Medicine 2024, October

Appendix or Appendicitis? What side is the appendix on?

Appendix or Appendicitis? What side is the appendix on?

So, the topic of our conversation today is appendicitis. What side is the appendix on? Yes, it's the appendix. The fact is that many people confuse these two terms. Let's figure it out

Blood components. Platelets: the norm in women

Blood components. Platelets: the norm in women

Are you a woman and worried about your he alth? Learn more about what is the rate of platelets in the blood of women, how they affect the general condition of the body. This and many other useful information is in the article

What if the Rh factor is negative?

What if the Rh factor is negative?

A negative Rh factor in a woman can cause many troubles. Especially when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. In the article, this problem is considered in more detail, and you will also learn about exactly how a negative Rh factor is harmful, and how to avoid its negative impact on gestation

What is the norm of lymphocytes in the blood of women?

What is the norm of lymphocytes in the blood of women?

In women and men, the level of lymphocytes in the blood is 18 - 40% of the total blood composition. Deviation from these indicators indicates the presence of any disturbances in the functioning of the body. What exactly - read in the text

What is on the right under the ribs, not everyone knows, but it is very important

What is on the right under the ribs, not everyone knows, but it is very important

Often we feel pain in the right hypochondrium when moving, but do not attach any importance to this. What could it mean, is it dangerous? This article will tell

Swollen face: causes and remedies

Swollen face: causes and remedies

What to do if an ugly swollen face looks at us from the mirror in the morning? Find out the reasons and, of course, try to get rid of this condition on your own. How to do this, and what you need so that your face does not swell - read about this in the article

What should be the weight gain in infants?

What should be the weight gain in infants?

The way a baby develops and grows up to a year determines the usefulness of his he alth. Is weight gain in infants appropriate? How many centimeters should a baby grow every month? These and other questions always worry young mothers. The article provides answers to them, as well as some data on changes at an early age

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities: indications and procedures

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities: indications and procedures

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is a painless informative study of the state of the circulatory system of the legs. Ultrasound diagnostics has several types and allows you to evaluate the functionality of all highways in projections, consider the features of the anatomical location of the veins, identify the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques, and much more

Paraffin-ozocerite applications at home: description of the procedure, indications and effectiveness

Paraffin-ozocerite applications at home: description of the procedure, indications and effectiveness

Paraffin-ozokerite applications at home allow you to avoid many hours of walking to the clinic and waiting in line. Therefore, if the doctor has made such an appointment for you, go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary components. How to use them, we will talk with you today

What does a school he alth card look like? Is a medical card required for school?

What does a school he alth card look like? Is a medical card required for school?

Questions related to the medical record for the school appear more and more often with parents. Is it necessary to provide this document upon admission to class 1? What does he look like? What is needed to receive it?

Infectionists in Moscow: where they accept, addresses of clinics, how to make an appointment

Infectionists in Moscow: where they accept, addresses of clinics, how to make an appointment

"Where can I find an infectious disease specialist in Moscow?" - such a question is asked by those who felt the first signs of infection with the virus or simply want to undergo a quality scheduled examination. Choosing the right doctor should be based on patient reviews, as well as personal information, including experience, category and medical degree. To avoid mistakes for sure, you should read the list of the best infectious disease specialists in Moscow

Severe hand injury: what to do?

Severe hand injury: what to do?

What is a bruise? What happens when a hand is bruised and what signs of injury can be observed? How is a hand injury treated? What means of traditional and traditional medicine can be used to treat a bruise?

Leukocytes. The norm of leukocytes in the blood of men, women and children. The norm of leukocytes in the blood in men after 50 years

Leukocytes. The norm of leukocytes in the blood of men, women and children. The norm of leukocytes in the blood in men after 50 years

It should be borne in mind that the rate of leukocytes in the blood of men and women is significantly different. A special category is the study of children's indicators. It is also necessary to remember that the rate of leukocytes in the blood in men after 50 years is somewhat different than in younger representatives of the stronger sex

Removal of a vein for varicose veins: reviews

Removal of a vein for varicose veins: reviews

Varicose veins is a pathology in which there is a thinning of the vessels located in the lower extremities, as a result of impaired blood flow. In the absence of the necessary effect from the therapeutic and drug effects, experts often recommend the removal of veins for varicose veins

Why are veins blue and not red?

