Ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities is a modern highly informative method for studying blood supply, which allows you to track the most minor deviations from the norm in the state of arteries, peripheral capillaries, and veins in the legs. Diagnosis is carried out in clinics, diagnostic centers or in a hospital. The equipment is available in almost any medical institution where ultrasound examinations are performed. Doppler angiography and duplex scanning refine the diagnosis and allow the specialist to see the full clinical picture of the pathology.

Types of study
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities displays reliable information about the state of the blood lines - the lumen of the vessels, thinning or weakening of the venous walls, varicose veins, allows you to assess the blood flow. The specialist, on the basis of the study, evaluates the degree of damage to the circulatory system, the stage of the disease, the location of its location. Also, guidedthe conclusion received, the doctor draws conclusions about the work of the entire cardiovascular system.
To collect complete information, the modern diagnostic database uses several methods of analysis:
- Angiography is a type of ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, designed to check the condition of the highways (valve functionality, wall defects and lesions, the presence of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, wall thickness, the physiological location of the vessels, etc.).
- Doppler mapping - allows you to track the speed of blood flow, the patency of veins and arteries, evaluate the operation of valves and the tone of the walls of blood vessels. Demonstrates the presence of blood clots, aneurysms, varicose veins, disturbances in the movement of blood flow.
- Ultrasound method - duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities. Today it is considered the best research method that gives the most accurate picture of the state of the circulatory system. Allows you to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the blood flow, the condition of the walls, any types of blockages, detects functional and organic pathologies of arteries and veins.
- Triplex scanning is a type of duplex examination that allows you to examine veins, arteries and their location in the form of a three-dimensional diagram. The method is relevant in preparation for surgical interventions, so that the surgeon can navigate in the operating field.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a full range of ultrasound examinations to thoroughly analyze the condition of the external and deep veins, arteries and capillaries. This amount of effort is most often spent on patientsfirst-time visits to the doctor about pain in the legs and diagnosed with chronic diseases.
Indications for research
The appointment for the study is given by a phlebologist. Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities should be performed with the following complaints and signs:
- Persistent feeling of tiredness in the legs, which does not go away after a night's sleep and is not associated with additional physical activity.
- Pain and heaviness in the legs worse in the afternoon.
- Edema, discoloration of limbs (permanent or intermittent).
- Feeling of numbness, tingling.
- Inadequate reaction to cold (itching, redness, "blueness").
- Vascular asterisks.
- Inadequate pigmentation in crimson, dove shades.
- Calf and stop cramps.
- Reduced temperature of the feet at any time of the year.

When at least one of these signs appears, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and establish the cause of the ailment, the degree of threat. with timely access to a specialist, it becomes possible to get rid of the disease in the early stages or stabilize the condition with conservative methods of therapy.
Chronic disease surveillance
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities should be regularly performed in patients with chronic venous and arterial pathologies of the circulatory system in the legs.
Surveillance requires the following diseases:
- Thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis.
- Varicosis, sugardiabetes, lymphedema.
- Enarteritis, venous insufficiency.
- Post thrombotic syndrome.
- Post-operative period, etc.
Accessibility and simplicity make it possible to conduct ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in a clinic, hospital, diagnostic center. A routine check-up, as part of monitoring the course of a chronic disease, helps the patient and doctor understand how well the conservative treatment is progressing, what additional measures can be taken, and possibly make a verdict on the need for surgery.
Why research matters
The single circulatory system of the legs consists of three venous parts, some lines cannot be seen or felt. Therefore, it is so important to do ultrasound of the deep veins of the lower extremities, superficial and peripheral systems. Modern methods of ultrasound diagnostics allow you to examine in detail all three blood components, and if necessary, do this in several projections.
The deep veins are the most endangered, they are not visible to the naked eye, they are devoid of muscle fibers, but they experience a powerful load - almost 90% of the blood runs along these highways. Ultrasound scanning and Doppler diagnostics allow a specialist to evaluate the work of veins that are not visible to the eye, and to understand what the problem is, if any.
The doctor examines the following vessels:
- Saphenous veins (small, large).
- Inferior vena cava.
- Popliteal, iliac veins.
- Femoral and deep veins of the leg.
For each groupveins have their own normal values, any deviations from which are an application for a disease, even if there are no obvious external signs, discomfort or clinical manifestations of the lesion. Early diagnosis helps to avoid the development of the disease and take adequate measures to prevent possible pathologies.

How the procedure works
It is unlikely that there will be a person who does not know what an ultrasound examination is and has not undergone this procedure at least once in his life. Approximately all patients understand how ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is done. The entire session takes no more than 60 minutes.
To access the examined vessels, it is necessary to remove clothing that covers the legs, underwear does not need to be removed. The skin areas are treated with a contact gel. During the study, the patient takes the position of the body, which is necessary for a thorough diagnosis. Often, a change of three positions is required - lying on the back, lying on the stomach and standing to detect vascular pathologies during exercise.
During the scanning period, the doctor moves the sensor along the skin area, at this moment on the monitor, in the current time mode, an image of the vessels appears, changes are detected, blood flow is assessed. At the same time, many devices make it possible to hear the characteristic noises that the blood flow in the vessels emits. The examination is carried out by a phlebologist or a certified ultrasound specialist.
Research objectives:
- Make monitoring of the condition of tissues and blood veins.
- Evaluate functionalityvenous system, valves, each part of it separately.
- Confirm or refute the development of thrombophlebitis, changes in the walls of blood vessels.
- Track the anatomical features of the course of blood vessels, veins, arteries, capillary system.
The operator who performed the diagnostics can give some comments on the results, but the doctor provides a full transcript. Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is a non-invasive, safe and accurate method of examination.

