Today, many are interested in Mantoux vaccination. What it is? To whom and when is it done? For what? How to do such an injection? Can there be side effects from it? To answer all this, and not only, we have to go on. In fact, everything is not as difficult to understand as it seems. And with the right approach to the procedure, it will not cause any special problems.

What is Mantoux vaccination?
This is the name of the procedure for diagnosing tuberculosis in children and in some adults. The injection is not a vaccine, but sometimes people call the process that way.
During the Mantoux reaction, Koch's bacillus is identified - the main causative agent of tuberculosis in the human body. After the introduction of the solution to a person at the injection site, one or another reaction should occur. Based on it, conclusions are drawn about the presence or absence of tuberculosis in the body.
When to do
When is the Mantoux vaccination given to children? This is the most common category of the population to which an appropriate reaction is carried out. In adults, the diagnosis of tuberculosis can be carried out by other methods. Therefore, they almost never put manta.
For the first time, Mantoux is vaccinated at 1 year (at 12 months). Until this time, the baby should be vaccinated with the BCG or BCG-M vaccine. This is a vaccinationtuberculosis. After it, it is problematic to become infected with the mentioned disease.
Important: mantoux is also carried out before BCG revaccination. If the reaction indicators are negative, you can be vaccinated further.

Mantoux vaccination is given in a special way. As we have already said, it is not worth calling the reaction a vaccination. After all, the operation under study has nothing in common with vaccinations. This is a kind of test for the presence of tuberculosis in children and adults.
The injection is placed on the inside of the forearm, in the second third. First, the area is treated with alcohol, then a needle and a solution from a syringe are injected. Mantoux is placed subcutaneously.
After the "vaccination" it is necessary to evaluate the result of the test for tuberculosis, but you will have to wait about 3-4 days.
What it consists of
Many people are interested in the composition of any solutions introduced into the body. And mantou is no exception.
The sample contains the following components:
- stabilizer "Twin-80";
- sodium chloride;
- phenol;
- phosphate buffer s alt;
- tuberculin.
The last component is active. It is obtained from a weakened Koch wand. This component cannot infect a person with tuberculosis, but it helps to understand whether there is a corresponding infection in the body.
About contraindications
It's hard to believe, but not everyone is allowed to carry out the studied diagnostics. Mantoux vaccination can be given to he althy people.
Contraindications for the test are:
- skin diseases;
- chronic diseases;
- acute diseases;
- somatic diseases during exacerbation;
- common diseases;
- post-convalescence period (1 month);
- allergy;
- epilepsy;
- strong negative reactions to previous TB diagnosis.
These are the main contraindications that everyone should be aware of. After all, not all doctors talk about their presence, assuring the complete safety of manta and the absence of any contraindications for the test.

After other vaccines
Vaccinations after mantoux can not be given immediately, you have to wait. Ideally, a month should elapse between the test and vaccination, but doctors can give "shots" immediately after evaluating the reaction to the injected tuberculin.
It is important to remember that immunity after vaccination is weakened. And therefore, it is impossible to do a test after any vaccination. Will have to wait. Otherwise, a person risks getting a false positive or questionable test result for tuberculosis in the body. These situations can cause a lot of problems. For example, to force a person to go to a tuberculosis dispensary and conduct a series of clarifying tests to check the validity of mantoux.
How often do
Mantoux is vaccinated, as we have said, at 12 months. What's next? How often should a "booster" be given?
The test is done once a year. This is a common occurrence in the modern world. For adults, the reaction may not be carried out, since the diagnosis of tuberculosis is possible throughfluorograms. Such procedures are not done for children.
In exceptional cases, mantoux is carried out every 3 months. As a rule, such situations are controlled by doctors. And it is not recommended to carry out the reaction on your own so often - this can adversely affect the body as a whole.
In addition, mantoux is carried out before vaccination / revaccination against tuberculosis with an appropriate vaccination (BCG or BCG-M). As we have already said, the negative mantoux allows grafting. Otherwise, you will have to postpone the procedure and start treating tuberculosis.
What could be the indications
Reaction to Mantoux vaccination can be different. Depending on the obtained indicators, the further algorithm of actions will change. For example, a person is simply allowed to go home from a medical facility or sent to a TB dispensary to be treated for tuberculosis or to clarify the results of a test.
At the moment, experts identify the following reactions:
- positive;
- negative;
- doubtful;
- normal.
Next, we will consider the features of the sample evaluation in more detail. It's not as difficult as it seems. But you should not independently evaluate the results obtained. In this case, the person runs the risk of taking readings incorrectly.

