Throughout life, starting from an early age, every person must be vaccinated against a number of different diseases without fail. Among them is tetanus - an infectious pathology caused by the ingestion of microorganisms called clostridium (lat. Clostridium tetani) into the human body. The main habitat for these bacteria is soil, saliva and animal feces. They get to people through various kinds of open injuries. Of course, the daily life of both children and adults is impossible without injuries that violate the integrity of both the skin and mucous membranes. And if subsequently the wound becomes contaminated with soil elements, then in the absence of immunity to tetanus, this can become an impetus for the development of infection.

In order for the human body to develop immunity to the disease, it is necessary to introduce special vaccines containing toxoid and neurotoxin. When a tetanus shot is given, these substances enter the bloodstream, activatingimmune system activity and producing protective antibodies.
Combination vaccine
In Russia, in most cases, children are vaccinated containing two components at once: tetanus toxoid and diphtheria. They contribute to the formation of immunity immediately to two infections dangerous to humans. The first is no different from what is used in single preparations, the second can be complete or low-dose. Pediatricians recommend that parents who are thinking about whether to vaccinate their child against diphtheria and tetanus give preference to combined vaccines. At the same time, it must be remembered that a drug containing a complete toxoid is intended for children under 7 years old, and with a low-dose one, for older children and adults.

Isolated vaccine
These drugs are used in the immunization of the population of any age group. It is mandatory to administer them to pregnant women before childbirth, if they have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus. Such a measure reduces the risk of both maternal and neonatal (infant) tetanus to almost zero. In addition, anti-tetanus antibodies are passed from mother to newborn, which provides the child with protection against infection for up to two months after birth. From the age of three months, children are immunized against tetanus.
Very often, young parents are interested in how many vaccinations are given against tetanus to children. You should know that in order to form a complete immunity to infection,the child is given five doses of tetanus toxoid vaccine. For small citizens of Russia, three of them are held at the age of up to 1 year, the fourth - at 1.5 years, and the fifth - at 6 or 7 years. Also in our country, revaccination is recommended for adults, especially women of childbearing age, every 10 years. This measure contributes to lifelong immunity to infection.
Immunization needed?
Hardly the most important question for many is: "Should I get a tetanus shot?" This infection is very dangerous and often fatal. In 2012, more than 200,000 such cases were recorded on the planet, with the majority being maternal and infant deaths. Tetanus toxin affects the nerve trunks, which leads to severe convulsions and contractions of all human muscles, including the respiratory one. It is her spasm caused by infection that causes the death of the disease in most people.
The causative agent of tetanus located in the soil, with any contact of the wound surface with dirt, is potentially dangerous in terms of the possibility of infection. Immunization reduces these risks to a minimum. It is relevant for those groups of both adults and children who work and live in constant contact with the soil. These are employees of agricultural enterprises, residents of areas remote from large settlements.

At the same time, people living in cities get sick at least as often as those who live far from them. After all, everyone, especially children, fall,can break your knees or elbows. Children tend to fight, bite and scratch each other. Damage to the skin and mucous membranes is not uncommon, and urban dirt, soil, dust and animal feces can get into the wound. If a person is not vaccinated, then the probability of infection is high, since the bacteria that cause the infection live in large numbers in both urban and rural soil, and everyone is at risk of getting sick, regardless of the environment.
What you need to know about tetanus?
It must be remembered that infection is very easy, the disease is severe, and the likelihood of death is very high. And if after that you are still thinking about whether to get a tetanus vaccine, then doctors recommend not risking your he alth and life, but making it mandatory.
Do not discount the fact that the disease can lead to death in 10-70% of patients, and the lack of treatment with tetanus toxoid will lead to death with a 100% probability. Also, we should not forget that if the patient successfully transferred the infection and fully recovered, then there is no guarantee that he will not become infected again. In other words, a person who has had tetanus once can easily become infected with it again, and a single entry of bacteria into the body does not develop immunity to it, as is the case with some other infections.
Therefore, it must be remembered that the only way to develop resistance to tetanus is through vaccination. Moreover, immunity strengthens a certain number of vaccinations, whichcarried out in accordance with the established schedule. This will allow the person not to worry about the risk of infection.
Adult Immunization
Most people, unfortunately, do not know when they get a tetanus shot, which puts their he alth at risk. As mentioned earlier, in accordance with official documents signed by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation, vaccination of adults is carried out every 10 years, if the person has already been vaccinated before. In primary immunization, two doses are administered with a break of 1 month between them. A year later, the third vaccination is carried out, which is considered a full course. After this, the vaccine should be administered according to the schedule, which contributes to the acquisition of immunity to tetanus. Students, military personnel, construction industry workers, diggers, railway workers, as well as those who live in regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation for tetanus, must be vaccinated.