Additional features
During the process, the patient may be asked to perform a series of specific actions, which is necessary to clarify the presence or absence of certain vascular lesions. The most informative and commonly used tests are the cough test and the Valsalva test. These procedures help the specialist rule out or confirm the presence of a blood clot.
The patient holds his breath, coughs, tightens his abdominals. With such actions, in a relatively he althy person, the venous flow is weakened during inhalation, and stabilizes during exhalation. If the venous valves are broken (fibrosis), then there is a reverse reflux of blood.
Staining, microbubble gas is sometimes used to obtain additional data, it is injected into the patient intravenously. The drug does not harm he alth and is excreted from the body during breathing without a trace. Preparation for ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is not required, diagnostics are carried out at any time.
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is absolutelysafe and can be used even on infants and pregnant women, but there are a number of limitations associated with the method of observation.
These diseases and conditions are not diagnosed:
- Open wounds on the legs, injuries or extensive burns.
- Infectious lesions of the skin in the acute phase.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Heart failure, acute cerebrovascular accident.
- Asthma attacks, cardiac arrhythmias.
Restrictions are related to the condition of the patient. Ultrasound diagnostics are carried out in the supine position, which in a patient with cardiovascular pathologies can cause a sudden onset of the disease or exacerbate the course of the chronic form of the disease.
Open wounds and burns are not carried out due to the inability to apply contact gel and carry out any movement on the surface of the body. Specialists experience difficulties in diagnosing the state of blood vessels, especially deep veins, in patients with obesity, visualization is distorted, often blurred.

What ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities shows
The task of complex ultrasound diagnostics is to analyze the current functional state of the circulatory system of the lower extremities, identify violations in its work, and determine the localization of problems.
In conclusion, the specialist describes possible diseases and general indications:
- Varicosis is a pathology of the walls of blood vessels, causing dysfunction of the venous valves and affecting the outflow of blood.
- Deep vein thrombosis - the formation of blood clots (thrombi) in the lumen of blood vessels and obstructing blood flow. Blood clots are life-threatening.
- Atherosclerosis is the development of plaque in the form of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. The lack of adequate therapy provokes the development of thrombosis, weakening of the venous walls, narrowing of the diameter of the vessels, and obstruction of blood flow.
- Endarteritis is a lesion, followed by inflammation, of the arterial capillaries. The process can move to large arteries.
- Phlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the vessels of the veins. Provokes thrombosis.
These diseases are the most common, caused by bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, obesity, environmental influences and many other factors.
Deciphering the results of ultrasound diagnostics should be entrusted to an experienced doctor with a high level of qualification, he will be able to determine what is not visible in the pictures. For example, with high calcification of small vessels, they will not be visible in imaging, a specialist with broad knowledge will note this in the verdict.
What is written in the conclusion
Qualified interpretation of the results of ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities allows you to identify even the slightest deviations in the work of the circulatory system. You can entrust the interpretation of the study only to an experienced doctor - a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon.

The specialist evaluates the following indicators:
- Vmax is the maximum value of blood flow velocity.
- Vmin –minimum blood flow rate.
- RI is an indicator of vascular resistance.
- PI – Pulsation Index.
- TIM - thickness of vessel membranes (inner and middle).
Each blood line has its own norm indicators, based on which the specialist determines the state of the patient's vessels. Doing it yourself, relying on averaged data, will not work.
The ultrasound procedure is available to almost all citizens. For example, how much will it cost to do an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in Moscow? The price for the procedure varies significantly depending on the complex of studies and the place where it is carried out.
With a high degree of informativeness of this type of diagnostics, it is additional. On the basis of ultrasound, the doctor cannot establish a definitive diagnosis. To clarify it, the patient needs a comprehensive study of many he alth indicators, including laboratory tests, a series of certain tests, MRI, etc.
Where to study
For help and diagnosis, patients turn to a phlebologist in a clinic or medical center. After a superficial examination, the specialist will definitely prescribe a study and tell you where to do an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities. Devices are available in any clinic, diagnostic, consultation center, where equipment for ultrasound diagnostics is installed.
You can also apply for help to large public hospitals that have a vascular surgery department, in which case it will be possible to undergo a study for free. Ultrasound of the veinslower limbs at home is carried out if the patient cannot arrive at the medical facility. To receive the service, a doctor is called from the clinic, the cost of diagnostics with the visit of a doctor and equipment will be more expensive.
The price for ultrasound diagnostics of the lower extremities is formed depending on how much work and research will have to be done, which vessels and veins will be covered in the diagnosis. The procedure for ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in Moscow (we indicate the average price) is from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Who is at risk
Provoke vein diseases acquired, congenital, age-related factors or environmental effects.
Congenital include:
Heredity (family history, coagulation defects, etc.)
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Obesity, neoplasms.
- Chronic diseases.
- Varicosis, infectious diseases.
- Nephrotic syndrome, plaster fixation.
- Injuries, surgeries.
- Pregnancy, postpartum period.
- Negative environmental impact.
- Myeloproliferative diseases.
- Central venous catheter.
- Long or constant use of medications.
- Excessive exercise, bedridden patients.
- Long journey in sitting position.
Ultrasound examination is not final for the formation of a verdict on the disease. In custodythe specialist describes the general condition of the external and deep veins, arteries, finds the reasons for the deviation of the blood flow from the norm or states the fact of the weakening of the venous wall, demonstrates the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a complex of studies and tests, their obligatory part is ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities.