Infectionists in Moscow: where they accept, addresses of clinics, how to make an appointment

Infectionists in Moscow: where they accept, addresses of clinics, how to make an appointment
Infectionists in Moscow: where they accept, addresses of clinics, how to make an appointment

"Where can I find an infectious disease specialist in Moscow?" - such a question is asked by those who felt the first signs of infection with the virus or simply want to undergo a quality scheduled examination. Choosing the right doctor should be based on patient reviews, as well as personal information, including experience, category and medical degree. To avoid mistakes for sure, you should read the list of the best infectious disease specialists in Moscow.

Estremsky I. I

Estremsky I. I
Estremsky I. I

Estremsky Igor Ivanovich - infectious disease specialist of Moscow of the highest category. The candidate of sciences has been working in his speci alty for 13 years. The people's rating of Igor Ivanovich, which consists of the level of qualification and the number of positive reviews, is 8.03 out of 10.

Patients note the high level of professionalism of the doctor. Igor Ivanovich is sensitive, knows how to work in emergency situations, shows empathy for his patients. Infectionist friendly adviceand sensibly prescribes additional tests to more accurately determine the diagnosis.

You can make an appointment in Moscow with the infectious disease specialist Estremsky at the following addresses:

  • Center "EuromedClinic 24" at the address: street 3rd Post Office, 102.
  • Clinic "Miracle Doctor" on Shkolnaya, 49.
  • Clinic "MedLux" on Sirenevy Boulevard, 32-a.

In the "Miracle Doctor" in Moscow, a paid infectious disease specialist Igor Ivanovich takes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from nine in the morning until half past three in the afternoon. The cost of providing medical services - from 2200 rubles. Opening hours and cost in the other two institutions must be found out separately.

Galina M. V

Infectionist Marina Vyacheslavovna Galina has been working for the benefit of people for 34 years. During this time, she has a large number of regular customers who write laudatory reviews online. Galina's rating is 7, 98 out of 10.

Marina Vyacheslavovna is an indisputable professional in her field. Patients are convinced that specialist Galina does not know the word "indifference". She always very carefully examines all parts of the body. Doubting something, he will always prescribe an additional examination or repeated tests. Taking into account the rhythm of the patient's life, the doctor will advise the most effective and modern treatment.

A free appointment with an infectious disease specialist in Moscow under the compulsory medical insurance policy is provided by the AIDS Prevention Center at the address: 8th Street Sokolina Gora, 15, building 5, where Galina Marina Vyacheslavovna works.

Myltsev A. A

In the clinic"Trustmed" at Taganka is a highly professional infectious disease specialist Andrey Anatolyevich Myltsev. The specialist of the first category has thirty-four years of experience. Doctor rating - 7, 81 out of 10.

Professionalism and competence of Andrey Anatolyevich leave only positive impressions in patients. The reviews write that the doctor knows how to establish a special thread of mutual understanding and trust between himself and the visitor. He spares no time to get to the bottom of the problem and make the right decision regarding future treatment.

Alexander Anatolyevich sees patients at the Trustmed clinic from Monday to Thursday. Opening hours: Tuesday - 10:00-14:30, other days - 15:00-20:30. The cost of medical services from the Moscow infectious disease specialist Myltsev is 2450 rubles. Address of the medical institution: Alexander Solzhenitsyn street, 5, building 1.

Akobyan A. S

Akopyan A. S
Akopyan A. S

Moscow infectious disease specialist Alexander Stepanovich Akopyan has the highest category. He has been in the profession for 34 years and during this time he managed to establish himself as a highly qualified specialist. Popular rating - 7.57 out of 10.

Working with children, Hakobyan knows how to find an approach to them - young patients are not afraid, and parents calmly trust the doctor. The doctor's clients write on the Web that there are no such hospital conditions anywhere, and this is definitely the merit of the doctor Alexander Stepanovich - what a head of the department, such a staff. Attentiveness and the ability to listen to both the parent and the child are highly appreciated by patients treated by Dr. Hakobyan.

Alexander Stepanovich works at the Children's Hospital No. 9 named after Speransky, which is located at Shmitovsky Proezd, 29.