Why are veins blue and not red?

For a long time people have been worried about the question: why are the veins blue and the blood red? Experts took up this issue, trying to find and substantiate the answer as accurately as possible. One of the first to notice this feature of the veins were surgeons. Recently, a new theory about this phenomenon was voiced in the press, it was voiced by David Irwin from Sydney, who works at the University of Technology

A few tips on how to remove a hickey

A few tips on how to remove a hickey

Sometimes playing with a loved one can go too far, and little bruises remain on the skin from such pranks. This article will discuss how to remove hickey. You can read about effective methods below

We increase hemoglobin in the blood correctly

We increase hemoglobin in the blood correctly

Each employee of the enterprise periodically undergoes a medical examination, in particular, a blood test. Very often we increase hemoglobin in the blood in various ways, without realizing how to do it right and what to do. Why is maintaining the established norm so important for the normal functioning of the whole organism? The fact is that hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen saturation, without which it is simply impossible for a person to live

What does a traumatologist treat, in what cases should I contact?

What does a traumatologist treat, in what cases should I contact?

Each medical specialist has a certain profile of specialization. This allows the doctor to get the most in-depth knowledge in a particular field of science. Many people do not know exactly which specialist to turn to for help when certain problems arise. The article will consider what a traumatologist treats, what kind of doctor he is

Hospitalization is the referral of a patient to inpatient treatment. Refusal of hospitalization

Hospitalization is the referral of a patient to inpatient treatment. Refusal of hospitalization

Hospitalization is the placement of a person in a hospital if he needs medical treatment or examination

VMP - what is it? New technologies in medicine. Provision of medical care

VMP - what is it? New technologies in medicine. Provision of medical care

In 1994, it was decided to allocate a designated amount from the state budget for the implementation of highly qualified medical care - VMP. The first institution funded for innovative operations was the All-Russian Research and Production Cardiology Center

ESR in blood in children: norm and deviations

ESR in blood in children: norm and deviations

The simplest method for diagnosing a wide range of different pathologies is to take a general or clinical blood test. Together with the standard indicators, the ESR is determined within the framework of the study. This abbreviation refers to the rate at which erythrocytes settle. What exactly does ESR show in a child? Should parents panic if the result is different from the norm? Let's figure it out together

Hepatolienal syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Hepatolienal syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Despite the fact that the liver is able to recover quickly, it sometimes fails in its work, for example, when hepatolienal syndrome develops. Do not ignore treatment, so as not to complicate the situation

Sugar analysis: preparation, interpretation of results

Sugar analysis: preparation, interpretation of results

Doctors order a sugar test if they suspect diabetes. Also, this study must be regularly carried out for he althy people for preventive purposes. Glucose is a substance that is involved in all energy processes in the body. Deviations in sugar levels adversely affect human he alth. The initial stages of hypo- and hyperglycemia may be asymptomatic. In these cases, only a blood test helps to determine the early signs of the disease

What neurosurgeons treat: a description of the medical speci alty

What neurosurgeons treat: a description of the medical speci alty

From this article you will learn the answer to the questions: what neurosurgeons treat, what diagnostic methods they use in their work

Tree-Man Disease: History, Causes and Medical Facts

Tree-Man Disease: History, Causes and Medical Facts

Tree Man became famous in 2007 after showing the film from the series "My Horrible Story". Did the unique patient manage to recover from a mysterious illness and how did his fate turn out? You will learn about it by reading this article

Proserin test, or proserin test: indications for the procedure

Proserin test, or proserin test: indications for the procedure

Myasthenia gravis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of weakness and fatigue of the muscles. Paralysis often occurs due to muscle weakness. Most often, the disease affects the muscles of the eyes, face, tongue, lips, throat, neck and larynx. The disease is prone to progression, so it is necessary to have an idea about the symptoms and causes of myasthenia gravis

When is the tetanus shot given? Should I be vaccinated against tetanus?

When is the tetanus shot given? Should I be vaccinated against tetanus?

