Testosterone is the most important male hormone responsible for the quality of sexual life of a representative of the strong half of humanity. The production of the hormone is carried out in the gonads, as well as in the adrenal cortex. An important medical indicator is total testosterone in men. The rate of this hormone varies with age. Deviations in hormonal concentration may indicate disorders in the body of a man. Read more about the meaning, benchmarks, and implications of deviations in the review.
Why is testosterone so important for the male body?
Testosterone affects the psychological and physiological state of a representative of the strong half of society. The norm of total testosterone content in men becomes the basis for the formation of good muscles, a “male” character, and affects the degree of attraction to females.

"Male" hormone:
- promotes better absorption and production of protein;
- acts as a powerful calorie burning, muscle growth stimulator;
- normalizes contentcholesterol in the body of a man - minimizes the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis;
- strengthens bones.
Testosterone is usually called the hormone of "winners", because science has proven the fact of an increased content of the hormone in the blood of successful representatives of the strong half of society. The hormone stimulates a man to action, helps him make serious decisions, cope with difficulties, and achieve his goals.
What determines the concentration of the hormone in the blood?
What determines total testosterone in men? The norm and the actual indicator of the hormone depends on the state of the patient's central nervous system, its functionality. Below are the most significant factors that affect hormonal concentration:
- age of man;
- state of the immune system;
- lifestyle (bad habits, physical activity, nutrition);
- existing chronic ailments;
- body weight;
- mental state;
- genetic composition.
To assess the hormonal level on a reduced scale, it is worth bringing a few natural facts. The peak concentration of the "male" hormone occurs in the morning, by the evening it reaches a minimum. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of testosterone. Overwork "slows down" the process of hormone production, and bad habits have the same effect. The age of the man is a determining factor. The older the patient, the less testosterone in his blood.
Regulatory indicators of the "winner" hormone
Alltestosterone in the body of a man is divided into three components: free and two derivatives. In the course of laboratory studies, the "free" hormone is taken as the basis, which significantly affects the sex life of a representative of the strong half of society.
Determination of free testosterone in a man is based on age. The level of hormonal concentration is relatively stable and regular. For example, at the age of 18 to 50 years, the indicator varies between 5.76-30.43 nmol / l. In the case of men over 50 years of age, the concentration of the hormone decreases to 5.41-19.54 nmol/L.

Secondly, an indicator measured in Lg / FSH - total testosterone - is analyzed. The norm in men also depends on the age of the patient. The normative indicator of the hormone in the blood is determined based on a number of characteristics:
- in adolescence, the concentration of the "male" hormone is maximum;
- at the age of 25, the average testosterone in the blood of a man is equal to the average value of the established standard;
- after 30 years, the concentration of the hormone in the blood of a man decreases by 1.5% annually;
- after 50 years, the percentage of female reproductive cells in the patient's body increases.
How to determine the concentration of a hormone in the blood?
The most reliable way to determine the level of testosterone in the body is a blood test. The procedure is carried out within the walls of the clinic. Blood from a vein serves as the research material.

In order to guarantee the most accurate result, experts advise preparing for the procedure in advance:
- Materials are picked up in the morning.
- Before the procedure, you should refrain from eating (do not eat 8 hours before the analysis).
- It is undesirable to smoke before the fence.
- On the eve of the analysis, it is worth saving your nerves, not getting into stressful situations.
- The day before the procedure, you should protect yourself from weight training in the gym.
- 2 days before blood sampling, you should avoid taking certain medications.
Decreased concentration of the hormone in the blood
In what case can we say that the patient has low total testosterone? The norm for men (mcg / l): 1, 6613-8, 7766. Accordingly, an indicator below the extreme left border will indicate a reduced concentration of the "male" hormone in the blood. This phenomenon is called hypogonadism.
A man who lacks testosterone in his body may observe the following:
- not enough pronounced (missing) hairline on the face, chest;
- overweight;
- weakening of muscle tissue;
- breast augmentation;
- excessive sweating;
- problems with potency;
- decrease in mental ability.
What can low total testosterone in men lead to? If the rate of hormone concentration is shifted downward for a long time, this can cause the development of a number ofdiseases. We are talking about diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.
How to increase the content of the hormone "winner" in the blood?
Is it possible to increase total testosterone in men? The norm is achievable!
First of all, the patient should pay attention to their own nutrition. The diet of a man should be enriched with vitamins and minerals. It is especially worth focusing on products containing zinc.
Restore the concentration of the hormone will help good sleep. During sleep, testosterone levels automatically increase.

In a medical setting, the following activities lead to an increase in the concentration of the "male" hormone:
- taking oral medications;
- implementation of intramuscular injections;
- applying testosterone gel or patch.
Such treatments are contraindicated for men suffering from prostate cancer. For this reason, therapy is necessarily preceded by a complete examination of the patient.
High testosterone - good or bad?
For example, a patient has high total testosterone. The norm in men (nmol / l=5, 76-30, 43) is shifted to the extreme right side. A man in this situation may suffer from:
- attacks of aggression;
- hyperexcitability;
- excessive body hair;
- a lot of purulent acne on the face and body.
Long content in the blood of a mana large amount of the hormone leads to a violation of the structure of cells, DNA fragmentation, testicular atrophy.

In such a situation, the male body tries to "adjust" the situation by neutralizing the action of the corresponding hormones. Excessive load causes the testicles to lose their functionality.
How to reduce the hormone in the blood?
When total testosterone is increased, the norm in men (ng/ml=1, 6613-8, 7766) can only be achieved with the help of specialists. Self-medication will only make things worse.
In addition to drug treatment, doctors advise men to switch to a low-carb diet, reduce the amount of fat consumed. Focus on unsweetened fruits and vegetables, as well as regular exercise and walks in the fresh air.
Will traditional medicine help?
If your doctor is not against the use of traditional medicine to reduce the concentration of testosterone in the blood, you can use them.

Below are the most effective of them:
- Drink licorice (peppermint) root tea in the morning and evening.
- Chew licorice root three times a day for 5 minutes.
- Dry clover flowers (100 g) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 120 minutes. Strain and drink 3 times a day for a week.
- Tar root in the amount of 100 g pour boiling water (1 l). Let it brew for a day and drink half a glass three times a day for 2 weeks.
Testosterone andopportunity to become a father
Testosterone is common and free in men, the norm of the indicator - is it really so important for a representative of the strong half of society? Definitely yes! Whether a man can become a father depends on the level of the hormone in the blood.
Deficiency of the “male” hormone “slows down” the process of sperm production, which leads to a deterioration in sperm quality and the viability of male germ cells.
However, not only an underestimated rate can cause male infertility, high blood testosterone levels also have a negative effect on spermatogenesis. At risk are athletes who take special preparations based on synthesized testosterone. As a result of such therapy to build muscle and increase stamina, the body of a man ceases to produce the hormone on its own.

So, the rate of testosterone in the blood of men of different ages varies in the direction of decreasing over the years. Achieving optimal testosterone levels in the blood will help preventive measures, including maintaining a he althy lifestyle, moderate exercise, proper nutrition, good sleep and regular sex life.