Andreev A. V

Alexander Viktorovich Andreev is a qualified infectious disease specialist of the second category. The seven-year work experience of a doctor testifies to the great experience in medical practice. Online rating - 7, 27 out of 10

Among the reviews about the work of doctor Andreev, there are no negative ones. Everyone who managed to get an appointment with an infectious disease specialist in Moscow writes about the amazing positive aura of Alexander Viktorovich. In a difficult situation, he will never give up, but will try to find a solution to the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Sign up for an appointment with Dr. Andreev and find out the current prices of his medical services at:

  • Center "VV Clinic" on Mikhailova street, 29.
  • Amita Center on Novinsky Boulevard, 8.
  • Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2 at the address: 8th Street of Falcon Mountain, 15.

Batalova S. I

Batalova S. I
Batalova S. I

Infectious disease doctor in Moscow Batalova Svetlana Ivanovna has been practicing medicine for 31 years. With the highest medical category and many positive reviews on the Web, the doctor deserves a rating of 7, 24 out of 10.

They write about Svetlana Ivanovna that she is a professional of the highest level. They note not only its medical qualities, but also universal ones. The doctor has patience, ability to listen, tactful honesty. Her ability to calm the patient in a difficult life situation, as well as the ability to demonstrateconfidence in decision-making helps people to overcome this or that disease faster and easier.

Dr. Batalova is waiting for patients at the Medline-Service center, which is located at 62 Khoroshevskoye Highway and 47 Festivalnaya Street.

Donin I. M

Igor Mikhailovich Donin is an infectious disease specialist in Moscow with twenty-five years of experience in medicine. His rating on the Internet, based on popular opinion, is 7.06 out of 10.

Many, evaluating the work of the doctor on a 100-point system, write that Igor Mikhailovich deserves the highest rating. For some, the appointment and treatment with Dr. Donin became a direct ticket to life. Patients who have visited an infectious disease specialist say that if all representatives of medicine were as sensitive as Donin, visiting medical institutions would only be a joy.

You can get to Igor Mikhailovich for an appointment at the following institutions:

  • Morozov Children's Hospital, 4th Dobryninsky Lane, 1/9.
  • Perinatal Center, Sevastopol Avenue, 24

Lapa L. G

Lapa L. G
Lapa L. G

Lyudmila Grigorievna Lapa - infectious disease specialist of the highest category. He has been in the medical practice for 46 years. Her professional level meets the highest requirements of modern medicine. The doctor has a rating of 7.06 out of 10.

Patients note the competence, kindness and sensitivity of Lyudmila Grigoryevna. Her approach to performing her medical duties is characterized by calmness and confidence. On the Web, patients thank the specialist for help in the early beginningrehabilitation process.

Dr. Lapa practices at the Medical Center for Immunocorrection named after Khodanova, where he is also the General Director. The cost of medical services - from 2400 rubles. You can make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist in Moscow at: Davydkovskaya street, 6.

Tyukaeva E. Ya

Another highly qualified specialist in the field of infectology is Tyukaeva Elmira Yakhievna. Behind her back is an experience equal to 27 years of medical practice. The people's rating of the infectious disease specialist is 6.43 out of 10.

Dr. Tyukaeva is praised for her responsiveness and desire to help her patient as quickly and efficiently as possible. The doctor carefully and scrupulously studies the medical history, responsibly approaches the examination and prescribing tests, and also selects the best treatment for the visitor's speedy recovery.

Elmira Yakhievna is ready to receive patients at polyclinic No. 69, which is located at the address: 2nd Vladimirskaya Street, 31A

Efremova O. S

Efremova O. S
Efremova O. S

For ten years of medical practice, Efremova Oksana Stanislavovna not only reached the highest medical category, but also achieved the degree of candidate of sciences. Patient reviews have increased the rating of the infectious disease specialist in Moscow to 6, 15 out of 10.

Brilliant mind and legibility in the most difficult situations - something like this about Dr. Efremov her patients. The reviews write about the doctor's great sense of humor and the unusual atmosphere in her office. They also note the doctor's pronounced love for his profession.

Make an appointment with OksanaStanislavovna can be at the Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, whose building is located at Novogireevskaya Street, 3/A.

Makhankova G. G

Galina Gennadievna Makhankova is an infectious disease specialist of the highest category with decent work experience. She has been providing medical care to people for 44 years. The rating of Dr. Makhankova on the Web is 6.03 out of 10.