Negative indicators
Mantoux vaccination can be given to the bulk of the population. This is a fairly common way to diagnose tuberculosis in children. But how to interpret the results?
Start with negativereactions. It occurs only in he althy people, indicates that the body has never encountered tuberculosis or it happened so long ago that the immune system completely coped with the infection.
If the result is negative, there should be no reaction at the injection site. Maximum - a small mark from a needle inserted under the skin or reddening of the skin is not more than 1 millimeter.
Dubious testimony
After a person has been vaccinated with Mantoux, a dubious reaction may appear. This is the name for the formation of redness in the injection area without ulcers and seals.
The size of the papule will be up to 4 millimeters. The color of the redness should be pinkish. Doubtful sample leads doctors to suspect tuberculosis. The reaction may be repeated or considered negative.
Positive test
Vaccination Mantoux children put to diagnose tuberculosis in the body. Of course, if the child is sick or has recently been ill, the test will be positive.
Under such circumstances, a large papule and / or induration appears in the injection area. The size of redness is from 5 to 15 millimeters. Usually this situation indicates the presence of immunity in the body. Doctors suspect tuberculosis and refer the patient for additional diagnosis of the disease.
Normal reaction
It is worth paying attention to the fact that various factors influence Mantoux vaccination rates. This is extremely important when diagnosing young children.
In general, the test is affected by BCG vaccination and the time elapsed after it. Howthe earlier the child was vaccinated against tuberculosis, the more redness will be normal. The age of the baby will also slightly affect the readings.
Below is a table of normal reactions depending on the prescription of BCG inoculation. Ideally, the child has only redness. There should be no ulcers, sharp discoloration of the injection area and seals.

Which Mantoux vaccination is considered a "turn"? This is the name of a sharp and unreasonable increase in redness at the injection site by more than 6 millimeters. This situation is not very common, but it does happen.
When a "turn" is formed in a patient, it is customary to suspect tuberculosis. Obtaining such a sample forces you to go to the phthisiatrician to clarify the results. It is possible that the mantoux gave a false result. This really happens in real life.
Hyperergic reaction
There is another scenario. A person who has been given Mantoux may experience a hyperergic reaction. This is a situation in which a large induration larger than 16 millimeters appears at the injection site, or ulcers/abscesses form.
Such a situation 100% confirms the current infection with tuberculosis. In he althy people, a similar picture is observed only when the patient has recently had an infectious disease.
Important: if a person suffers from severe allergic reactions, he may also experience a hyperergic Mantoux reaction.
As a rule, the studied sample leadsto the fact that a person is sent to a phthisiatrician urgently. Further testing of the body for tuberculosis will be carried out there.
Proper care
Vaccinations after Mantoux can be done, but not immediately. Until this time, a person will have to not only wait for the test to be taken, but also to properly care for the injection site. Incorrect behavior seriously affects the effectiveness of the check.

Here are tips to help the patient:
- Mantu can not be wrapped, bandaged, applied to the reaction harnesses. The skin must "breathe".
- It is forbidden to wet the injection site before taking the testimony of doctors. In contact with water, the reaction may turn blue. This phenomenon raises suspicions of tuberculosis.
- Limit sweets while waiting for checkout. This is necessary in order not to provoke allergic reactions in the body.
- Do not treat the injection site with anything. Zelenka, hydrogen peroxide, disinfectants, it is forbidden to smear the area with mantu.
- Do not scratch the "prick". This behavior distorts the actual sample reading.
Perhaps that's all. Now everyone knows how to behave correctly after the Mantoux test. It's not as difficult as it seems. But small children can be problematic. Especially in the area of limitation of sweets. With older children, strong supervision of mantou care is not needed.
Side effects
Can the studied reaction cause any negative effects on the body? Unfortunately yes. After all, even soa harmless method of diagnosing an infection is an intervention in the body. And sometimes after "vaccination" such phenomena are observed:
- vomit;
- nausea;
- temperature increase;
- general malaise;
- increased fatigue;
- drowsy;
- loss of appetite.
As practice shows, such "side effects" are most often found with BCG vaccination. Mantoux is easily tolerated by people.
If the figures are questionable
What to do if a person is suspected of having TB? Ideally, the patient is referred to a tuberculosis dispensary. This specialist prescribes a series of tests to clarify the results of the reaction. Namely:
- blood test;
- sputum analysis;
- fluorogram.
Some specialists prescribe anti-tuberculosis drugs even with negative results of additional diagnostics. This is a strong chemotherapy that seriously affects the body. It is possible to give such medicines to a child only with 100% confirmation of tuberculosis. Otherwise, the body will suffer great harm.

To do or not to do
Some parents are considering whether to vaccinate Mantoux. Previously, this was the only method for diagnosing tuberculosis in children. And so everyone was tested.
In modern medicine, mantoux is not considered the most accurate way to check the body, but it is still widely used. If you do not want to put a sample, you can take the following tests:
- "Diaskintest";
- PCR blood diagnostics;
The latest analysis is the newest and most accurate. But it is not so easy to make a small child. The problem is venous blood sampling.