How dangerous is a disease like tetanus? Do I need to be vaccinated to protect against it and can they be abandoned if necessary? What are the consequences for those who have already become infected, and what should be done to avoid getting sick? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article

Genetic screening: doctor's appointment, types of screening, rules of conduct, time of conduct, indications and contraindications

Genetic screening: doctor's appointment, types of screening, rules of conduct, time of conduct, indications and contraindications

Modern knowledge from the field of genetics has already entered the phase of its practical application in applied medicine. Today, scientists have developed a set of genetic screenings, or tests that can identify genes that are the root cause of not only hereditary diseases, but also certain body conditions

Assay for lactose deficiency in infants

Assay for lactose deficiency in infants

If a child has a lactose intolerance, doctors prescribe a lactose deficiency test. This pathology usually occurs in children, only 15% of adults have a similar enzyme disorder. Poor digestibility of nutrients from milk becomes a serious problem for the child, especially for infants. After all, an adult can refuse to use products with lactose. For an infant, mother's milk and formulas are the main food

How to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness?

How to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness?

Drowsiness: signs, causes, ways to fight. How to get rid of fatigue and laziness. Causes of fatigue

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and advice from an endocrinologist

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and advice from an endocrinologist

Autoimmune thyroiditis is not such a terrible disease if it is not started. Unfortunately, it is not treated entirely, like diabetes mellitus. However, this does not mean that a person should consider himself doomed

What does the electroencephalogram of the brain show? The course of the procedure, description, purpose and reviews

What does the electroencephalogram of the brain show? The course of the procedure, description, purpose and reviews

The article gives an answer to the question "What does the electroencephalogram of the brain show", and also describes the algorithm for the procedure

Intrathecal drug administration

Intrathecal drug administration

Today, medicine uses several methods of introducing drugs into the patient's body. One of them is intrathecal administration. The second name for this manipulation is endolumbar infusion. Unlike parenteral infusion, this method involves the delivery of the drug directly into the intrathecal space of the brain. What is intrathecal drug administration?

Norm OAM in children: indications for analysis, rules for collecting urine, decoding of tests, norm and pathology and consultations of pediatricians

Norm OAM in children: indications for analysis, rules for collecting urine, decoding of tests, norm and pathology and consultations of pediatricians

One of the most common tests at any age is a complete urinalysis (CUA). The norm in children and adults indicates the satisfactory functioning of the urinary system and the absence of pathologies, disorders in the body. Depending on age, reference values may differ significantly. The OAM norm in children is an indicator of the full development, formation of internal organs and systems

"Bioptron": reviews, indications for use, instructions

"Bioptron": reviews, indications for use, instructions

The device "Bioptron" eliminates various diseases. Thanks to the optical system, the light of the lamp is polarized, which is a real breakthrough in the field of medicine. Operation of the device eliminates side effects, which simplifies its use at home

Omron inhaler: price, reviews. Omron inhaler (nebulizer)

Omron inhaler: price, reviews. Omron inhaler (nebulizer)

The Omron inhaler is a popular device in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Such a nebulizer should be in every home where there are small children. Today we will find out what are the advantages of the Omron brand device, as well as which model is recognized by both parents and their children

Sinus X-ray: where to do it?

Sinus X-ray: where to do it?

Features of the x-ray of the sinuses. The main contraindications for diagnosis and interpretation of the results. What can be determined in the picture of the sinuses and maxillary sinuses with sinusitis

Larynx: functions and structure. Functions of the human larynx

Larynx: functions and structure. Functions of the human larynx

Everything in the human body is thought out to the smallest detail, and each individual organ is responsible for its own area of work. Right now I want to talk about what the larynx is. The functions and structure of this organ will be discussed in this article

Intraventricular blockade: causes, symptoms, diagnostic features, types and recommendations of cardiologists

Intraventricular blockade: causes, symptoms, diagnostic features, types and recommendations of cardiologists

Intraventricular blockade is a disease characterized by disturbances in the conduction of electrical impulses through the ventricles of the heart, due to the influence of various factors on the heart, but these factors may not exist. This pathology can develop in patients of different ages. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in old age. Blockades can also occur in children, about 5 out of 100,000

The life-giving force of nature, or how much water you need to drink a day

The life-giving force of nature, or how much water you need to drink a day

How to calculate how much water you need to drink per day, what modern theories exist for determining the required amount of fluid per day for a person, and why and how to drink mind? Answers to all these burning questions - in the article