The reviews say that it is difficult to meet a doctor like Galina Gennadievna even in paid hospitals, let alone a simple clinic with several queues and many dissatisfied visitors. Cold-blooded endurance, human understanding and sympathy help a professional doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Shachinova E. Sh

Shachinova Elina Shamilyevna has been in the profession for more than ten years. The doctor has a second medical category and a lot of reviews, to which Elina Shamilyevna always responds with pleasure, keeping in touch with her patients. Rating - 5, 83 out of 10.

The medical opinion of Dr. Shachinova is valued, they listen to it, and also try to follow it. Elina Shamilyevna tries her best to console the visitor who finds himself in a difficult situation and help him get rid of the illness as soon as possible. The reviews write that Shachinova is not just a wonderful doctor, but also just a "golden" person.

You can get an appointment and treatment with Elina Shamilyevna by signing up at polyclinic No. 205, whichlocated at the address: Profsoyuznaya street, 111A.

Ovchinnikova N. I

Natalya Ivanovna Ovchinnikova has a medical degree of Candidate of Sciences and the highest category. For 30 years of work, she was able to help thousands of sick people. Doctor rating - 5, 22 out of 10.

A huge number of patients speak of Dr. Ovchinnikova. They write that Natalya Ivanovna not only prescribes the necessary correct treatment, but also carefully monitors its process, correcting it in places to speed up recovery. People turn to her for help with a difficult medical case, but the doctor will always find a way to help the patient.

Natalya Ivanovna works at the TrustMed center on Taganka. Patients are admitted three days a week: Tuesday, Thursday - 18:00-20:30, Saturday - 10:00-17:30. Cost - 2450. The medical institution is located at the address: Alexander Solzhenitsyn street, 5, building 1.

Koroid N. V

Koroid N. V
Koroid N. V

Koroid Natalya Viktorovna - infectious disease specialist of the highest category. She has been in the profession for 19 years. Based on the results of popular reviews, Natalya Viktorovna has a rating of 5.00 out of 10.

Head of the department Koroid knows how to work in emergency situations. They write that even with a heavy workload, the doctor will always fulfill his duties with maximum efficiency. Patients especially appreciate her attentiveness and unsurpassed approach to children.

You can make an appointment with Dr. Koroid at the Tushino Children's City Hospital at the address: Geroev Panfilovtsev Street, 28.

Pischasov S. V

Sergey Viktorovich Pischasov inprofession for 12 years. On the Web, the infectious disease doctor has earned a lot of accolades and has a popular rating of 4, 50 out of 10.

They write that Dr. Pischasov is attentive, vigilant and responsive. He is always open to dialogue, can answer any question and will always tell you everything you need. Pischasov impresses visitors who find themselves in a difficult situation with calmness and confidence in their work. Those who were worried that the disease would not recede are now completely he althy.

Sergey Viktorovich receives patients at the Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2 at the address: 8th Street of Sokolina Gora, 15.

Uchaikin G. F

Uchaikin G. F
Uchaikin G. F

Professor of Medical Sciences Gennady Fedorovich Uchaikin has been practicing medicine for 40 years. During this time, he published more than 120 scientific publications and patented two inventions in the field of infectology. Rating - 4, 44 out of 10.

The reviews say that Dr. Uchaikin is a very good infectious disease specialist and not only. He understands not only the field of his focus, but can also help in solving various other medical issues. Patients from all over the country travel to the professor for consultations.

Gennady Fedorovich accepts at addresses:

  • Children's consultative and diagnostic center Pirogov at the address: Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya street, 65.
  • Medical center "Bratislava" on Bratislavskaya street, 8.
  • Medical center "Bratislava" on Guryanov street, 2, building 1.

Chekulaeva N. P

Chekulaeva Natalya Petrovna -highly qualified specialist. Dr. Chekulaeva with a rating of 3, 64 out of 10 has thirty-four years of experience. Moscow infectious disease doctor at the Miracle Doctor clinic works according to the schedule: Thursday - 16:00-20:30, Saturday - 10:00-14:30

Natalya Petrovna knows how to competently and sensibly explain to the patient why he fell ill, and how not to get sick again in the future. The reviews say that they are very happy that they have found such a wonderful specialist.

The cost of medical services - from 2200. Natalia Petrovna receives patients in the "Miracle Doctor" on Shkolnaya, 49.
