Alexander Vishnevsky, whose photo we see in the article, visited the clinics of famous surgeons (Kerte, Vir, Hildebrand). During a business trip to Paris, Alexander devoted himself to the study of neurosurgery. At the same time, he worked at the Pasteur Institute, and specifically in the laboratory of Mechnikov, where he managed to become the author of two scientific papers.
Since 1910 Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilievich worked at Kazan University. Here he taught a course on general surgical pathologies and therapy together with V. Bogolyubov. A year later, Vishnevsky himself taught a course to students of the medical faculty. In the summer of 1912, the man becomes an extraordinary professor at the Department of Surgical Pathology. Starting in 1916, the department of hospital surgery was given under the wing of the young professor.

War Times
Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich is a surgeon who never hid from difficulties, but always met them proudly and confidently. With the onset of the war, he had to independently conduct two courses in the hospital clinic and surgical pathologies. At the same time, he also worked in the hospital of the Zemstvo Union as a senior doctor and consultant on medical issues in hospitals of the Kazan Military District, stock exchange and merchant societies.
Whenthe October Revolution ended in 1918, the man took an important position in the first Soviet hospital in Kazan - the position of senior doctor. For about 8 years (from 1918 to 1926) he was the head of the regional hospital of the Tatar ASSR. After that, until 1934, the man headed the surgical faculty clinic at Kazan University.

Trace left
A. V. Vishnevsky is a surgeon who is talented in everything, and now it will become clear why. He proved himself in a field of activity that was completely uncharacteristic of him - in administrative management, with which he coped perfectly. The peak of his activity fell on 1923-1940, because during this time period he wrote more than 40 scientific papers.
The hero of our article explored a huge variety of questions. He studied the work of the biliary tract, chest cavity, human urinary system, investigated the issues of neurosurgery, purulent processes in the body, surgery of military wounds, and also conducted many experimental physical studies.
In scientific circles, Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich is considered a classic of Soviet surgery. Interestingly, during his fruitful life, he wrote more than 100 voluminous scientific papers devoted to the study of the work of the human body.
Vishnevsky A. V. - a Soviet surgeon who, observing the effect of novocaine on pathological processes, found out that it not only anesthetizes. He found out that the substance has a very positive effect on reducing inflammation, activating wound healing. Moreover, Alexander Vishnevsky becamethe creator of the whole scientific concept of how the human nervous system affects the treatment of inflammatory processes. Based on his observations, the talented doctor created unique methods for treating inflammation, such as a vagosympathetic block, a novocaine block. His idea of combining an oil-balsamic dressing and novocaine made it possible to create a new method for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, carbuncles, spontaneous gangrene of the legs, trophic ulcers, abscesses, etc. In 1932, Alexander Vishnevsky published his monograph, en titled Local anesthesia using the creeping infiltrate.”

During the Second World War, the methods of treatment and pain relief proposed by Dr. A. Vishnevsky became a real discovery and saved thousands of soldiers. It was his method of anesthesia that became widely used by all Soviet doctors in operational activities, and the author brought great fame. Since the doctor did not make any secret of his discoveries, his knowledge became available not only to educated intellectual doctors, but even to doctors from the rural wilderness. At present, the concept of "oil-balsamic dressing" is almost never used, because it was replaced by Vishnevsky's ointment, proposed by him back in 1927.
Career sunset
In 1934, Alexander Vishnevsky arrived in Moscow and headed the surgical clinic of the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors. Although the man had to leave his native Kazan, he left behind many talented students. Among them there are 18professors. As you know, there were only 4 surgical departments at the Kazan State Medical Institute, and so 3 of them were headed by Vishnevsky's students. However, the best student of the doctor was his own son Alexander Alexandrovich, who also became a surgeon.

In 1941, a man ends up in Kazan, as the VIEM clinic is evacuated there. In 1947, the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Surgery was created in Moscow, the director of which was the hero of our article. In the same year, he was elected a member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
On November 13, 1948, a talented surgeon died. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.
Professor P. Zdrodovsky said that Vishnevsky combined the qualities of a clinician and an experimenter, which allowed him to achieve such success. In 1949, one of the central streets of Kazan began to bear the name of the surgeon Vishnevsky. The Institute of Surgery of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation, the surgical clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute also bears his name.

In Kazan in 1971 a bust of a doctor was erected. One of the buildings of Kazan is decorated with his bas-relief. Moscow Square, streets in Kazan, Novorossiysk, etc. are named after Vishnevsky. Incredibly, even an airplane was named after the doctor.