Emergency vaccination
If situations arise that may result in infection, a prophylactic dose of the vaccine is mandatory in the event of the expiration of 5 years after the full course of immunization. These cases include animal bites, injuries, frostbite and burns, home births, operations on the digestive tract and criminal abortions. At first glance, it may seem that in such a situation, especially after vaccination, a tetanus vaccination is not necessary. When done in one of the above cases, the patient can be sure that hewon't get sick. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse the introduction of serum in any case.
Child Immunization
Earlier, we have already said that a complex immunobiological preparation containing anti-tetanus, anti-diphtheria and anti-pertussis components is used to vaccinate a child. In the presence of a strong reaction to the latter, a vaccination can be made containing the first two. The full course includes five doses, which are administered at 3, 4, 5, 6 months, 1.5 years and 6-7 years. After that, stable immunity to tetanus is formed, and re-introduction is necessary, as mentioned above, in accordance with the schedule established by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation. Primarily it is carried out at the age of 14-16 years.

About revaccination
It's no secret that after the introduction of certain drugs that produce immunity to a particular infection, revaccination is necessary. The tetanus shot is no exception. “When is it made to strengthen immunity?” - this is the question that worries the majority of the population. We have already said that the child is vaccinated from 3 months after birth to 6 or 7 years. If all the vaccinations that make up the full course have been carried out, then this protection lasts 10 years, after which a second immunization is required. For a previously unvaccinated adult, three doses are required, two of which are given 1 month apart one after the other, and the last one after a year. After that, after 10 years, the introduction of the drug is again required. If you are not sure aboutwhen you need a revaccination, contact your doctor. He will give you accurate information about how often you get your tetanus shot and whether you should get it soon.
Where is the injection given?
An important issue is the place of injection of the vaccine. It should be remembered that if the drug is administered incorrectly, it can harm a person and lead to not the most pleasant consequences. Remember that a successful tetanus shot is the key to a successful immunization. “Where is this vaccine made for adults and children?” - you ask. First of all, it should be injected only into places with a well-developed muscle layer, where there is practically no subcutaneous fat and the skin is quite thin. For children under 3 years of age, insertion into the lateral surface of the thigh is recommended. In adults, the ideal place for a tetanus shot is the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and the back area under the shoulder blade. It is strongly not recommended to administer the vaccine into the buttock, since the muscles lie very deep there, while the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed. In this case, there is a risk of injecting the drug not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously. Remember that not only the protection of the immune system from infection, but also the he alth of the person as a whole depends on where the tetanus vaccine is given.
Immunization sites

Vaccine can be administered at the clinic where you live or work, at feldsher-obstetric stations or medical centers that specialize in vaccinationpopulation. Each of them allows the use of only high-quality drugs that are officially registered and approved for administration to the population of the Russian Federation. Turning to any of these institutions, the patient, when vaccinated against tetanus, can be sure that he is being injected with a vaccine developed in accordance with all sanitary standards of the Russian Federation.
What to do after the injection?
After the immunization procedure, a person can lead a normal life, and rare vaccination reactions, such as arm pain, redness, swelling, induration, or a formed bump will not cause any harm to the body and will pass on their own. The only real problem is the rise in temperature. It needs to be knocked down, and if it does not subside within a few days, you should consult a doctor, since prolonged fever has nothing to do with the introduction of the vaccine. Otherwise, the vaccine is completely safe and in no way limits the usual rhythm of life. Nevertheless, it is recommended not to wet the injection site for 2-3 days, and also to refrain from all of the following:
- drinking alcohol;
- active sports;
- pool swimming;
- visiting baths and saunas.

After vaccination, a light diet is indicated with a maximum intake of warm liquids and a minimum of physical activity.
Vaccination rarely leads to various kinds of burdens, that is, long-term and severe disorders. people whenvaccinated against tetanus, should be prepared for the fact that they may experience anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, rashes, convulsive activity, dermatitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis, rhinitis, as well as unpleasant post-vaccination reactions: severe itching at the injection site, sweating, diarrhea and intestinal dysbacteriosis. However, such cases are quite rare.
Due to the low reactogenicity of tetanus vaccines, there are practically no bans on staging. They are contraindicated only in those who have had allergic reactions or neurological disorders since the last injection. Everything else is only temporary: periods of recurrence of any diseases, including influenza, acute respiratory infections; exacerbation of allergic reactions, diathesis or eczema; immunodeficiency states; presence of high temperature. This means that after the condition returns to normal, vaccination is necessary. And, of course, before that, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you exactly when to administer the vaccine.
For those who are still thinking about whether to get a tetanus vaccine, I would like to say that this is a mandatory preventive measure for every person, and a timely injection will help save the life and he alth of both you and your family and friends.