Many are firmly convinced that the treatment of any disease cannot do without pills. If the specialist wrote out a large list of drugs, then he treats correctly. And there is also an opinion that a dropper has to be used only in the most severe cases, when tablets alone cannot solve the problem. In fact, the introduction of drugs through a special system can significantly speed up the healing process.
Why do I need a drip?
Each way of taking medicine has its advantages and disadvantages. The method of drug administration by drip can be used in many cases. And it doesn't have to be a disease. Why put a drip? For example, in order to saturate the body with vitamins in case of exhaustion. However, this does not mean that this method of administration can be used at any opportunity. The appointment must be made by a doctor.
What to remember?
Before you put a dropper at home, you need to seek help from a specialist, undergo an examination, and pass a series of tests. There are certain indications for the introduction of drugs through the system. In this way, you can quickly remove a hangover, saturate the body with vitamins orantibacterial agents in the presence of infection, restore water balance.

Another significant advantage of this method of administration is that the drug is 100% absorbed and the effect can be observed almost immediately. Those who know how to put droppers manage to quickly put their relatives and friends on their feet.
How do I know if I need a drip?
If you need to get on your feet in a short time and there is no way to get medical help, it is quite possible to use the drip method of administering the medicine. In this case, you need to be sure that the drug is correctly selected. If relatives know how to put droppers, this is a huge plus. The procedure must be performed skillfully, otherwise the skin will be injured, and the drug will not enter the vein.

How many drips can I put? This question can only be answered by a qualified specialist. Without prior consultation in this way, it is desirable to administer the medicine once. This will quickly improve the patient's condition, eliminate the breakdown, reduce the temperature. Next, be sure to seek help from a doctor.
Types of droppers
Depending on the purpose of the medicine, there are several types of droppers. Detoxifying techniques are aimed at removing harmful substances and toxins from the body in case of poisoning, infectious diseases, alcoholism. Restoring droppers are used to normalize the functions of organs. By usingdrugs manage to normalize blood pressure, improve liver function, and saturate the body with glucose. Be sure to know how to properly put a dropper in people suffering from hypertension or diabetes.

In case of a significant loss of strength, anti-anemic droppers are used. Patients are given medications containing iron. Additionally, restorative drugs may be administered. Most often, this technique is used to restore the body's immune system after a protracted illness. Droppers can also be prescribed to pregnant women with various types of anemia.
Cholesterol droppers are used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This treatment technique helps to restore the lipid profile. This means that after therapy, the patient's body begins to independently produce cholesterol in the required amount.

There is another variety - cosmetic droppers. Preparations are introduced that restore the he alth of hair, skin and nails as quickly as possible. Droppers can be used for premature aging, impaired skin secretion, acne, acne.
How to put in drips?
If there is no qualified specialist nearby, you can try to administer the drug yourself. To do this, you must follow special instructions. The method of drug administration by drip consists of several stages:
- Preparation. Initially, you need to install a rack for the procedure. It is necessary to consider how the medicine bag can be installed. In medical institutions, special devices are used for this purpose. At home, you can use a regular hanger as a rack. It is important that the medicine is securely fastened and does not fall during the procedure.
- Selection and installation of the system. A tube and a clamp with which the fluid supply is regulated is sold in almost any pharmacy. It is advisable to consult with a pharmacist, specifying for what purpose the dropper will be used. If the drug must be injected into the vein quickly, a system with a wide tube should be chosen.
- Preparation of other tools. A tourniquet and patch must be purchased in advance.
- Installing a dropper. The patient should be in a comfortable position. It may take several hours for the medication to be administered. Next, you need to find a vein. To do this, the arm above the elbow is tightened with a rubber band. The place where the dropper will be installed must be sterilized.
- Introduction of the needle. It is recommended to insert the tool at an angle of 30 degrees. After the needle is installed, you can remove the rubber band.

All actions must be carried out under sterile conditions. Before performing manipulations, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
Before you put droppers, you should consult your doctor. If the specialist appoints suchprocedure, you should not be afraid of it. You can also administer the medicine at home with minimal skills.